For each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question.
A Look Back (Scenario)
Cindy Schultz, tired from working with customers all day, decided to take a 15-minute nap to help clear her head before the 4:15 . managers’ meeting. Her company had recently begun a reengineering process as well as other changes requiring copious management input. As she leaned back in her chair, she wondered if management science had always been this way and how it all began. As she napped, she dreamed that she was traveling in the “Management Way Back Machine” with “Mr. Peabody” as her guide that took her back through management history.
101. One of the earliest sites Cindy visited was the home of Adam Smith, author of The Wealth of Nations, which suggested that organizations and society would gain from
_______________. a. time management b. division of labor c. group work
d. quality management (b; moderate; p. 26)
102. Cindy visited a bookstore that was holding a book signing. She saw that the title of
the book was Principles of Scientific Management and concluded that the author must be ________________. a. Adam Smith b. Frank Gilbreth
c. Henry Gantt d. Frederick Taylor (d; easy; p. 28)
103. Cindy admired the works of Taylor and Gilbreth, two advocates of _______________.
a. scientific management b. organizational behavior c. human resource management d. motivation (a; moderate; p. 28)
104. Cindy spent some time visiting with __________, a researcher she previously knew
little about but who also contributed to management science by being among the first to use motion picture films to study hand-and-body motions and by devising a classification scheme known as a “therblig.” a. Henry Gantt b. Max Weber c. Chester Barnard d. e.
Frank Gilbreth Mary Parker Follett
(d; moderate; p. 29)
Scientific Management (Scenario)
As an intern, Jeanna is perplexed as she hears different managers discuss their views on particular problems. She has been assigned to several departments during her internship.
105. While trying to describe a problem, one manager utilizes analysis of basic work
tasks that are performed in the organization. It is most likely that this manager has studied the work of _______________. a. b. c. d.
Frederick Taylor Edward Deming Max Weber Henri Fayol
(a; challenging; p. 28)
106. As she talked to another manager, Jeanna learned a view of the organization that
stressed strict division of labor, formal rules and regulations, and impersonal application of those rules and regulations. This manager was a student of -_________________. a. b. c. d.
the Industrial Revolution quantitative methods spiritual knowledge bureaucracy
(d; moderate; p. 30)
107. One particular department in the organization made decisions about planning and
control of the organization. They used sophisticated computer software to develop models, equations, and formulas that aid other managers to do their jobs. This department utilizes _______________. a. b. c. d.
anthropology bureaucracy
quantitative methods spiritual management
(c: moderate; p. 32)
108. Jeanna worked in a department where employees were seen as the driving force behind
the organization, and contributions of individuals were seen as varied and distinct. This department probably saw employees though the ____________ field of study. a. b. c. d.
workplace diversity organizational behavior quantitative studies total quality management
(b; moderate; p. 32)
109. One manager encouraged Jeanna to explore applications of statistics, optimization
models, information models, and computer simulations to management activities. This manager was discussing _____________. a. b. c. d.
quantitative approach workplace diversity organizational behavior knowledge management
(a; easy; p. 32)
A major research effort started in the 1920s at a telephone equipment assembly plant in Cicero, Illinois. The Industrial Revolution had sustained Western Electric for the last 50 years, but the latest attempts to use the principles of Taylor, the Gilbreths, and other theorists had not produced improvements in productivity.
110. In cooperation with researchers from Harvard, managers designed a project that was
the last attempt to apply the principles of the Industrial Revolution and the first
research into a new area of management thought. This project began as a test to determine the most productive _________________. a. b. c. d.
reward structure illumination level
number of breaks during a shift
number of days away from work per month
(b; moderate; p. 33)
111. This research effort lasted for 7 years and became known as ________________.
a. b. c. d.
the Harvard Research Group the Boston Consulting Group quantitative management the Hawthorne studies
(d; moderate; p. 33)
112. The research project studied _________________.
a. b. c. d.
behavior and sentiments
group influences on individual behavior group standards affect individual behavior all of the above
(d; difficult; p. 33)
113. Critics of these research efforts criticized _______________.
a. b. c. d.
the research procedures analyses of findings
the conclusions based on the analyses of the findings all of the above
(d; difficult; p. 34)