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2019-2020学年新人教版高中英语新作业:必修二 课堂小测33

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课标话题 词 数 人与自然·人与环境 321 体裁 难度 说明文 It's thought that around 5 trillion pieces of plastic are currently floating in our oceans. Both mammals and fish benefit from the clean ocean. It is reported that more than 8 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans every year, and nearly half of the plastic we produce is single-use only.

This shoe brand, however, is riding the wave of change and is on a mission to help clean up our waters and rid the sea of plastic bottles that can take up to 400 years to break down. Vivobarefoot's newest footwear uses recycled plastic materials and has created an education program that spreads awareness about how harmful plastic is for sea life.

Every pair of shoes is made up of 17 plastic water bottles taken from the ocean and turned into a sustainable, comfortable pair of shoes, which are also healthy for your feet. And while not everyone can take part in ocean cleanups, choosing little ways we can give back to our planet goes a long way.

Vivobarefoot's new products include a variety of highperformance styles such as casual sneakers, running shoes, and hiking boots. The brand hopes that its latest initiative(新方案) will help lessen the indifference to pollution and how harmful it is for all living beings.

In the future, Vivobarefoot hopes to increase their production of shoes created from sustainable materials, and thankfully, it is now one of many brands that aim to increase environmentalism and educate communities on how global warming affects everyone.

This year, they'll add more recyclable and traceable materials into more than half of their production line, and they have plenty of creative developments in the works as well.

The shoes also have a health benefit. Based on the concept that wider, minimally designed shoes enable our foot to function at maximum potential, wearers also experience better balance and sensory input.

语篇导读 本文主要介绍了一家利用海洋中的废弃塑料瓶制作鞋子的公司。 1.How does the author make his point convincing? A.By listing figures. B.By telling a story. C.By giving examples.

D.By making comparisons.

解析 A 推理判断题。根据第一段和第二段所列举的数字可推知,作者是通过列数字来增强说服力的,故选A项。

2.What is Vivobarefoot doing to help with the marine creatures? A.Donating money to buy food for them. B.Keeping the ocean free from plastic bottles. C.Producing more shoes from sustainable materials. D.Raising public awareness of recycling and reuse.

解析 B 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句可知,这家公司是通过清除海洋中的塑料瓶来帮助海洋生物的,故选B项。

3.What is probably Vivobarefoot's operation philosophy? A.Customerfocused. B.Serviceoriented. C.Moneysaving.


解析 D 推理判断题。根据第四段第一句和第六段中的it is now one of…affects everyone可推知,这家公司的经营理念是环保,故选D项。

4.What can we learn from the text?

A.Vivobarefoot's new products haven't been released. B.Vivobarefoot is the most popular shoe brand in the world.

C.Vivobarefoot cares about not only its business but also public services. D.Vivobarefoot is the first company to find the new function of waste materials.

解析 C 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段可推知,Vivobarefoot公司不仅仅关注生意,而且还关注公益服务,故选C项。


课标话题 人与自然·人与动植物 体裁 议论文 词 数 366 难度 In the wild, belugas, also known as white whales, are social animals. They swim in Arctic Ocean waters in groups.

Highly intelligent, the whales use different sounds to communicate and find their way. Belugas are also among the smallest kinds of whales.

More than 210 belugas, including about 31 in the United States, live in aquariums and zoos around the world. The Georgia Aquarium has asked for permission to bring 18 more belugas into the United States. Since some whales had been captured off the coast of Russia, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA) was considering the aquarium's request.

A law called the Marine Mammal Protection Act says the animals can only be brought into the country and put on display if they are captured without being hurt and there is an educational reason for doing so.

Georgia Aquarium officials said another 18 belugas would help people learn more about the species and allow scientists to better understand how to protect it. The aquarium would also breed the whales so U.S. aquariums could continue to display them. “When we study and observe belugas, we can gain a better understanding of their biology and diseases that affect them, and learn how to aid populations in their natural habitats,” said William Hurley, Georgia Aquarium's chief zoological officer. “Much of this research would be impossible to do in the remote locations and extreme climates where the animals live.” The Georgia Aquarium would own 18 more belugas and would loan some to aquariums across the country.

Some scientists including Lori Marino, a beluga whale expert at Emory University, in Atlanta, Georgia, felt strongly that the whales belonged to the ocean instead of tanks. These scientists said the whales are being used for entertainment rather than for education, and having them in aquariums was not necessary for the species to survive. “Captive belugas, like dolphins and other whales, do not do well in tanks; they belong to the oceans,” Marino suggested. “Not only is it unfair to the belugas but there is no educational value in putting captive dolphins and whales on display. Students learn about dolphins and whales best when they see and read about them in their natural habitats.”

语篇导读 本文讨论了白鲸养在水族馆供展览的利弊。 5.How do belugas send information to each other? A.By swimming together. B.By making body contact.

2019-2020学年新人教版高中英语新作业:必修二 课堂小测33


