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Revised by Petrel at 2024



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本文首先介绍了ZigBee , GPRS技术的概念及其协议架构,然后介绍了ZigBee-GPRS网关的设计与实现、远程无线传感器网络节点的硬件及其软件的设计方法,进而完成ZigBee与GPRS融合组网。ZigBee传感器节点采用CC2530作为无线数据收发芯片。GPRS模块采用ComWay模块。用户通过操作终端进行远程测控,可获取ZigBee无线传感器网络内部各节点的传感信息。与类似系统相比,本系统实现简单,功能完善,具备实际推广价值。文中最后对本无线传感器网络进行了测试,试验表明所研发的无线传感器网络具有较好的远程监测性、扩展性和移植性,可实现远程无线传感监测功能。 关键词:物联网 无线传感网 ZigBee 以太网 GPRS

Orchard environmental monitoring and decision support system based on

GPRS and ZigBee

Chen ShuRong

(College of Engineering, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China) Abstract:Under the support of broadband mobile communication. Next generation network and cloud computing. Internet of Things(IOT) has been widely used in warehouses,SmartGrids,

public security, intelligent buildings and so with the development of sensors, wireless communication and embedded systems. Because of its huge prospect in public applications, Internet of Things has been paid special attention by governments all over the world, viewed as the third wave of information technology following Internet and mobile network. As the bridge between sensor network and traditional communication network/Internet, IOT gateway plays an important role in IOT applications. IOT gateway is used for seamless integration of sensor networks and Internet/telecommunication networks,also facilitates the control and management of sensor networks and sensor nodes. In this paper, we propose an IOT gateway system based on ZigBee and GPRS protocols according to the typical networking scenarios and application requirements of telecom operators;enable the data transmission between sensor networks and telecommunications network, protocol conversion of different sensor network protocols and some control functions of sensor network;and finally give the implementation details of the prototype system and performance evaluation.

This paper firstly introduces the concept and the framework agreement, of ZigBee and GPRS technology,and then introduces ZigBee-GPRS gateway's design and implementation,and remote wireless sensor network node of the hardware and the method of software design,after that accomplish ZigBee and GPRS fusion networking. The node of ZigBee sensor uses CC2530 as a wireless data transceiver chip. GPRS module uses ComWay module. The user can remote control via terminal operation, and then it can obtain the sensor information of each interna node of ZigBee wireless sensor network. Compared with a similar system, this system has the simple implementation and strong maneuverability and perfect function and the actual value of popularization. The final test shows that the wireless sensor network has very good remote monitoring sex, scalability, and portability, Which enables remote monitoring wireless sensor.

Key words: IOT WSN ZigBee Ethernet GPRS

目 录

1 前言 ........................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 课题研究的依据和意义 ............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 选题的依据 ................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 农业监测控制的必要性 ............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 国内外课题研究现状 ................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。



