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西南大学培训与继续教育学院课程考试试题卷 thinks if they are talking with each other, then everything is going smoothly. For Ben, Anna's suggestion to talk about the healthy relationshp is pointless. For Anna, Ben's reluctance and lack of interest in talking simply hurt her feelings. 学期:2020年春季 课程名称【编号】:跨文化交际【0859】 A卷 考试类别:大作业 满分:100 分 I. Analyze the following cases,and then answer the given questions. (50%) 1. Case 1 Can we talk about us? Anna asks her fiancé, Ben, “Can we talk about us?” Immediately Ben tenses up, sensing trouble. He presents himself for an unpleasant conversation and reluctantly agrees. Anna then thanks Ben for being so supportive during the last few months when she was under enormous pressure at her job. She tells him she feels closer than ever to him. Then she invites Ben to tell her what makes him feel loved and closer to her. Although Ben is relieved to them there is no crisis, he’s also baffled. “If there isn’t a problem, why do women need to talk about the relationship? If it’s working, let it be.” Question: Could you explain why Ben was reluctant to have a talk with his fiancée? 2. Case 2 Mistakes Grace is a university student in China, and she has an English conversation class with a Western teacher named Mr. Schmidt. In the class Grace has lots of chances to practice her speaking because Mr. Schmidt often has the students discuss in pairs or small groups. Grace likes all the speaking practice, but she also worries because her friends’ English isn’t any better than hers and they cannot correct English mistakes she makes. So Grace also likes to talk directly with Mr. Schmidt when she has the chance. However, Grace has noticed that even when Mr. Schmidt talks with her in class, he almost never corrects mistakes in her English. This worries her because she is afraid that if he doesn’t correct her mistakes now, the mistakes will become bad habits that are hard to break later. So several times after class she has politely asked Mr. Schmidt to be especially careful about correcting errors she makes in English. He has always assured her that he will. Today, Grace has just made a speech in class, and hopes that Mr. Schmidt will point out some of her errors. However, after her speech, he only comments about the content of what she said. To her surprise, and frustration, he still says nothing about her grammar. Questions: 1) Why do you think Mr. Schmidt never corrects Grace’s English mistakes? 2) If you were Grace, what would be your response to Mr. Schmidt’s “negligence”? 一: This case shows a common type of clash in cross-gender communication. For women, their relationship is a popular topic while for men, it is not a focus. Generally, men use talk to solve problems rather than to enhance their relationship. Therefore, the suggestion - -Can we talk about us? produces different responses from men and women. Woman usually - 1 - 1) :Mr. Schmidt thinks it would he rude tocorrect Grace's English errors. 二: 2) Mr. Schmidt doesn't correct Grace because he doesn't want to interrupt I will understand of Mr. Schmidt’s “negligence”? , because western style her:he doesn't want to discourage Grace fromtalking. teaching way is different as Chinese .Many Western teachers take an 3) Correction and language learning: There is actuallylittle evidence that approach to language learning and teaching which emphasizes active correction of mistakes inspoken English by a teacher helps learners communication, sometimes even atthe expense of attention to grammatical improvetheir grammar much. Some corrections help learnerslearn, but most accuracy. corrections tend to be ignored or forgotten. How much a learner learns depends moreon how carefully he/she pays attention than on howmuch the teacher corrects. 4) What many people will do when talking toforeigners is to correct things the foreignersaid wrong by repeating them later correctly, so if the learner pays attention he/ she might still learn a lot. II. Answer the following questions: (50%) 1. “Stereotype” is said to be one of the potential barriers of intercultural communication. What is “stereotype”? Why we take stereotypes as a barrier of intercultural communication? Stereotype is mainly refers to people of a certain thing or object a generalized fixed point of view of form, and the method of this kindI of 5) While a language teacher might be willing to interrupt a student of English watch by extension, think the things or has the characteristics of the whole, in order to point outhis/her errors, most Westerners would consider this rude while ignoring the individual iffereces. This is acommon cognitive style of or awkward. In fact, in most countries the average person would probably not human beings People may be combined with the past, will come to the interrupt a language learner to correct his/her gramma rmistakes conclusion that some generalcharacteristics, and in the future from this first 6) interpreting the behavior of foreigners,we generally have some choice as overall in the cognitive characteristics and think to observe things. As one to how generousto be. How generous or harsh our choices arewill affect how might thinkthat the Jews stingy, black wild, French romantic, Germans law- we evaluate the foreigners weencounter. -abiding enthusiasm, Italians, ete. In cross- -cultural communication,I stereotype is refers to the asasifiationi of events, objects and people, don't - 2 - consider the personal characteristics and quality. First of all, stereotypes often infectious, once formed, it deeply rooted, will be used for quite a long time in the group or individual.Afected by, people used to some inequalitis. Secondl, stereotypes ffet information processing method, will issue too simplistic,generalization and exaggeration. When people use a stereotype view of others, often simply lassif people or things and give dfferentcomments. At the same time, the stereotype is stubborn, in an attempt to let the facts in line with the expected. From a psychologicalpoint of wiew, stereotype brings a kind of mindset and set human beings' cognition of the bricks and others base model, and on thisbasis, to explain the behavior of other. Finally, stereotypes can lead to prejudice. \is a kind of optional for all or part ofa groupof members of a denigration af attitude. \Prejwdice aoften for no reason to dislike hatred, doubt, and other forms. So stereotypes are taken as barrier of intercultural communication . 2. As we know, a word in one language does not necessarily have a counterpart in the other language; words or terms in both languages appear to refer to the same object or concept only on the surface, but actually refer to quite different things. Explain the cultural differences of the following pairs of words: 龙vs. dragon, 知识分子 vs. intellectuals, - 3 - In Chinese culture, “龙” is a totem with many royal association, such as “龙颜”,“龙床”,“龙袍”, “龙心大喜”. However, the associations of “dragon” to Westerners are horrible, disgusting monsters.Intellectuals, persons who use or work with their intellect, corresponds to “知识分子”,yet there are conceptual difference between them. In Chinese culture “知识分子” generally include people who have had a college education: college teachers, medical doctors, scientists, engineers, middle or primary school teachers, college students, and in some rural areas, even senior high school students are considered “知识分子”. In most English speaking countries, however, “intellectuals” would include only people with high academic status ..In Chinese and western cultures, books and dogs have the same cultural significance, and there is no essential difference between them. 书 vs. book, 狗vs. dog. - 4 -



