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【北语】21春《英语国家概况(II)》作业3 试卷总分:100 得分:100

一、单选题 (共 10 道试题,共 50 分)

1.What are the original inhabitants of Canada now called? [A.]The Indians

[B.]The First Nations [C.]The Eskimos

[解析提示]本题请参考课本相关知识,并完成课程作业 本题参考选项是:B

2.Who is the Prime Minister of Canada at present? [A.]Justin Trudeau [B.]Pierre Trudeau [C.]Jean Chirac

[解析提示]本题请参考课本相关知识,并完成课程作业 本题参考选项是:A

3.Which Canadian prime minister referred to the two world wars as \of European militarism\[A.]Lester Pearson [B.]Wilfred Laurier [C.]Pierre Trudeau [D.]Brian Mulroney

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4.In Vancouver schools, it is estimated that more than half of the students speak _______. [A.]German [B.]French

[C.]Mandarin Chinese [D.]Cantonese

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5.Which of the following is a tourist attraction in the United States? [A.]Yellowstone National Park [B.]The Babylon Garden [C.]The English castle [D.]The coral reefs

[解析提示]本题请参考课本相关知识,并完成课程作业 本题参考选项是:A

6.During the Second World War, the Japanese settlers in Canada were forced to

move _______.

[A.]to east of the Rocky Mountains [B.]back to Japan [C.]to Pearl Harbour [D.]to the east coast

[解析提示]本题请参考课本相关知识,并完成课程作业 本题参考选项是:A

7.The novel The English Patient is written by____. [A.]a British writer [B.]a Canadian writer

[解析提示]本题请参考课本相关知识,并完成课程作业 本题参考选项是:B

8.Which of the following writers is a Canadian? [A.]Emily Bronte [B.]Kate Chopin [C.]Margaret Atwood

[解析提示]本题请参考课本相关知识,并完成课程作业 本题参考选项是:C

9.In more recent years, partly through Canadian diplomatic efforts, things like ____________ and ____________have been put on the international agend[A.] [A.]arms control, human rights [B.]economic crisis, inequality

[C.]organized crime, drug trafficking [D.]women'issues, the environment

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10.Which of the following games is played in a \[A.]Football [B.]Basketball [C.]Baseball

[解析提示]本题请参考课本相关知识,并完成课程作业 本题参考选项是:C

二、判断题 (共 10 道试题,共 50 分)

11.It was in 1954 that the Supreme Court ruled that the practice of segregating blacks into separate schools was unconstitional. [A.]正确 [B.]错误

[解析提示]本题请参考课本相关知识,并完成课程作业 本题参考选项是:正确

12.Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique, published in 1963, changed the way large numbers of women thought about themselves and other women. [A.]正确 [B.]错误

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13.After Legal segregation ended in the South as a result of the civil rights movement, and racism is no longer an extremely serious social, political problem in the U.S. [A.]正确 [B.]错误

[解析提示]本题请参考课本相关知识,并完成课程作业 本题参考选项是:错误

14.New York City is the second largest city of the United States. [A.]正确 [B.]错误

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15.Former President Nixon remarked on several occasions that drug abuse is American’s “number one enemy” and that “we must declare war against it.” [A.]正确 [B.]错误

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16.Convicts' wives in England were discouraged from following their husbands to Australi[A.] [A.]正确 [B.]错误

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17.The Prime Minister and his Cabinet at federal level is the acknowledged center of Australian parliamentary power. [A.]正确 [B.]错误

[解析提示]本题请参考课本相关知识,并完成课程作业 本题参考选项是:正确

18.The Yellowstone National Park was established in 1908 by President Theodore



