20. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 21. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
In line 55, \ mislead swindle deprive elude victimize
In lines 54-57 (\ ... brooded\ annoyed at having been summoned to judge Zeuxis' work
regretful that he had not worked harder to perfect his own artistic skills proud that a fellow artist had created such a realistic work secretly jealous of Zeuxis' accomplishment
more knowledgeable about the behavior of birds than Zeuxis was
22- In lines 60-61 (\ (A) unusual examples of a particular technique (B) alternative explanations for a certain action (C) humorous excuses for a grave situation (D) cynical reasons for a heroic gesture (E) unfair dismissals of a scholarly tradition
23. The narrator implies that the \ (A) inspire the narrator with a lifetime goal
(B) solidify the narrator's ethical beliefs as an artist
(C) suggest to the narrator that the life of an artist would ultimately prove to be profitable (D) discourage the narrator from attempting to become a prominent artist (E) help teach the narrator the technical skill needed to become a copyist