【期刊名称】《现代计算机(普及版)》 【年(卷),期】2013(000)010
【摘要】The main problems in the study of FIR digital filter are focused on reducing the consumption of the system resources, improving the speed and accuracy of operation. Realizes the FIR digital filter on FPGA with VHDL language. Introduces the CSD-RAG coding and builds the adder tree with the key factors. Compared with the traditional MAC structure and DA look-up table, the method can reduce the consumption of system resources and improve the accuracy of data processing by employing the integer quantization coefficients.%减少系统资源占用,提高运算速度与运算精度一直是FIR数字滤波器的研究中的主要课题。采用VHDL语言在FPGA上实现一种FIR数学滤波器。该滤波器采用CSD-RAG编码,利用公共因子来构建加法树。相对于传统的乘累加结构与DA查表法,能大量地降低系统资源占用,同时采用整数量化抽头系数,提高数据处理的精度。
【关键词】FIR数字滤波器;VHDL语言;CSD编码;简化加法图 【作者】陈剑冰
【作者单位】华南师范大学物理与电信工程学院,广州 510006 【正文语种】中文