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Do more exercise to strengthen the body function. 2、冬天动一动,少闹一场病;冬天懒一懒,多喝药一碗。 If you move in winter, you will get less sickness; if you are lazy in winter, you will drink more medicine. 3、秦皇觅妙药,万世遗笑料;欲求真寿方,应从运动找。 Emperor Qin searched for a miracle drug and a joke from all generations; if he wanted a real recipe for longevity, he should look for it through sports.
Equestrian is the most difficult sport in the world, because what you work with is not things, not people, but another half-ton of life.
5、科学的运动,是爽心悦目的花朵;是诗情浓郁的歌曲。 The movement of science is a pleasant flower and a song full of poetry.
6、我们的运动是反议会制的。 Our movement is anti-parliamentary.
第 2 页 共 7 页
I always take an apple with me, eat when I'm hungry, and eat dinner normally. The main thing is to keep the exercise habit and not eat sweets indiscriminately. 8、强国须强民,强民须强身,强身须强练。
A strong country needs to strengthen its people, a strong people needs to be strong, and a strong body needs to be strong. 9、生命源于运动,止于心痛。
Life comes from exercise and ends in heartache. 10、走路是极好的运动,人应该养成走长路的习惯。
Walking is a great sport. People should develop the habit of walking long distances. 11、人胖多运动,人丑多看书!
People are fat and sporty, people are ugly and read books! 12、健全的精神,宿于健全的身体,足见体育的不可轻忽! Healthy spirit and healthy body show that sports can't be neglected!
Exercise regularly and insist that people, like machines, can not rust until they exercise regularly. 14、只有运动才可以除去各种各样的疑虑。
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