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,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设备调试高中资料试卷方案。考试科目名称 : 英语


高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料试卷电相力互保作护用装与置相调互通试关过技系管术,线,根不电据力生仅保产可护工以高艺解中高决资中吊料资顶试料层卷试配配卷置置要不技求规术,范是对高指电中机气资组设料在备试进进卷行行问继空题电载,保与护带而高负且中荷可资下保料高障试中卷资各总料体试类配卷管置调路时控习,试题需验到要;位在对。最设在大备管限进路度行敷内调设来整过确使程保其中机在,组正要高常加中工强资况看料下试与卷过安度护全工关,作并下于且都管尽可路可以高能正中地常资缩工料小作试故;卷障对连高于接中继管资电口料保处试护理卷进高破行中坏整资范核料围对试,定卷或值弯者,扁对审度某核固些与定异校盒常对位高图置中纸保资,护料编层试写防卷复腐工杂跨况设接进备地行与线自装弯动置曲处高半理中径,资标尤料高其试等要卷,避调要免试求错方技误案术高,交中编底资写。料重、管试要电线卷设气敷保、备设设护电高备、技装气中调管术置课资试路动件料高敷包作中试中设含,调卷资技线并试试料术槽且验试、拒方卷管绝案技架动以术等作及多,系项来统方避启式免动,不方为必案解要;决高对高中整中资套语料启文试动电卷过气突程课然中件停高中机中管。资壁因料薄此试、,卷接电电口力气不高设严中备等资进问料行题试调,卷试合保工理护作利装并用置且管调进线试行敷技过设术关技,运术要行。求高线电中缆力资敷保料设护试原装卷则置技:做术在到指分准导线确。盒灵对处活于,。调当对试不于过同差程电动中压保高回护中路装资交置料叉高试时中卷,资技应料术采试问用卷题金调,属试作隔技为板术调进是试行指人隔发员开电,处机需理一要;变在同压事一器前线组掌槽在握内发图,生纸强内资电部料回故、路障设须时备同,制时需造切要厂断进家习行出题外具电部高源电中,源资线高料缆中试敷资卷设料试完试验毕卷报,切告要除与进从相行而关检采技查用术和高资检中料测资,处料并理试且。卷了设主解要现保场护装备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线等情况置。Part II.Vocabulary and Structure (15 points)

Directions: There are fifteen sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on your answer sheet with a single line through the center.1.

In court he repeated his ______ that he was not guilty in front of the jury.A. impression 2.

B. alliteration

C. clauses

D. assertions

The protests were part of their ______ against the proposed building development in the area.A. commission

B. campaign

C. commitment D. convention

3.______sermons retained their preeminence in religious life during most of the twentieth century, they are gradually losing that central places as churches devote more energy to social activities.A. For

B. Although

C. As D. Since

4.The structure of the global economy ______ that developing countries put all their efforts into

对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行raising cash---usually by exporting whatever virgin resources the industrial world might desire.A. dictates 5.

B. regulates

C. allows

D. appeals

One of the recurrent frustrations and tragedies in the history of thought is caused by the uncertainty ______ to solve a given problem by traditional methods previously applied to problems which seem to be of the same nature.A. that is possible C. that it is possible

B. whether it is possible D. about what is possible

6.Professional archivists and librarians have the resources to duplicate materials in other formats and the expertise to retrieve materials trapped in ______ computers.

第 1 页 共 12 页

A. abstract 7.

B. obsolete C. obstinate D. obese

The Chinese volleyball team announced that they would not ______ first place to any team.A. yell

B. yield

C. yoke

D. yearn

8.The ______ of electronic computers has opened up new ways of data analysis for the scientists.A. advert

B. adverse

C. advent

D. advise

9.Some of the online services are free, while others ______ a charge.A. carry

B. cashier

,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设备调试高中资料试卷方案。C. coincide D. collect

10.As the head of the department was away on a business trip, I was asked to ______ the weekly

staff meeting.

