【期刊名称】《中华医学教育杂志》 【年(卷),期】2010(030)004
【摘要】目的 探索研究生实用型医学英语教学方法,全面培养研究生英语应用能力.方法 以首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院的13名硕士研究生和博士研究生为教学对象,开展为期3年的阶梯式英语培训,第1年要求学生掌握一定的医学专业英语词汇,第2年培训学生应用英语的交流能力,第3年实施临床医学英语情景模拟教学,从而全面并循序渐进地提高研究生的专业英语综合应用能力.结果 初步建立了以医疗实践为导向的研究生实用型医学英语教学方法,参与培训的研究生在医学英语应用能力上有了明显的提高.结论 实用型医学英语教学方法明显提高了研究生的专业英语应用能力,得到了研究生的肯定.%Objective To explore a new method for practical medical English teaching to improve medical students' ability for English use in clinical practice. Methods Thirteen pediatric graduate students were recruited for three-year' s step training by practical medical English teaching, including mastering medical terms and sentences in the first year, enhancing oral English abihty in the second year and performing medical situational simulation in the third year. Results Practice orientated medical English teaching was preliminarily established, and the pediatric graduate students in this training program got great improvement in their ability of applying medical English. Conclusions This practical medical English teaching has