Step 4 步骤4
Create a new group and name it “top bar”. Then select the Rectangle Tool (U) and create a rectangle with the dimensions 1200px by 15px and the color #a95858 at the top of your document. Name this layer “top bar”, double-click on it to open the Layer Style window and use the settings from the following image for Drop Shadow. The shadow color is #473e2f.
新建top bar组。然后选择矩形工具在文档的顶部新建一个矩形(0,0),尺寸:1200px*15px,颜色: #a95858。命名此图层为top bar。双击该图层打开图层样式窗口按照下图设置样式,投影颜色: #473e2f
Then select the Line Tool (U), set the Weight to 1px, hold down the Shift key and create a horizontal line at the bottom of the top rectangle using the color #8b4747. Name this layer “1px line”.
选择直线工具,设置粗细为1px,按住Shift键在刚才的矩形的底部创建一条水平线,颜色: #8b4747,命名此图层为1px line。
Hit Ctrl/Cmd + J to duplicate the line layer. Then select the Move Tool (V) and hit the up arrow on your keyboard once to move this layer one pixel up. Change the color of the new line to #ca7373.
点击Ctrl/Cmd + J复制该直线图层。然后选中移动工具,按键盘上的上方向键上移本图层一个像素。新直线的颜色更改为: #ca7373
Step 5
Download the Food Vectors Pack and open the .AI file in Adobe Illustrator. Then select the ice cream cup vector using the Selection Tool (V), copy it (Ctrl/Cmd + C), go back to Photoshop and paste it as a smart object (Ctrl/Cmd + V). Name this layer “ice cream icon” and use Free Transform (Ctrl/Cmd + T) to change its size. 步骤5
下载Food Vectors Pack然后在Adobe Illustrator中打开.AI文件。然后用选择工具选择ice cream cup vector,复制它。回到PS,粘贴为智能对象(Ctrl/Cmd + V)。命名此图层为ice cream icon。然后用自由变形工具(Ctrl/Cmd + T)更改它的大小
Activate the guides (Ctrl/Cmd + ;) and align your ice cream icon as you see in the image below. Put this layer inside a group (Ctrl/Cmd + G) and name it “logo”. 激活参考线(Ctrl/Cmd + ;),像下图一样对齐你的冰激淋图标。把该图层放到一个组里(Ctrl/Cmd + G),命名该组为logo
Now select the Type Tool (T) and write the name of your layout using the color #8d1c39. I used three text layers and the font Myriad Pro Black (for the word “food”) and Myriad Pro Bold (for the other two words). To arrange these layers I used the Move Tool (V).
用文字工具书写你的布局的名字,颜色: #8d1c39。我用了3个文字图层,分别用的字体是Myriad Pro Black(文字food)和Myriad Pro Bold(另外两个文字)。用移动工具对齐这些文本图层
由于字体Myriad Pro Black没有找到,还是用Myriad Pro Bold来代替。三个文字的设置如下:
Double-click on your text layer to open the Layer Style window and use the settings from the following image. If you have more than one text layer, copy the layer style from the first one (right-click on the layer and select Copy Layer Style) and paste it to the others (right-click and select Paste Layer Style).
S网设计教程VI在 hotosho 中创建一个食物博客布局