d. Act in pairs. (3) Let’chant. Listen to the tape and sing the chant
课 题 Lesson 8 课 时 3课时 1.Learn to say 教 本部分主要是会话学习。通过见面打招呼,学 询问朋友会做什么事情等情景,让学生在模目 仿、学习、表演的基础上逐步达到自然交流标 与真实运用的目的。 2.Look, listen and say 学习新单词fly, run, swim, jump 3.Fun time 本部分让学生在游戏活动中熟练运用所学单词及问候语。 知识重句型What can you do? I can....Can 点 you.....? 知识难单词和句型的正确使用和读音。 点 教 学 内 容 1. Greetings (1) Warm-up (2) Greet each other 2. Presentation A. Learn to say (1)R: Hello .I’m Robot.I
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can read and write.What can you do? fly? F:I can swim.Can you swim? R: No, I can’t. (2)Listen to the tape. (3) Act in groups. B. Look, listen and say. swim, jump C. Fun time (1)Let’s play (2)Let’s act a. Learn the sentences: What can you do? I can....Can you.....? b. Listen to the dialogue. c. Read and practice. d. Act in pairs.
猜一猜游戏,采取竞赛形式进行。 B: I can fly.Can you Learn the new words: fly, run, (3) Look and listen. Listen to the tape and sing the song
学 询问朋友会做什么事情等情景,让学生在模目 仿、学习、表演的基础上逐步达到自然交流标 与真实运用的目的。 2.Look, listen and say 学习新单词sing ,dance, row a boat, fly a kite 3.Fun time 本部分让学生在游戏活动中熟练运用所学问候语及自我介绍用语,并学唱英语歌。 知识重句型How beautiful you are!Can you 点 sing? 知识难单词和句型的正确使用和读音。 点 教 学 内 容 1. Greetings (1) Warm-up (2) Greet each other 2. Presentation A. Learn to say 个性化修改 教师可播(1)S1: Hi, Mrs Crow. How 放歌曲beautiful you are! Can you “Hello”sing?