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体育单招英语试题及答案(word版可编辑修改) 体育单招英语试题及答案(word版可编辑修改) 编辑整理: 尊敬的读者朋友们: 这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(体育单招英语试题及答案(word版可编辑修改))的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。 本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为体育单招英语试题及答案(word版可编辑修改)的全部内容。 1 体育单招英语试题及答案(word版可编辑修改) 2011 年全国普通高等学校运动训练、民族传统体育专业 单独统一招生考试英语 注意事项: 1.本试卷分为第一、第二两卷第一卷三大题,满分120分;第二卷两大题.满分30分,共150 分。 2.答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。 第一卷(三大题,共120分) I。单项选择(共20小题;每小题2 分,满分40分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳答案. 1。—Could you carry this box of books for me? __________but 1 have a pain in my back. A.That ’s easy B。I 'd like tou C.I’ll help you D。No problem 2.Jennie is kind of person you_______ love or hate。 A.both A.must B。either B.should C.all C.could D。only D.need D.arrives 3。In the shop Ellen finally chose a tool that_______ be used to cut wood with。 4。The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she_________ A。arrived business-man。 A.Unless B.Even though C。As if D.until D.sopported 6。Stene works very hard because he ha abie family ________ A。to support A.Will lose A。to B.supporting C.support C。has lost D.in 7.Frank was very disappointed because he_________the chance to win the game。 B.lose B.for D.had lost 8.My watch stopped,had I was late _________ school this morning。 C。at 9.She must have missed the train ,________she would be there by now. A.meanwhile A。To read B.otherwise C.sometimes D. therefore C.Having read D.Read 10。_______The Emperor’s New Clothes ,we all found it quite interesting. B.Reading 11.You can stay here _______ you keep quiet. A.as well as B。as soon as C。as much as D.as long as 12。Bob,it’s time for bed _______the TV,please。 A.Turn in B。Turn off C.Turn up D.Turn over 2 B。will arrive C。is arriving 5.___________he left school at 16,he still managed to become a very successful 体育单招英语试题及答案(word版可编辑修改) 13.I finished my exams yesterday________I won't be able to know the results until August。 A.but B.so C.for D。or 14。How nice tou see you again! You should have told me you . A。were coming B。are coming C.have come D.came 15。I knew ________ about the accident except what I read in he newspaper. A。Something B。everyhthing C。anything D.nothing 16。 ---Excuse me,could you tell me the way to the railway station?--—Sorry_________。 A。I am new here B.I’d love to you 17. We had been away for such a long time_________ I had forgotten her name。 A.before politics. A。argued A.builds A.what B.arguing B.has built C.to argue D.argue 19.This small city_________12 schools since 1990s。 C.would build D.built D.whose 20。-That’s the man_______house has been Newly painted B.which C.that II。 完形填空。(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从21至30各题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 Fire can help people in many ways.Fire can heat water 21 your house,give light and cook food. But fire can burn things too.Nobody knows 22 people began to use fire。 One story from Australia 23 a man a very long time ago.He went up to the sun by a rope and brought fire down. Taday people know how to 24 a fire with matches or lighters or lighters Children sometimes like to play with them.But matches and lighters can be very 25 .Fire kills people every year。 So you must be careful 26 matches and lighters.You should also learn to 27 fires.Fires need oxyen(氧气).Without oxygen they die.There is oxygen in thc 28 Cover a fire with water or sand。If you don't have them around, youcould use your 29 or a blanket.This keeps the air from a fire. Be careful with fire,and it will help you.Be careless with fire,and it might 30 you. 21.A.beautify B.brighten C.warm D.clean 3 C.I won't do it D.I don’t know B which C.that D.because l 8。We talk about the day’s events over the dinner table.Sometimes__________ about



