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The sun has begun to set and I hang up the smile I’ve worn all day, though

I will make sure it is the first thing I put back on in the morning just in case

it is “that day.” I want her to see me at my very best.

I do the normal routine, eat dinner, clean the house, write—the usual

stuff. And then I lay down hoping to fall asleep quickly so my new day will

hurry up and arrive. A new day with a brand new sun. But as I lay there and wait

for the world to turn half way around, I think about her. And sometimes I smile,

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and sometimes that smile will turn into asnicker, and then often that snicker

will turn into a burst of laughter.

And then there are times I get that lump in my throat and that tight

feeling in my chest, and sometimes that feeling overwhelms me and begins to turn

into a tear, and often that tear multiplies itself and I can no longer fight the

feeling and I lose the battle. Then somehow through either the joy or the

sadness I drift and find myself asleep. Then the dreams begin and keep me

pany until my new day arrives. 励志的英语演讲小短文2

Occasionally, life can be undeniably, impossibly difficult. We are faced

with challenges and events that can seem overwhelming, life-destroying to the

point where it may be hard to decide whether to keep going. But you always have

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a choice. Jessica Heslop shares her powerful, inspiring journey from the worst

times in her life to the new life she has created for herself:


Everything about my future was ambiguously assumed. I would get into debt

by going to college, then I would be forced to get a job to pay off that debt,

while still getting into more and more debt by buying a house and a car. It

seemed like a never-ending cycle that had no place for the possibility of a


I want more—but not necessarily in the material sense of personal wealth

and success. I want more out of life. I want a passion, a conceptual dream that

wouldn’t let me sleep out of pure excitement. I want to spring out of bed in the

morning, rain or shine, and have that zest for life that seemed so intrinsic in

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