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11. -Are you certain of the date of the meeting? -Yes, it will be held on December 28th. A. afraid B. excited C. sure

12. -There is no cause for concern.

- Do you mean you will finish the work on time? A. danger B. worry C. interest

13. -What do you know about the earthquake?

-It has killed one hundred people and thousands of people are still missing. A. left B. known C. Lost yellow shoes look great!

-Well, you know what? They are exactly what I’ve always wanted for years. A just B. still C. even

15. -Why do the workers look so tired?

- They have been forced to work all y and all night for a week. A encouraged B pushed C allowed

16. - It's hard to see clearly as a result of the foggy weather. -Yes, no wonder all the cars are running so slowly. A. except for B. because of C. according to

17. - All the furniture in the house is out of date. -Yes, they were bought nearly twenty years ago.

A. not convenient B not necessary C not fashionable 18 -Oh, I failed the Maths exam again. It's so difficult. -Well, cheer up! Let me help you with it. A. be read B be over C be happy


did you not to see Luke just now?

-Well, we had a fight yesterday and I don't know how to talk to him. A expect B. pretend C. forget

20. -How have you made progress in English this term?

-I made friends with an English girl and she helped me a lot with my English. A. single B plenty C. rapid

21 -Lucky me! I thought I would my driving test. -But you’ve passed it. Congratulations!

A manage B notice C. fail

22. -The store is always full of .

-Yes, each time I pass by, I find lots of people waiting in line outside. A. passengers B customers C. villagers

you know Linda will come to my birthday party? -I'm not sure. But I think she will if she has time. A that B . when C whether

I don't think your suggestion is perfect, I' ll accept it . -Hope it can be helpful for you. A for now B in silence C by heart

25 -Have you prepared everything?When shall we leave? -We can at any time.

A take up B get down C set off 完形填空(15分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最住选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共10小题,每小题1.5分)

Yuzuru Hanyu is a famous Japanese figure skater(花样滑冰运动员).He was born in Japan in 1994. He suffered from asthma (哮喘)when he was young. To help treat his illness, Hanyu 26 skating at the age of four with his sister.

When he was eleven, Hanyu had an 27 . In the interview, he said that his 28 was to win an Olympic gold medal. In order to make 29 dream come true, he made many efforts. In 2011, a big earthquake happened in Hanyu's hometown and destroyed the local rink(溜冰场). But that didn’t 30 him from practising skating. He stuck with his training in other rinks and performed in 60 ice shows 31 his local rink reopened.

Hanyu's hard work 32 paid off at the 2014 Winter Olympics. He 33 the world record in the men’s short programme and won the 34 Olympic gold medal for Japan in the men's figure skating event. He is the second youngest male figure skater to become the Olympic champion.

Hanyu was crowned the champion again in the men's figure skating at the 2018 Winter Olympics. He has millions of 35 in his country. They are hoping to see more

wonderful performances from him in the future. set up B opened up C took up

27. A interview B instruction C. introduction 28. A. habit B dream C hobby 29. A. its B his C. my

30. A. avoid B. trick C stop 31. A. until B unless C because

32. A. suddenly B. finally C. especially 33. A broke B got C compared 34. A. third B. second C. first 35. A. pots B. fans C. title IV.阅读理解(30分)



Celebrities (名人) are everywhere nowadays-on TV, in magazines or online. Many teenagers have their favorite celebrities. Studies show that there are three kinds of fans.

About 15% of young people love talking about their favorite celebrities’ with friends and this does not seem to hurt anyone. Another 5% see celebrities as their dream and find that they are often thinking about them, even when they don't want to. These people are more at risk of feeling upset and worried. That leaves 2% of young people who would spend several thousand dollars on something the celebrities had used. These people are in most danger of being seriously hurt.

What about the celebrities themselves? Researchers did researches on 200

celebrities. They were all narcissistic (自恋的). The most narcissistic were the ones who had become famous through reality TV shows. Then came actors, and the least narcissistic were musicians.

So, what can we learn from this? People who are very successful or famous can be very narcissistic and hard-working at the same time. We should pay attention to the bad influence (影响) they have on fans.

36. The three kinds of fans are different in . A how much they love the celebrities B. how close they get to the celebrities C how much they want to be celebrities

D. how much money they've spent on celebrities

37. According to the studies, of young people are crazy about celebrities. % % % %

38. What are the researches in the third paragraph about?

A. how much celebrities have changed B what kind of art form celebrities like most C how celebrities get famous D. what celebrities are like 39. Who are the most narcissistic among celebrities? A. Actors B Reality TV show stars.

C Musicians D Those having the most fans.


Being a twin isn't as fun as it looks. People always compare my sister Nidia and me. They also ask stupid questions like, \the better one? \you fall down, could she feel it?\

In fact, being a twin can be strange. We look, speak and think the same. We finish each other's sentences. We speak at the same time, like we’re one person. When people say\the same time. We both like to draw, we like the same TV shows, movies and food, and we share almost everything. We cry when we see the other crying. So it makes it harder for me to stand out as me.

Being a twin is also great -we're the best friends. We know each other really well. Going through the same experiences brings us closer. We both wear glasses. We learn how to ride bikes together. We learn from each other. I feel lucky to have someone to share the same experiences with. We push each other to do better in school. I don't get jealous( 嫉妒的)if I don’t get grades as high as my sister, but it makes me try harder. To help each other do better, we often correct each other's homework.

When we get older, I want us to live close enough to visit each other every day. I love being a twin because I know that as long as she lives, I'll never be alone and she'll always love me back.

40. The writer thinks having a twin sister is not so good when . A. her sister does better in school than her B. she looks different from her sister C. people make fun of them as twins D. they share things with each other

41. What can we learn about the twins from Paragraph 2? A. They have similar habits. B. They don't like each other.

C. They spend little time together. D. They often talk with each other.

42. What does the underlined part\ A Do things all by oneself. B Have something new to do.

C. Stand up and run away from someone.

D. Be much better than other similar people.

43. Why does the writer think being a twin is great? A. They will have better luck. B. They can do homework easily. C. They can make progress together. C. They won't make friends with others


Daisy is an American high school student, and she wants to be a doctor when she grows up.

It's important to start early if you want to become a doctor. Why? In the USA, you will need to

take some science classes in college or university before you attend medical schools. Besides schoolwork, medical schools admissions(录取) will also look at your extra-curricular(课外的)activities.

To attend medical schools, Daisy decides to do as follows. First, she will visit the school library weekly and read articles about medicine. Then, she will meet with some doctors from her friends’ families. Daisy is going to ask them some questions about their work, so she will get some useful information. Daisy also plans to volunteer at a hospital for a week. If you would like to help others, you will be welcome to medical schools-Daisy is sure about this.

The good news is that Daisy is 16 years old, so she can do the training to become a Certified Nurse Assistant(执业护士助理). She is going to finish doing this in three weeks during the summer. When you become a CNA, you can make good money. But to Daisy, it just helps her improve herself and makes her a better student before going to the medical school.

As a high school student, Daisy knows what is the most important now: study hard and do well in science, including biology, physics and math. These lessons always have to do with medicine.

By starting early and taking some of these steps, Daisy is sure that she will become a doctor!

44. What should one do before going to medical schools in the USA? A Become a CNA. B. Study in college

C Volunteer at a hospital

D. Write articles about medicine.

45. Which of the following activities will Daisy often do? A. Learn from doctors

B. Help others at a hospital



