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1. To begin with, schools should attach enough importance to

courses that can help students prepare for jobs in their chosen fields.

2. However, work-oriented courses is never incompatible with

other courses such as arts, humanities and the like, which also play an important role in one career success.

3. Inter-disciplinary study is crucial for the improvement of

either discipline.

4. Though courses of a wide range of disciplines should be

made compulsory, sufficient freedom should be granted to students. 学科


39. \are vastly overrated: most people could learn more by studying and reading on their own for four years than by pursuing a university or college degree.\



1. Schools offer systematical curriculum, qualified staff,

libraries, facilities and so on, which are not available to individuals who study on their own.

2. Studying with peers arouses competition and cooperation.

Compulsory studies avoids laziness.

3. Qualified degrees help get a job offer more easily. 4. However, degree does not mean everything. It is just a

symbol. Even if you have a college degree, you still have to work hard in order achieve career success. 大学和自学 --------------

50. \and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach.\



Working experience in relevant professions enables college and university faculty to offer practical instruction to students.

1. First, faculty who are actively engaged in their fields come to

class with fresh insights and contagious excitement about the issue at hand.

2. Secondly, by keeping abreast with the changing demands of

work as a professional, professors can help students who are serious about pursuing a career in that field to make more informed career decisions.

3. Thirdly, experience in the field can help a professor ferret out

cutting-edge and controversial issues—which might be appropriate subjects for research and publication.

4. However, the teachers in some disciplines such as

mathematics, literature, history, philosophy, etc., may find it difficult to combine their teaching with relevant professional fields. ----------------

51. \designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student.\


Student-oriented education is the most effective way to help students learn.

1. The traditional teacher-oriented education often neglects the

individual needs and interests of each student, which proves counterproductive.

2. Student-oriented education can most effectively involve

individual students in the learning process.

3. Nonetheless, winking at students’ unreasonable desires would

only result in chaos in education. 少数和多数 -------------------

52. \therefore does little to promote social harmony.\


Encouraging students to question and criticize does not necessarily harm social harmony.

1. Social harmony hinges on mutual understanding among

members of the society, which is achieved through active communication rather than passive conformity.

2. The ability to challenge existing authorities and paradigms

requires intensive training through education.

3. Encouraging students to question and criticize helps students

not only to learn more productively but also become qualified citizens that will be able to actively participate in social affairs. 教育问题


53. \students, fully financed by the government.\

大学教育应该对所有学生免费,由政府来全额资助。 Agree

1. Investment in education is always a wise choice for a nation. 2. The amount of money needed by universities is only a small

percent of a nation’s Gross Domestic Product, and will surely be compensated by the graduates in the future through the way of income taxation.

3. Proving all students with higher education puts them on equal

footing with each other when they enter society—a

precondition of equal opportunity for all members of society. 奖学金


55. \learning at all levels of education.\


Competition among students for higher grades does not

necessarily have a negative impact on the quality of learning.

1. Admittedly, if education aims solely at cramming students for

exams, the quality of learning will undoubtedly deteriorate. 2. However, examinations do help students review their lessons

and master what they have learned.

3. Furthermore, the psychological pressure that competition

exerts on students is not always harmful. 分数


67. \activities in order to assure that each student receives a balanced, well-rounded education.\




1. Colleges today tend to isolate students from society.

2. However, we should realize that participating in some social

activities may actually contribute to their academic work. 3. To train qualified citizens for society, colleges should arrange

for public-service activities to increase student’s sense of social responsibility.



78. \

interconnectedness of all human beings and thus help eliminate wars, cultural clashes, and other forms of conflict.\


1. Human beings share many common interests and values, the

awareness of which would contribute to intercultural understanding and cooperation.

2. Realizing the differences between different cultures would

help different peoples of the world communicate with each other more effectively.

3. Considering the growing threat of cultural imperialism in this

information age, it might be more urgent for schools to give more emphasis on cultural differences.



80. \even if they have no interest in science.\


Taking courses in the sciences benefits not only students in the sciences but also students in humanities.

1. The research methods in the sciences can be applied to the

studies of humanities.

2. Students of humanities and social sciences may bring fresh

and constructive perspectives and viewpoints to natural science classes.

3. Some knowledge of the sciences is a must for everyone living

in an age in which science and technology play a dominant role.