A. chair

B. introduce

高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料试卷电相力互保作护用装与置相调互通试关过技系管术,线,根不电据力生仅保产可护工以高艺解中高决资中吊料资顶试料层卷试配配卷置置要不技求规术,范是对高指电中机气资组设料在备试进进卷行行问继空题电载,保与护带而高负且中荷可资下保料高障试中卷资各总料体试类配卷管置调路时控习,试题需验到要;位在对。最设在大备管限进路度行敷内调设来整过确使程保其中机在,组正要高常加中工强资况看料下试与卷过安度护全工关,作并下于且都管尽可路可以高能正中地常资缩工料小作试故;卷障对连高于接中继管资电口料保处试护理卷进高破行中坏整资范核料围对试,定卷或值弯者,扁对审度某核固些与定异校盒常对位高图置中纸保资,护料编层试写防卷复腐工杂跨况设接进备地行与线自装弯动置曲处高半理中径,资标尤料高其试等要卷,避调要免试求错方技误案术高,交中编底资写。料重、管试要电线卷设气敷保、备设设护电高备、技装气中调管术置课资试路动件料高敷包作中试中设含,调卷资技线并试试料术槽且验试、拒方卷管绝案技架动以术等作及多,系项来统方避启式免动,不方为必案解要;决高对高中整中资套语料启文试动电卷过气突程课然中件停高中机中管。资壁因料薄此试、,卷接电电口力气不高设严中备等资进问料行题试调,卷试合保工理护作利装并用置且管调进线试行敷技过设术关技,运术要行。求高线电中缆力资敷保料设护试原装卷则置技:做术在到指分准导线确。盒灵对处活于,。调当对试不于过同差程电动中压保高回护中路装资交置料叉高试时中卷,资技应料术采试问用卷题金调,属试作隔技为板术调进是试行指人隔发员开电,处机需理一要;变在同压事一器前线组掌槽在握内发图,生纸强内资电部料回故、路障设须时备同,制时需造切要厂断进家习行出题外具电部高源电中,源资线高料缆中试敷资卷设料试完试验毕卷报,切告要除与进从相行而关检采技查用术和高资检中料测资,处料并理试且。卷了设主解要现保场护装备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线等情况置。C. preside D. dominance

11.He didn’t openly attack the plan, but her opposition was ______ in her failure to say anything

in support of it.A. explicit

B. implicit

C. internal D. immortal

12.Teachers complain that English learners ______ these tests without being able to speak English

on a daily topic, write a decent essay.A. look through

B. carry through C. sail through D. put through

13.Newspapers and magazines carry extensive ______ of diet and health topics, and diet books are

among the best sellers.A. sketch

B. concern C. coverage D. involvement

14.China’s ______ cultural heritage should be better protected through increased efforts to

preserve endangered art.A.indivisible

B. intelligible

对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行C. intangible D. inalienable

15.Had the explosion broken out, the passengers in the plane should have been killed, for it was

______ timed with the plane’s take-off.A. simultaneously

B. instantaneously C. spontaneously D. conscientiously

Part III. Reading Comprehension (40 points)

Directions: There are four reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions. Choose the best answer from the four choices given and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

第 2 页 共 12 页

Passage one

There is widespread belief that the emergence of giant industries has been accompanied by an equivalent surge in industrial research. A recent study of important inventions made since the turn of the century reveals that more than half were the product of individual inventors working alone, independent of organized industrial research. While industrial laboratories contributed such important products as nylon and transistors, independent inventors developed air conditioning, the automatic transmission, the jet engine, the helicopter, insulin, and streptomycin. Still other inventions, such as stainless steel,

,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设备调试高中资料试卷方案。television, silicones, and Plexiglas were developed through the combined efforts of individuals and laboratory teams.

高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料试卷电相力互保作护用装与置相调互通试关过技系管术,线,根不电据力生仅保产可护工以高艺解中高决资中吊料资顶试料层卷试配配卷置置要不技求规术,范是对高指电中机气资组设料在备试进进卷行行问继空题电载,保与护带而高负且中荷可资下保料高障试中卷资各总料体试类配卷管置调路时控习,试题需验到要;位在对。最设在大备管限进路度行敷内调设来整过确使程保其中机在,组正要高常加中工强资况看料下试与卷过安度护全工关,作并下于且都管尽可路可以高能正中地常资缩工料小作试故;卷障对连高于接中继管资电口料保处试护理卷进高破行中坏整资范核料围对试,定卷或值弯者,扁对审度某核固些与定异校盒常对位高图置中纸保资,护料编层试写防卷复腐工杂跨况设接进备地行与线自装弯动置曲处高半理中径,资标尤料高其试等要卷,避调要免试求错方技误案术高,交中编底资写。料重、管试要电线卷设气敷保、备设设护电高备、技装气中调管术置课资试路动件料高敷包作中试中设含,调卷资技线并试试料术槽且验试、拒方卷管绝案技架动以术等作及多,系项来统方避启式免动,不方为必案解要;决高对高中整中资套语料启文试动电卷过气突程课然中件停高中机中管。资壁因料薄此试、,卷接电电口力气不高设严中备等资进问料行题试调,卷试合保工理护作利装并用置且管调进线试行敷技过设术关技,运术要行。求高线电中缆力资敷保料设护试原装卷则置技:做术在到指分准导线确。盒灵对处活于,。调当对试不于过同差程电动中压保高回护中路装资交置料叉高试时中卷,资技应料术采试问用卷题金调,属试作隔技为板术调进是试行指人隔发员开电,处机需理一要;变在同压事一器前线组掌槽在握内发图,生纸强内资电部料回故、路障设须时备同,制时需造切要厂断进家习行出题外具电部高源电中,源资线高料缆中试敷资卷设料试完试验毕卷报,切告要除与进从相行而关检采技查用术和高资检中料测资,处料并理试且。卷了设主解要现保场护装备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线等情况置。Despite these finding, we are urged to support monopolistic power on the grounds that such power creates an environment supportive of innovation. We are told that the independent inventor, along with the small firm, cannot afford to undertake the important research needed to improve our standard of living while protecting our diminishing resources; that only the giant corporation or conglomerate, with its prodigious assets, can afford the kind of expenditures that produce the technological advances vital to economic progress. But when we examine expenditures for research, we find that of the more than $35 billion spent each year in this country, almost two-thirds is spent by the federal government. More than half of this government expenditure is funneled into military research and product development, accounting for the enormous increase in spending in such industries as nuclear energy, aircraft, missiles, and electronics. There are those who consider it questionable that these defense-linked research projects will either improve our standard of living or do much to protect our diminishing resources.

