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Review Form

Section I. General Information A. Overview

1. Reader Interest. Which category describes this manuscript?*

Practice/Application/Case Study/Experience Report Research/Technology Survey/Tutorial/How-To

2. How relevant is this manuscript to the readers of this periodical? Please explain your rating.*

Very Relevant Relevant

Interesting - but not very relevant Irrelevant Comment

B. Content

1. Please explain how this manuscript advances this field of research and/or contributes something new to the literature.*

2. Is the manuscript technically sound? Please explain your answer.*


Appears to be - but didn't check completely Partially No Comment

C. Presentation

1. Are the title, abstract, and keywords appropriate? Please comment.*

Yes No Comment

2. Does the manuscript contain sufficient and appropriate references? Please comment*

References are sufficient and appropriate

Important references are missing; more references are needed Number of references are excessive Comment

3. Does the introduction state the objectives of the manuscript in terms that encourage the reader to read on? Please explain your answer*


Could be improved No Comment

4. How would you rate the organization of the manuscript? Is it focused? Is the length appropriate for the topic? Please comment.*

Satisfactory Could be improved Poor Comment

5. Please rate and comment on the readability of this manuscript and quality of English.*

Easy to read

Readable - but requires some effort to understand Difficult to read and understand Unreadable Comment

Section II. Summary and Recommendation

A. Evaluation

Please rate the manuscript. Explain your choice.*

Award Quality Excellent Good Fair Poor Comment

B. Recommendation

Please make your recommendation and explain your decision.*

Accept with no changes

Author should prepare a minor revision



