Step 6 – Adding the social icons 步骤6 - 添加一些社交图标
Create a new group and name it “social”. Then select the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) and create a rounded rectangle with the dimensions 260px by 70px and the color #a95858 in the right side of your layout. Name this layer “social bg”, double-click on it to open the Layer Style window and use the settings from the following image. The stroke color is #a95858.
新建social组。然后用圆角矩形工具在你的布局的右边创建一个圆角矩形(810,60),尺寸:260px*70px,颜色: #a95858。命名此图层social bg,双击打开图层样式窗口按照下图设置样式,描边的颜色为 #a95858
Download this set of icons from Function and open the “rss”, “twitter”, “facebook” and “youtube” icons in Photoshop. Move each of these icons into your first document using the Move Tool (V) and arrange them inside the rounded rectangle you created earlier.
从Function上下载set of icons,然后在PS中打开rss、twitter、facebook、youtube图标,用移动工具移动每一个图标到圆角矩形中并对齐它们
Step 7 – Creating the background for the content
S网设计教程VI在 hotosho 中创建一个食物博客布局