【期刊名称】《中国实用医刊》 【年(卷),期】2009(036)007
【摘要】目的 探讨多层螺旋CT多平面重建技术(MPR)在脊椎结核中的应用价值.方法 分析37例经手术病理或临床证实的脊椎结核患者的CT资料,通过MPR矢状位、冠状位及显示病变最佳角度的斜位重建观察椎体、椎旁及椎管的病变.结果 MPR在显示椎体破坏方式、椎间盘破坏、椎旁脓肿范围、椎管内脓肿及脊髓受压情况方面优于横断位图像.结论 MPR对脊椎结核的诊断和鉴别诊断具有重要价值.%Objective To evaluate multiplanar reconstruction(MPR) with spiral CT in the diag-nosis of spinal tuberculosis.Methods Thirty-seven patients with spinal tuberculosis proved pathologi-caUy or clinically were analyzed retrospectively.The characteristic changes of spine, para-spinal and structures of spinal canal were observed by sagittal and coronal MPR.Results To compare axial images,MPR can provide more important information in showing the destruction and extent of vertebral body, in-tervertebral space, the abscess around the vertebra and dural sac compression.Conclusions MPR is very important in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of spinal tuberculosis. 【总页数】3页(51-52,54)
【关键词】脊椎结核;多平面重建;体层摄影术;X线计算机 【作者】周舟;葛英辉;张继良;郭潆