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Jack feels very foolish. He doesn?twant to wear his hat on his head.
10 Two dogs
A man has two dogs: a hound and a housedog. He trains the hound to help him hurt and teaches the housedog to watch the house. When he returns home after a day?s hunt, he always gives the house-dog some meat. The hound feels very angry. He says unhappily to the housedog, “WhereI work very hard outside, you share my food. ” “Don?bt lame me, my friend. You should blame the master. He doesn?t teach me to hurt, but to share other?s food,
” the housedog answers.
Don?t blame children for the mistakes of their parent
11 The Sports Meeting in the Forest
There are many animals in the forest. Today is a fine day. Animals are having a sport meeting.
Monkey, Fox, Panda, Rabbit and Bear are running. Look! Rabbit is the first. Fox and Monkey are the second. Bear is the third. The other animals are shouting,
“Bear! Come on! Bear!
Come on! ”And look there, Duck and Pig are doing high jump. Pig is too fat, he can?t jump very
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high. So Duck is the champion. Here! Cat and Squirrel(松鼠) are climbing a tree. Cat is ill. So he is the last, but he does his best.
This sports meeting is wonderful. The animals are very happy!
12 Big Ben
Big Ben is not the name of a man. It is a name of the clock. It is in London. London is the capital city of England. The big clock has four faces. So no matter where you stand, you can read the face of the clock. The hands are about four meter long.
If you go to London, you may want to visit the house of the Parliament. In that place you will find Big Ben sits at the top of the clock tower in the House of the Parliament. The big clock makes a very loud noise. “Dingdong. Ding dong”- the clock strikes(敲打) every quarter of an hour.
13 Who Pours Ink on My Chair? Donny is a seven year old boy. He goes to school every day. The school is near his home. So he goes there on foot and comes back home on time. But today, he is late. His mother asks him, “Why do you go to the headmaster?s office?
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“Becausethe teacher asks us a question in class and nobody can answer it, but I can. ”“It?s good to answer the teacher?squestion. ” “thBeut question is ,Who pours ink on my chair??
14 Outside Games
There are many outside game like running, skating, swimming, horse-racing, hunting, flying kites, walking-races. Of course, football is an out game. Basketball, badminton and so on are also outside game. Some people like outside games, but others like indoor games. They like playing billiard, chess, cards, table tennis..
Outdoor games invoke more and faster movement. Some active people like them. Indoor games are quiet and involve less movement.
Do you like outside games or indoor game?
15 Two Little Monkeys
The monkey mother has two little monkeys. She likes the younger, not the other.
One day, they were playing in a forest when a wolf came running at them. The monkey ran away with the younger monkey in a hurry and left the older alone. She climbed up a tree and held the younger in her arms.
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After some time, the wolf went away slowly. The monkey took the baby out of her arms. She was surprised to see that the baby had died, for the baby was held in arms too highly. Very long time later, she remembered to look for the older baby. The older baby was hiding in a wood. So he saved himself.
16 The King and His Stories
Once there was a king. He likes to write stories, but his stories were not good. As people were afraid of him, they all said his stories were good.
One day the king showed his stories to a famous writer. He waited the writer to praise these stories. But the writer said his stories were so bad that he should throw them into fire. The king got very angry with him and sent him to prison.
After some time, the king set him free. Again he showed him some of his new stories and asked what he thought of them.
After reading them, the writer at once turned to the soldiers and said: please. ”
“ Take me back to prison,
17 Which Skirt to Wear?
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Time is 8 years old, and follows her own ideas. When her parents tell her to do something, she always doesn?t do it.
Today, she will go to a friend?s birthday party. She is now choosing skirt to wear. She has three skirts: a blue skirt, a white one and a yellow one.
She asks her father, her father says,
“Which one is the best?
“I think the blue one is the best.
Then she asks her mother, “Whichone do you think is the best? ”Her mother answers, “The white one , of course!
” Tina says,
“Thank you. ”
Then she puts on the yellow shirt and goes out.
18 Three Foxes
Once there were three foxes, they worked together. They lived a happy life. Little by little, the youngest fox became lazy, and often quarreled with the other foxes. The eldest had to leave, and the second fox was driven off, too. Looking at the warm house with a lot of good food in it, the youngest fox smiled. The eldest fox opened a new hill again. The second eldest fox dug a pool. Two of them because rich soon. The youngest fox ate up the food left by the other two foxes. At last, it felt so cold and hungry that it could not stand up.