现实和理想之学习与兴趣 -------------------------

90. \interest them rather than seek programs that promise entry into the job market.\

大学学生应该被鼓励去学习他们感兴趣的学科而不是那些容易找工作的学科。 Agree

1. Today’s parents attach too much importance to the job

prospects of their children’s education.

2. However, empirical evidence suggests that young people are

more likely to succeed in a career that interests them. 现实和理想之兴趣 -----------------------

94. \courses outside the student's field of study because acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated.\



1. True education amounts to far more than gaining the

knowledge and ability to excel in one’s major course of study and in one’s professional career.

2. Becoming truly educated also requires sufficient mastery of

one academic area to permit a student to contribute meaningfully to society later in life.

3. Nevertheless, the call for a broad educational experience as

the path to becoming truly educated comes with one

important caveat—in the pursuit of true education students must be careful not to become a dilettante. 必修课和选修课 -----------------------

98. \popular music, film, advertising, and television because

contemporary culture has much greater relevance for students than do arts and literature of the past.\


Agree with concession

1. Popular culture is a mirror of society’s impulses and values. 2. Knowledge of popular films, music, and art enables a person

to find common ground to relate to other people, which leads to better communication between different subcultures.

3. Nevertheless, emphasizing the study of popular culture at the

expense of studying classical art and literature can carry harmful consequences for students, as well as for society. 过去和现在之流行课程 ------------------------------

100. \

limits the quality of learning. An educational environment without grades would promote more genuine intellectual development.\


Grade连续2次出现,这里不是学历、学位的意思,学历、学位应该是degree。 教育之分数

The speaker fails to see the positive effects of the pressure exerted by exams.

1. Admittedly, exams might exert some negative impact on


2. However, competition for high grades among students could

motivate students to work hard.

Well-prepared exam questions could also help students review their lessons.


102. \revising the ideas, beliefs, and values people held in the past.\


Education is far more involved than just revising people’s old ideas, beliefs and values.

1. Education often inputs, rather than revise, ideas and values to

people’s mind.

2. The ultimate purpose of education is to teach the young

generation how to confront the challenges of the present. 除旧取新的过程


104. \perpetuate the ideas it favors and discredit the ideas it fears.\



1. I agree with the speaker with respect to formal grade-school

and even high-school education, yet the degree to which our grade schools and high schools emphasize indoctrination should not be overstated.

2. Although the speaker’s assertion has some merit when it

comes to the education of young people, I find it erroneous when it comes to higher education.

3. The speaker also ignores other means by which our culture

perpetuates ideas it favors and discredits ideas it fears. 教育问题

106. \ethics, even if taking the course means a decreased emphasis on academic subjects.\


1. Nowadays, people tend to attach less and less importance to

the inculcation of morality.

2. Knowledge of ethics provides students with a correct view of

life and career.

3. The goal of education is to help students grow not only

intellectually, but also ethically. 现实和道德


112. \students' capacity for reasoning and logical thinking, but students would benefit more from an education that also taught them to explore their own emotions.\


While I concede that in certain fields students are well served by nurturing their emotions and feelings, in most academic disciplines it is by cultivating intellect rather than emotions that students master their discipline and, in turn, gain a capacity to contribute to the well-being of society.

1. I agree with the speaker insofar as undue emphasis on reason

and logical thinking can have a chilling effect on the arts. 2. Aside from its utility in the arts, however, the exploration of

emotions has little place in educational systems.

Indeed, on a systemic scale undue emphasis on the exploration of our emotions can have deleterious societal consequences. Emotions invite irrationality in thought and action, the danger of which are all too evident in contemporary world history.


128. \mind and the spirit. In reality, however, formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free.\


1. Some people might argue that the overwhelming curriculum

of schools would restrain our mind and spirit. However, if deficient in knowledge, absolute free mind will lead to total simplicity and naivety.

2. Formal education plays a very important role in the process

of freeing the mind and spirit. Basic knowledge, which can only be attained through formal education, is the prerequisite for freeing people’s mind and spirit.



130. \society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society.\


The claim that society’s destiny hinges on how children are

socialized, while appealing in some respects, is an over-statement at best. And the claim that we have not yet learned how to raise children who can better society is poorly supported by empirical evidence.

