-uff buff fluff cuff -ft -aft daft aft craft -eft left -ift gift lift
-oft loft soft waft
sk- skill skunk sky
-sk -ask ask mask task flask -esk desk -isk disk risk
-usk tusk busk musk -nk -ank bank rank sank tank -ink ink pink sink wink -unk junk bunk dunk kn- knelt knit knot knub
cl- clap cliff clock club
cr- crab crept crib cross sc- scan Scott
scr- scratch script scrub -ct -act act fact
crust . -ect insect collect correct
-ck -ack jack back lack snack -eck neck beck speck
-ick kick pick brick trick thick -ock lock rock sock -ic ci-/s/ -ce/s/ -uck -ace -ance -ice -ence -ense
duck luck struck
music picnic magic panic pencil cinema face nice rice police dance glance lance police office fence pence
sh- /?/ shall shell shift shot shut ch-/t?/ chat chest chick chop chug th-/θ/ thank theme thick thud th-/e/ wh-/w/ /h/ ph-/f/ _sh /?/ -ch /t?/ -tch/t?/ than them this those thus when which what who whose Phil phonics phone -ash ash cash wash -ish dish fish wish
-ush rush rush mush gush -anch ranch -ench bench
-ich rich rich which -inch finch pinch winch -uch much such -unch lunch punch brunch -atch catch match hatch -etch fetch
-itch itch pitch witch -utch clutch
-th /θ/ -ath bath math path -ith with -enth tenth -ifth fifth
w- wa- we- wi- wo- wh- wha- whe- whi- who- wr- sw- y- ya- ye- yo- yu- -y/j/ Ww
wad wan water wall wed welt west wet wig wit wisp wimp wow wobble what whack wham when where
which whiff whim whittle who whose whole
wrap wreck write wrong swam swim
yap yacht
yell yellow yelp yet yolk
yuck yum-yum sorry berry very
-y/ai/ my cry fly shy sky try rhyme
va- van vast
ve -ve- seven eleven very evening -ve -ver Vi vo- qu-/kw/ za- ze- zi- zo- -iz J- jam five twelve have active driver river victim vim visit volt
quack quell quibble quip
zap zest zip zoo
quiz fizz whizz frizz
jest job jug