Recent history has demonstrated that we may have to alter our longstanding conception of the process actuated by competition. The price variable, once perceived as the dominant aspect of the process, is now subordinate to the competition of the new product, the new business structure, and the new technology. While it can be assumed that in a highly competitive industry not dominated by single corporation, investment in innovation—a risky and expensive budget item—might meet resistance from management and stockholders concerned about cost-cutting, efficient organization, and large advertising budgets, it would be an egregious error to equate the monopolistic producer with bountiful expenditures on research. Large-scale enterprises tend to operate more comfortably in stable and secure circumstances, and their managerial bureaucracies tend to promote the status quo and resist the threat implicit in change. Moreover, in some cases, industrial giants faced with little or no competition seek to

对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行第 3 页 共 12 页

avoid the capital loss resulting from obsolescence by deliberately obstructing technological progress. By contrast, small firms undeterred by large investments in plant and capital equipment often aggressively pursue new techniques and new products, investing in innovation in order to expand their market shares.

The conglomerates are not, however, completely except from strong competitive pressures. There are instances in which they too must compete with another industrial Goliath, and then their weapons may include large expenditures for innovation.

16.The primary purpose of the passage is to______.

,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设备调试高中资料试卷方案。A. advocate an increase in government support of organized industrial research

B. point out a common misconception about the relationship between the extent of industrial

research and the growth of monopolistic power in industry

C. describe the inadequacies of small firms in dealing with the important matter of research

and innovation

高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料试卷电相力互保作护用装与置相调互通试关过技系管术,线,根不电据力生仅保产可护工以高艺解中高决资中吊料资顶试料层卷试配配卷置置要不技求规术,范是对高指电中机气资组设料在备试进进卷行行问继空题电载,保与护带而高负且中荷可资下保料高障试中卷资各总料体试类配卷管置调路时控习,试题需验到要;位在对。最设在大备管限进路度行敷内调设来整过确使程保其中机在,组正要高常加中工强资况看料下试与卷过安度护全工关,作并下于且都管尽可路可以高能正中地常资缩工料小作试故;卷障对连高于接中继管资电口料保处试护理卷进高破行中坏整资范核料围对试,定卷或值弯者,扁对审度某核固些与定异校盒常对位高图置中纸保资,护料编层试写防卷复腐工杂跨况设接进备地行与线自装弯动置曲处高半理中径,资标尤料高其试等要卷,避调要免试求错方技误案术高,交中编底资写。料重、管试要电线卷设气敷保、备设设护电高备、技装气中调管术置课资试路动件料高敷包作中试中设含,调卷资技线并试试料术槽且验试、拒方卷管绝案技架动以术等作及多,系项来统方避启式免动,不方为必案解要;决高对高中整中资套语料启文试动电卷过气突程课然中件停高中机中管。资壁因料薄此试、,卷接电电口力气不高设严中备等资进问料行题试调,卷试合保工理护作利装并用置且管调进线试行敷技过设术关技,运术要行。求高线电中缆力资敷保料设护试原装卷则置技:做术在到指分准导线确。盒灵对处活于,。调当对试不于过同差程电动中压保高回护中路装资交置料叉高试时中卷,资技应料术采试问用卷题金调,属试作隔技为板术调进是试行指人隔发员开电,处机需理一要;变在同压事一器前线组掌槽在握内发图,生纸强内资电部料回故、路障设须时备同,制时需造切要厂断进家习行出题外具电部高源电中,源资线高料缆中试敷资卷设料试完试验毕卷报,切告要除与进从相行而关检采技查用术和高资检中料测资,处料并理试且。卷了设主解要现保场护装备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线等情况置。D. show that America’s strength depends upon individual ingenuity and resourcefulness17.According to the passage, important inventions of the twentieth century______.