1. Unless a child is allowed sufficient opportunities for healthy

interaction with peers, that child is likely to grow into an ineffectual, perhaps even an anti-social, adult.

2. However, socialization is only one factor influencing the

extent to which an individual will ultimately contribute to a better society.

3. Turning to the second claim, if we define a “better” society as

one characterized by greater tolerance of differing viewpoints and people who are different from ourselves, greater respect for individual rights, and greater cooperation across cultural and national boundaries, then the children of the most recent half-century are creating a better society. 下一代


132. \worlds----the sciences, the humanities, and the social sciences. Because each world operates on its own assumptions and has its own special habits of thinking, rarely is there meaningful interaction among the sciences, the humanities, and the social sciences.\



1. Admittedly, the university community regards the three

different academic endeavors as separate realms.

2. Actually, the three fields are intrinsically interrelated to each


3. Combining the relevant methods used respectively in the

three fields will be of great help to our study and learning. 学科之间的关系


134. \and rhetorical skill must be accompanied by sincerity and the true conviction of their own beliefs.\


1. Our belief about what we are and what can be precisely

determine what we will be.

2. However, today’s education gives too much stress to mental

agility and rhetorical skills, which are skin-deep compared to sincerity and true conviction of beliefs. 现实与道德

153. \study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively.\



1. Skepticism is perhaps most important in the physical science.

Passive acceptance of prevailing principles quells innovation, invention and discovery.

2. The value of skepticism is not limited to the physical sciences,

of course. (sociology, political science, law)

3. Even in the arts, students must challenge established styles

and forms rather than learn to imitate them; otherwise, no genuinely new art would ever emerge.

4. Admittedly, undue skepticism might be counterproductive in

educating young children. 教育问题之学而好问 ------------------------------

154. \schools. Education is too important to leave solely to a group of professional educators.\


Educators, parents and communities can and should join efforts to create a healthy learning environment for children.

A. First of all, we should never look down upon the key role that

professional educators play in fostering the younger generation.

B. Meanwhile, both parents and communities can make

significant contribution to school education.

C. Without a constructive family and community environment, it

would be almost impossible for school education to fulfill its noble mission. 教育之合作 191. \

personal lives of students and to training students to be productive workers.\


In my view, preparing students for the mundane aspects of work should be secondary to providing a broader education that equips students with historical and cultural perspective, as well as

thoughtful and principled personal value systems and priorities. 1. One reason why educators should emphasize personal

enrichment over job preparation is that rote technical

knowledge and skill do not help a student determine which goals in life are worthwhile and whether the means of attaining those goals are ethically or morally acceptable. 2. Another reason why educators should emphasize personal

enrichment over job preparation is that specific knowledge and skills needed for jobs are changing more and more quickly.

3. A third reason why educators should emphasized personally

enriching course work—particularly anthropology, sociology, history, and political philosophy—is that these courses help students understand, appreciate and respect other people and their viewpoints. 现实和理想


201. \purpose of education should be to provide students with a value system, a standard, a set of ideas--not to prepare them for a specific job.\


1. By helping students develop a thoughtful, principled value

system educators actually help prepare students for jobs.

2. Another reason for my viewpoint lies in the fact that

technology-driven industries account for an ever-increasing portion of our jobs.

3. Besides helping students develop their own thoughtful value

systems, educators should instill in students certain basic values upon which any democratic society depends;

otherwise, our freedom to choose our own jobs and careers might not survive in the long term.

4. Admittedly, values and behavioral standards specific to

certain religions are best left to parents and churches. 213. \

students to challenge the assertions of others. In fact, the ability to compromise and work with others--that is, the ability to achieve social harmony--should be a major goal in every school.\


Encouraging students to think critically does not necessarily conflict with our pursuit of social harmony.

1. Critical thinking is key to students both academically and


2. It is necessary for students to criticize the views of each other

in their studies, which does not necessarily lead to conflicts among them.

3. Compromising is harmful in academic pursuits.


214. \talents and abilities and begin training them at an early age so that they can eventually excel in their areas of ability. Otherwise, these talents are likely to remain undeveloped.\


1. At first blush the statement appears compelling. I agree with

the statement insofar as any society that values its own future well-being must be attentive to its children’s talents. 2. Beyond this concession, however, I disagree with the

statement because it seems to recommend that certain children receive special attention at the expense of other children—a recommendation that I find troubling.


