Document number【AA80KGB-AA98YT-AAT8CB-2A6UT-A18GG】
Unit 1 text 1
Road Building Task 1.
1. the relationship between road building and economic development 2. grain and cotton
3. grew grain grew cotton 4. fast and convenient
5. to transport grain and cotton
Task 1.
1. A booming trade in grain and cotton.
2. Because of the rapidly growing population and the large number of immigrants from Europe.
3. The farmers got laborers from Africa.
4. Because it was easy and cheap to transport goods from on place to another.
5. They built roads and collected fees.
Text 2 The Mississippi River in America Task 1
1. Lake Itasca in Minnesota 2. about 4, 000 kms. 3. flooding in summer
4. floodways, dams, levees and reservoirs 5. holding water and generating electricity Task 2.
1. 21 US states.
2. It flows from the North to the Gulf of Mexico
3. They are empty channels. When the Mississippi is too high, the floodways are opened and some of the water can flow into the floodways.
4. They are earthen walls built alongside a river, holding the water and keeping it from overflowing. 5. Sine the 20th century.
Unit 2 Text 1 An eyewitness to changes in China Task 1
1. a foreigner’s perception of China’s reform and development. 2. working to build bridges between Chinese people and American
3. 1) it had established extremely close and unbreakable relations
with the people
2) its soldiers had a shared vision of a bright future
4. 1) study Chinese reality
2) develop a set of strategies, a common vision and a set of core values.
make people feel that it represents their interests. 2)do more in terms of the emancipation of the mind.
Task 2
1. Yes. Because he thinks that what he’s doing today is more
effective than what he was able to do in the past.
2. They believed that they were fighting for their land, for their
family to have their own farmland, and for a fair government that would listen to the people and do what they needed.
3. A practical, down-to-earth, realistic vision that everyone shares. 4. Equally important to the development of the market economy, the
emancipation fo the mind hasn’t gone far enough. There’s still the shadow of the old feudalistic habits of governments and individuals in their thinking and in their relationships.
5. The eights lines can serve as core values for the Chinese people
to have a new common vision.
Text 2 Talk with “Harry Potter” Task 1
1. Harry Potter films
2. the film set, his tutors and his friends 3. kindly, warmly and generously 4. the two Harry Potter director 5. live a normal life
Text 2 1. Four
2. He feels that he lives a busy, efficient and normal life. 3. Not yet. Because he cannot afford the time. 4. He is satisfied and pleased with it.
5. He usually spends most of his spare time learning the bass guitar and watching movies.
Unit 3 Text 1 Driving while on a cell phone worse than driving while drunk Task 1
1. This news report is about driving while talking on a cell phone. 2. Because the research finds that those talking on a phone are more
sluggish and slower in reacting.
3. The researchers at the University of Utah, USA. 4. In the summer of 2006.
5. Using a driving simulator, the researchers compared 40 people’s
driving abilities in three groups: on the phone, drunk, and with no distractions.
Task 2
1. It will increase the likelihood of an accident five-fold.
2. Drunk drivers are aggressive, while those talking on the phone are more sluggish.
3. It will reduce the driver’s reaction time by 9 percent in breaking and 19 percent in picking up speed after braking. 4. Some states have made laws to prohibit the use of cell phones while driving.
5. It is not effective because the drivers will use the hands-free model, which is also dangerous.
Text 2 Quake kills at Least 300 on Indonesian Island
Task 1
1. Late Monday
2. Near Nias Island, off the west coast of Indonesia 3. At least 300 people died and hundreds were injured. 4. Between and . 5. The aid officials.
Task 2.
1. People ran to hilltops for safety.
2. No tsunami happened after the earthquake.
3. Residents within 1,000 Kms (620 miles) of the epicenter were asked to evacuate coastal regions. 4. India, Malaysia and Thailand.
5. It was felt in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and as far north as Bangkok, Thailand.
Unit 4 Text 1. The Men’s Movement: What does it mean to be a man
Task 1
A. Male feminists.
B. Men’s support groups C. Male activists D. Mytho-poetic
iii. The Men’s Movement is very diverse.
Task 2
1. Child care and housework 2. Teaching and nursing
3. Communication and management problems. 4. violence and inequality
5. Because they can give and find support from other men. 6. They are trying to get back men’s power.
7. This group initiates men using mythology, poetry (hence the name mytho-poetic), and other rituals, such as dancing, to explore and affirm the value of masculinity and masculine approaches to problem solving.
Text 2. Husbands and wives: A caller from Northbridge
Task 1:
has been laid off working full-time
helps with the housework
had a lot of work to do at home
took the children to many places in the car underestimated what she said to work outside the home two incomes stronger Task 2 F F T T F T T F T