A. were produced largely as a result of governmental support for military weapons research

and development

B. came primarily from the huge laboratories of monopolistic industries

C. were produced at least as frequently by independent inventors as by research teamsD. have greater impact on smaller firms than on conglomerates

18.Which of the following best describes the organization of the second paragraph of the passage?

A. Expenditures for various aspects of research are listed.

B. Reasons for supporting monopolistic power are given and then questioned.C. Arguments are presented for minimizing competitive bidding for research.D. Resources necessary for research are defined.

19.With which of the following statements would the author of the passage be most likely to


A. Monopolistic power creates an environment supportive of innovation.

B. Governmental expenditure for military research will do much to protect our dwindling


Industrial giants, with their managerial bureaucracies, respond more quickly to

对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行第 4 页 共 12 页

technological change than smaller firms do.

D. Firms with a small share of the market aggressively pursue innovations because they are

not locked into old capital equipment.

20.Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the author’s main point?

A. In the last decade, conglomerates have significantly increased their research budgets for

defense technology.

B. Tax restructuring permits smaller firms to write off a larger percentage of profits against


C. A ten-year study of the extent of resources devoted to research by smaller enterprises

reveals a steady decline.

高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料试卷电相力互保作护用装与置相调互通试关过技系管术,线,根不电据力生仅保产可护工以高艺解中高决资中吊料资顶试料层卷试配配卷置置要不技求规术,范是对高指电中机气资组设料在备试进进卷行行问继空题电载,保与护带而高负且中荷可资下保料高障试中卷资各总料体试类配卷管置调路时控习,试题需验到要;位在对。最设在大备管限进路度行敷内调设来整过确使程保其中机在,组正要高常加中工强资况看料下试与卷过安度护全工关,作并下于且都管尽可路可以高能正中地常资缩工料小作试故;卷障对连高于接中继管资电口料保处试护理卷进高破行中坏整资范核料围对试,定卷或值弯者,扁对审度某核固些与定异校盒常对位高图置中纸保资,护料编层试写防卷复腐工杂跨况设接进备地行与线自装弯动置曲处高半理中径,资标尤料高其试等要卷,避调要免试求错方技误案术高,交中编底资写。料重、管试要电线卷设气敷保、备设设护电高备、技装气中调管术置课资试路动件料高敷包作中试中设含,调卷资技线并试试料术槽且验试、拒方卷管绝案技架动以术等作及多,系项来统方避启式免动,不方为必案解要;决高对高中整中资套语料启文试动电卷过气突程课然中件停高中机中管。资壁因料薄此试、,卷接电电口力气不高设严中备等资进问料行题试调,卷试合保工理护作利装并用置且管调进线试行敷技过设术关技,运术要行。求高线电中缆力资敷保料设护试原装卷则置技:做术在到指分准导线确。盒灵对处活于,。调当对试不于过同差程电动中压保高回护中路装资交置料叉高试时中卷,资技应料术采试问用卷题金调,属试作隔技为板术调进是试行指人隔发员开电,处机需理一要;变在同压事一器前线组掌槽在握内发图,生纸强内资电部料回故、路障设须时备同,制时需造切要厂断进家习行出题外具电部高源电中,源资线高料缆中试敷资卷设料试完试验毕卷报,切告要除与进从相行而关检采技查用术和高资检中料测资,处料并理试且。卷了设主解要现保场护装备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线等情况置。D. Military research is being directed more extensively to space technology than to short-range missiles.

Passage two

Of the great variety of opinions concerning “marriage for money”, the following three are important with reference to the development of the importance of money. Marriages based exclusively upon economic motives have not only existed in all periods and at all stages of development, but are particularly common among primitive groups and conditions where they do not cause any offence at all. The disparagement of personal dignity that nowadays arises in every marriage that is not based on personal affection – so that a sense of decency requires the concealment of economic motives – does not exist in simpler cultures. The reason for this development is that increasing individualization makes it increasingly contradictory and discreditable to enter into purely individual relationships for other than purely individual reasons.

For nowadays the choice of a partner in marriage is no longer determined by social motives (though regard for the offspring may be considered to be such a motive), in so far as society does not insist upon the couple’s equal social status – a condition, however, that provides a great deal of latitude and only rarely leads to conflicts between individual and social interests. In a quite undifferentiated society it may be relatively irrelevant who marries whom, irrelevant not only for the mutual relationship of the couple but also for the offspring. This is because where the constitutions, state of health, temperament, internal and external forms of life and orientations are largely the same within the group, the chance that the children will turn out well depends less upon whether the parents agree and

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