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L2-U3-1/4 listening

Bus schedule 1 / about Earth


1. Here is a bus schedule at a bus stop.

2. It has schedule for three buses between eight and nine thirty in

the morning.

3. Bus No. 38 has a regular schedule. 4. It comes every fifteen minutes.

5. Eight ten, Eight twenty-five, eight forty, eight fifty-five, nine

ten, night twenty-five.

6. Bus No. forty-seven comes less often.

7. It comes at eight twenty, eight forty-five, nine twenty-five. 8. Bus No. sixty is the earliest bus.

9. It comes at eight o-five, eight thirty, and nine o’clock. 10.Bus No. thirty-eight has stops at the main train station and the


11.Bus No. sixty stops at the main train station, but does go to the


12.Bus No. forty-seven doesn’t go to either the main train station

or the airport.


1. This is our planet earth.

2. It has shape of a sphere, like a ball.

3. The equator(地球的赤道) device the earth into two halves equator. 4. The northern half is the northern hemisphere(半球体). 5. The southern half is the southern hemisphere. 6. Europe and Asia are both in the northern hemisphere.

7. Australia and a third of Africa are in the southern hemisphere.


1. The earth moves in two ways. 2. First, it’s been and rotates. 3. It’s rotates around its axis.

4. The axis is a line through its center.

5. It takes the earth twenty-four hours to complete a rotation. 6. That is the length of one day.


1. Second, the earth travels around the sun.

2. It takes about three hundred sixty-five days for the earth to go

around the sun.

3. That is the length of one year.

4. It’s average speed during the year is about thirty kilometers per



1. The earth’s axis is not perpendicular to the sun. 2. The earth’s axis is tilted.

3. It is tilted at an angle of around twenty-three point five degrees. 4. This tilt causes the seasons of the year.


1. During part of the year, northern hemisphere is tilted toward the


2. When the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun, its summer. 3. When the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun, its


4. This is why the seasons are opposite for the northern and southern


5. When it’s summer in Australia, it’s winter in Europe.


1. What would happen if the earth’s tilt were different than it is


2. If the earth tilts were larger, summer would be hotter.

3. If the earth tilts were smaller, summers would be cooler. 4. If the earth had no tilt at all, there would be no seasons. 5. Therefore, the angle of the tilt is very important for life on



1. The earth is ninety-three million miles from the sun. 2. The sun is at the center of our solar system.

3. Our solar system has several planets which orbit around it. 4. Our planet is the third planet from the sun.


1. If the earth were closer to the sun, our planet would be hotter. 2. If the earth were further from the sun, our planet would be colder. 3. Therefore, the distance between the earth and the sun, it’s very

important. 练:

1. We have to wait until 9:00, which is ten minutes from now. 2. Which bus doesn’t go to the main train station. 3. The northern half is the northern hemisphere.

4. The length of one year is about three hundred sixty-fix days. 5. What causes the seasons of the year?

6. In winter, the earth tilts away from the sun.

L2-U3-1/4 vocabulary

Seasons / difference disease1


1. Winter is the coldest time of the year. 2. Winter night are long and the days are short. 3. Summer is the hottest time of the year. 4. Summer nights are short and the days are long. 5. Spring comes after winter and before summer.

6. Spring is when trees turn green.

7. Autumn or fall comes after summer and before winter.

8. Autumn is when trees turn many colors and leaves fall to the ground. 9. Some countries have a rainy season. 10.In rainy season it rains almost every day.


1. This boy has a broken leg. 2. He can’t walk without crutches. 3. This girl has a sore throat.

4. She doesn’t feel good because her throat hurts. 5. This girl is vomiting(呕吐)

6. She ate something bad, so she’s throwing up. 7. This boy has a fever.

8. His temperature is thirty-nine point five degrees Celsius. 9. This girl has a headache.

10.She doesn’t feel good because the headaches. 练:1. In spring the days become warmer each day. 2. He broke his leg in a skiing accident 3. He needs to drink plenty of liquids.

L2-U3-1/4 dialogue

Talk about seasons / take bus to train station


1. I really hate this cold winter weather. 2. Really, I don’t mind it, it’s not so bad. 3. First, it’s really cold.

4. Second, I don’t like the short days and long nights. 5. It’s always dark.

6. Sure, but what’s the else thing? 7. Spring is coming and warmer weather.

8. Yes, and longer day.


1. What about summers? 2. Do you like hot weather?

3. I don’t like summer weather too. 4. Is it too hot for you? 5. Yes, it’s too hot.

6. Every day is hot and humid(潮湿的). 7. So, I always feel tired and thirsty. 8. Yeah, me too.

9. I take a shower twice a day.


1. So, which is worse, summer or winter? 2. Good question.

3. I guess I prefer winter. 4. What about you?

5. Well, I prefer winter too. 6. I don’t mind the long night.


1. Of course, the best seasons are spring and autumn. 2. Which those do you prefer?

3. That’s between those to, I prefer autumn. 4. Why do you prefer autumn?

5. I love it when the leaves turn different colors. 6. I agree with you.

7. I guess autumn is my favorite season too.


1. I surprise, Tom.

2. I thought you prefer spring. 3. Why is that?

4. Everything is young and new in spring, right?



