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批发说明| 运费说明 用途
The system is mainly about the disposal of urban household garbage and non-toxic&harmless industrial trashthrough the advanced, reliable, mature production technology and technical equipment. After the comprehensive implementation, we can realize the purpose of changing the reduced garbage into resources in a harmless way. Also,the heat energy generated out of garbage incineration can be used in heating and power supply.
The chemical equilibrium and fludic analysis of gas as well as the precise equipment selection and temperature enaction shall be executed according to garbage contents at the design stage.
From primary garbage input to final ash output , the whole system is controlled by automatic program, which not only cuts the workforce, but also ensures the system safety and steady operation, thus achieving the best garbage disposal effect.
垃圾焚烧工艺流程图 Process Flow Of Grbage Incineration
Having eliminated incombustible and noxious waste, the urban household garbage is sent to the factory by special garbage carrier. After weighed on weigh bridge, special garbage carrier is drived to garbage discharging platform, where garbage shall be unloaded into storage pool whch has the storing capacity for 5-7 days. There are two garbage cranes above storage pool for hauling ,stirring up and shifting to ensure the evenly distribution of the incinerated garbage.
The incineration system covers the process of collecting garbage from carrier ,sending it to re-combustion space and then discharging the slag out of incinerator.there are many kinds of incinerators, Incineration technology differs by incinerators. Using the most advanced international reciprocating mechanical grate, the system is devided into drying section, combustion section and burning section. According to the air amount provided by each stage and by adjusting the velocity of clockwise pushing, furnace temperature can be controlled ,thus increasing the garbage combustion efficiency..
In the whole system, we will employ nationally the most advanced, most reliable and most mature equipment to produce steam by the heat generated from garbage incineration through residual heat boiler. Then the steam can be used to generate electricity through the steam electric generating set , then the electricity can be used on internet..
Fume produced by garbage incineration contains some contamination such as smoke dust, acidic gas , dioxin , heavy metal and so on.In order to prevent the quadric environmental pollution, the garbage incineration temperature should be strictly controlled above 850℃for more than 2 seconds, which hereby ensures the decomposition of dioxin.With the drying fume purification process through adding reaction auxiliary agent and lime hydrate, fume discharge thus can meet with the internationally progressive indicator.
Water inside garbage in the storage pool gives off leachate with heavy odious smell and high viscosity of organic pollution together with rich content of ammonia nitrogen,which accounting for around 10 percent of total garbage volume. Before been discharged and sent to sewage treatment plant by special duct , garbage leachate is processed by UAUB anaerobic reactor, membrane biochemical reactor and sludge disposal system at sewage treatment station which will be built in the factory.
As a common waste, cinder is about 15 percent of garbage. After being dropped onto the conveyer from furnace, the cinder is sent to piling place after being cooled, later on transported to the designated location for the secondary machining. after which, cinder can be turned into an auxiliary material for pavage and brickmaking.The flying ash, as a hazardous waste, collected by bag filter accounting for 3 percent of garbage, then be delivered to landfill site after being treated in a harmless way.
Mainly from garbage storage pool, effluvium shall be controlled by reinforced seal. On one hand,caulk the pote-ntial leaking position with sealant. Secondly, set up air curtain at door of discharging platform to prevent efflluv-ium leakage when a trash truck enters. Thirdly,draw out effluvium to hearth, and realize deodorization by conflagra-ting its effluvium ingredients.
Turning the reduced garbage into resources in healthyway.Actual fume discharge value is strict to the national standard, reaching the internationally pr-ogressive indicator.
经过焚烧处理,垃圾可减量 85%,而且炉渣还可以再利用,比用填埋方式处理,每年节约用地80亩左右。