222. \education must serve an ulterior purpose and be directed toward clear goals.\


While education must serve clear purpose, “learning for learning’s sake” is not necessarily out-dated.

1. The primary purpose of education is to cultivate qualified

citizens and builders of a democratic society.

2. Another purpose of education is to train creative workers who

can fill in all the occupations of society.

3. The idea of “learning for learning’s sake” does not

necessarily conflict with education’s pursuit of the above purposes.



223. \with school or college.\



Education is not a personal matter in a large sense, and it certainly has a lot to do with school or college.

1. It is not difficult to understand that education directly benefits

the individual receiver of education.

2. Furthermore, the education of an individual concerns the

interests of the whole society.

3. With the dramatic increase in knowledge today, it is

impossible to educate oneself without the involvement of school or college. 少数和多数


228. \parent--is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones.\


The statement overlooks circumstances under which praise might be inappropriate, as well as ignoring the beneficial value of constructive criticism, and sometimes even punishment.

1. The recommendation that parents, teachers and employers

praise positive actions is generally good advice. 2. While recommending praise for positive actions is

fundamentally sound advice, this advice should carry with it certain caveats.

3. As for ignoring negative actions, I agree that minor

peccadilloes can, and in many cases should, be overlooked. 4. At the same time, some measure of constructive criticism and

critique, and sometimes even punishment, is appropriate.



230. \directions rather than make their own decisions. Therefore,

colleges should eliminate as many choices as possible in order to offer students clear direction.\


1. As for the speaker’s threshold claim, I concede that under

certain circumstances people prefer to take direction from others.

2. When it comes to particular tasks in which college professors

are more experienced and knowledgeable, following their directions is to be preferred, for failing to do so can result in costly mistakes.

3. However, when it comes to decisions about major and minor

fields of study, curriculum choices, and other broad decisions, for the most part students themselves—and not college administrators—should be the final decision-makers. 精英和大众之选择权 ---------------------------

232. \environment that is separate from the outside world. This kind of environment is ideal because it allows students to focus on

important ideas without being held back by practical concerns.\ 教育的目的应该是要创造出一个隔离于外界的学术环境。这样的环境最理想因为这样可以使学生们不受功利的干扰而专注于重要的理念。

It is near-sighted to isolate students from the outside world. 1. A common misconception about education is that the

so-called “important ideas” students learn at schools have nothing to do with the practical world.

2. Actually, students’ knowledge of the outside world

contributions to their academic studies.

3. Furthermore, the ultimate purpose of education is to train

workers and citizens who can adapt themselves to and make contributions to the society outside the campus. 理想和现实

第四类 科技

7. \record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records.\

摄像机可以通过如此精确而有力的记录手段来再现当代生活,因此它已经代替书面记录成为了一种更重要的记录手段。 Although I agree that a video provides a more objective and accurate record of an event’s spatial aspects, there is far more to document in life than what we see and hear. Thus the speaker

overstates the comparative significance of video as a documentary tool.

1. For the purpose of documenting temporal, spatial events and

experiences, I agree that a video record is usually more accurate and more convincing than a written record.

2. Nonetheless, for certain other purposes written records are

more advantageous and more appropriate than video records. 3. Finally, a video record is of not use in documenting statistical

or quantitative information. 记录手段:现代摄像机和印刷术 ------------------------------

30. \increase people's efficiency so that everyone has more leisure time.\



1. The chief reason for my disagreement lies in the empirical

proof: with technological advancement comes diminished leisure time.

2. Meanwhile, the suggestion that technology’s chief goal

should be to facilitate leisure is simply wrongheaded. There are far more vital concerns that technology can and should address.

技术进步之空闲时刻 ------------------------------

66. \

problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate.\


Technology is a double-edged sword that may either serve or harm human interests.

1. On the one hand, it is possible that people may become the

slaves of technology.

2. On the other hand, technology may save people’s time and

energy so that they could devote themselves to more creative and meaningful work.

3. Moreover, technology provides people with effective

instruments for intellectual work. 技术进步之人和技术 ------------------------------

69. \scientific research and development\



1. Without government funding, scientists would find it difficult

to carry out large-scale projects.

2. Government can also organize scientists to solve the most

urgent problems that concern society.

3. However, government should refrain from interfering with

the freedom of scientific enquiry.




