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oor读[?:]:door floor oor读[??]:poor

or在重读音节中读[?:]:or for short sport or在[w]后读[?:]:work word world or读[?]:doctor forget mirror ore读[?:]:more before

ou在多数情况下读[a?]:out about house blouse ou在ght前读[?:]:bought brought thought ou读[^]:touch country enough young ou读[u:]:soup group through ou读[??]:shoulder though ou读[?]:cough

ou读[?]:delicious previous oul读[?]:could would should our读[?:]:four your

our读[?:]:journalist journal our读[?]:colour our读[??]:tour

our读[a??]:our hour ow读[a?]:how now cow

ow读[??]:show know yellow window owe或ower读[a??]:towel flower oy读[??]:boy toy employee

Ⅴ. 元音字母u及u+其他字母的读音 u在重读开音节中读[ju:]:student Tuesday u在重读闭音节中读[^]:bus sun but cut up us

u处于开音节位置,又在辅音字母j,l,r,s后读[u:]:June fluency February Sue u在重读闭音节中还读[?]:put sugar full push u在非重读音节中读[?]:minus autumn u读[?]:busy minute u读[e]:bury

ui读[ju:]或[j??,ju:?]:suit suicide

l,r,j+ui时,ui读作[u:]或[??,u:?]:sluise fruit juice fluid ruin ui读[?]:build building

ur在重读音节中读[?:]:nurse turn hurt Thursday ur读[?]:surprise Saturday ure读[??]:sure

ure在非重读音节中读[?]:picture pleasure ure在重读音节中读[j??]:cure

Ⅵ.21个辅音字母及辅音字母组合的读音 b读[b]:bag by bed boy bus blue

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bt,mb在词尾时,b不发音:debt climb comb bb读[b]:rabbit cabbage

c在字母e,i,y前读[s]:nice city cycle

c在字母a,o,u,l,r,t前或在音节末尾读[k]:cat come cut clock cry picture bloc c+ia,ie,io时,c读[?]:special sufficient delicious

cc+a,o,u或l时,cc读[k]:occasion according occupy acclaim cc+e,i时,cc读[ks]:accept accident ch读[t?]:chair much lunch China

ch读[k]:school Christmas chemistry technique technology stomach ch读[?]:machine ch读[d?]:sandwich

ck读[k]:black duck clock jacket cock d读[d]:desk door day dog dd读[d]:add daddy middle

dge读[d?]:bridge porridge judge

dr读[dr]:dress drive hundred children ds读[dz]:beds birds hands friends des读[dz]:decides

f读[f]:five fish fine family fifteen f读[v]:of

ff读[f]:off coffee ften读[f?n]:often g读[g]:go girl big get

g在e前读[d?]:age page huge orange g读[d?]:gentle gentleman general gg读[g]:egg bigger biggest ge读[?]:garage

gh在i,ei,ai,ou,au后不发音:right eight straight bought daughter gh读[f]:laugh enough

gh在词首时,读[g]:ghyll ghost

gn,gm在词尾时,g常无声:sign phlegm gu在词首读[g]:guess

gu在词中读[gw]:language gue在词尾读[g]:dialogue

h读[h]:he her have hand head hair h不发音:hour

wh读[w]:what why where white wh在o前读[h]:who whom whose gh在词首时,h不发音:ghyll ghost j读[d?]:jump jacket just June Jim j读[j]:Jensen ja hallelujah jaap

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n在[k][ g]前读[?]:pink English n在k后读[n]:know knife n在m后读[n]:mnemonics nn读[n]:Ann

ng在词尾读[?]:sing long young morning ng在词中读[?g]:English finger nk读[?k]:thank think ink pink

p读[p]:pen map help cheap pencil paper pp读[p]:apple happy appear

ph读[f]:photo phone elephant photograph ps在词首时,p常不发音:psalm psywar q读[k]:Iraq coq

qu在词首读[kw]:queen quick que在词尾读[k]:unique technique r读[r]:red right three

rr读[r]:sorry worry hurry carry carrot wr读[r]:write wrong

s在词首读[s]:sit six some s在清辅音后读[s]:books likes

s在浊辅音和元音后读[z]:apples windows

s读[z](尤其是在两个元音字母之间):his is please music 元音字母+s+无音e:①n.,adj.读[s]:base use ②v.读[z]:lose use

词中的s,其后跟清辅音字母时,s读[s],其后跟浊辅音字母时,s读[z]:desk husband s读[?]:sure Asia

s读[?]:usually television pleasure sion读[??n]:television decision sten读[s?n]:listen stle读[stl]:whistle sure读[??]:pleasure

sc+i,e,y读[s]:science scene scythe sc+a,o,u读[sk]:scarf score scud ss读[s]:miss class glass grass ss读[?]:Russia profession ssion读[??n]:expression

sh读[?]:she shoe short shop wash t读[t]:ten time not get table t读[t]:picture question tch读[t?]:watch

t+ia,ie时,t读[?]:martial patient

sten,ften,stle中,t无声:listen often whistle

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tes读[ts]:kites gates dates

tt读[t]:bottle bottom little pretty tion读[??n]:station national patient [s]+tion时读[t??n]:question th读[θ]:three thank month thin th在pron.,art.,prep.,conj.中读[e]:this the with than 词尾the读[e]:breathe soythe 词尾ther读[e ?]:father mother brother sister tr读[tr]:tree trip try true truth

ts读[ts]:shirts hurts coats costs goats t’s读[ts]:Let’s

ture读[t??]:picture v读[v]:very five have

w读[w]:we window work walk w不发音:two

wh读[w]:what why where white wh在o前读[h]:who whom whose wr在词首读[r],w无声:write wrong x读[ks]:box six excuse next x读[gz]:exam exact example

y在重读开音节中读[ai]:my by why y在重读闭音节中读[i]:city very sorry y在词首读[j]:yes you year yellow yr读[i:]:myrtle

yr读[ai]:martyr satyr yre读[i]:tyre byre z读[z]:zoo zero z读[z]:seizure zz读[z]:buzz zz读[ts]:pizza

Alan 彭老师电话:18665963625 ,可以预约试听,并有外教推荐,主讲音标,自然拼读,中小学英语,熟悉新概念,朗文,剑桥等教材,主编有MBA考试口语,词汇,阅读理解系列教材!

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