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[中图分类号]R783.5 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2014)14-1194-04 The clinical applications of variable torque DamonQ self-ligating anterior bracket ZHANG Ming-can1,LI Hong-fa2,WU Jie2,JIANG Hao3,ZHAO Yi-song1 (1.Department of Orthodontics,Tianjin Binhai New Area of Tanggu Stomatological Hospital,Tianjin 300000,China; 2.Department of Orthodontics,Stomatological Hospital Affiliated to Tianjin Medical University;3. Department of Orthodontics,Tianjin Fifth Central Hospital)
Abstract: Objective The aim of this work is to explore the clinical applications of different methods of anterior torque DamonQ self-ligating bracket. Methods More than 80 cases, including 43 cases of Angle Class I,27 cases of Angle Class Ⅱ,15 cases of Class Ⅲ,were treated with different self-ligating bracket torque DamonQ technology. Results After treatment, all patients showed neat upper and lower dentition,normal laminated cover,and neutral molar canine
relationship.This indicates the significant improvement of the incisor inclination and soft tissue profile through the movement of tooth roots,thereby reducing the time needed for the post-treatment of incisor torque control. Conclusion Selection of the appropriate torque DamonQ self-ligating bracket is a simple and effective method for controlling tooth roots, further enhancing incisor appearance and functionality.
Key words:DamonQ;incisor torque;self-ligating bracke