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2018年6月A级 真题答案

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参考答案与试题解析(A级) 2018年6月实考试卷

Part I Listening Comprehension

Section A

1. M: I attend a computer training course twice a week. Why not join us?

W: Good, I’m also interested in such a course. Q : What are the two people talking about? 【答案】A 【题型】细节题

Q: What can we learn about the sales manager?

【答案】C 【题型】推理题

【解析】题干问关于销售经理我们可以了解到什 么。通过对话内容可知,他现在出差了,直到下周 才会回来,所以可推断他下周在,故选C。

Section B

W : Good afternoon. Doctor Smith 5 s office, how may I

help you?

M: Hello, I’d like to make an appointment with Doctor

Smith, please.

W : What do you need to see the doctor about? M: Well, (6) I’ve caught a cold and now I} m running a fever. W : When do you want to see him? M : May I see him now?

W : I’m afraid not. He is fully occupied. M: (7) How about 2 o’clock in the afternoon? W: (7) Yes, that’s OK. M : Thank you. W: You are welcome.

Q6. What’s wrong with the man?

【解析】题干问两人在谈论什么事。通过对话内容 Conversation 1 可知,两人在谈论一个电脑培训课程。故选A。 2. W: How did you spend your summer vacation, John?

M: I worked as a volunteer in a local hospital. Q: What did the man do in the summer vacation? 【答案】B 【题型】细节题

【解析】题干问男士在暑假做了什么。通过对话内 容可知,男士在当地医院做志愿者,故选B。 3. W: Hi Tom, you look tired. What’s up?

M :It’s finals week and I have been up all nights. studying. Q: Why does the man look tired? 【答案】B 【题型】细节题

【解析】题干问男士为什么看上去很累。通过对话 内容可知,这是期终考试周,男士整晚都在学习。 故选B。

4. W: What do you think of the schedule I've made?

M: Very good. I can’t agree with you more. Q: What does the man think of the schedule? 【答案】D 【题型】细节题

【解析】题干问男士如何评价这个计划表。通过对 话内容可知,男士说非常棒,故选D。

5. M: Excuse me, is the sales manager available now?

W: Sorry, he is away on business. He won’ t be back until next week. 【答案】B 【题型】细节题

【解析】题干问男士怎么了。根据对话内容可 知,他感冒了,现在正在发烧。故选B。 Q7. When will the man see the doctor?





Conversation 2

M: Jane, have you got an offer?

W: Yes, I have. I will start working in three weeks.

M : Excellent, what company are you going to work for? W : (8) It’s a website design company. M : Is it a big company? W: It has about 120 employees. M : Where is the company? W: (9) It’s in the downtown area. M; Good, (10) so you can go to work by subway. W: (10) Yes.

M ; Wish you all the best with your new job. W : Thank you.

Q8. What kind of company is the woman going to work with?

【答案】D 【题型】细节题

【解析】题干问女士即将在什么样的公司工作。 根据对话内容可知,这是一个网页设计公司。故 选D。

Q9. Where is the company located?

【答案】C 【题型】细节题

【解析】题干问公司的位置。根据对话内容可 知,公司在市区。故选C。

Q10. How will the woman most likely go to work?

【答案】D 【题型】细节题

【解析】题干问女士最有可能怎样去上班。根 据对话内容可知,男士说你可以坐地铁去上班, 女士回答说是的,故选D。

11.【答案】more exciting 12.【答案】wonderful 13.【答案】to grow 14.【答案】mistakes

15.【答案】different opportunities Section D

Dear judges y guests, teachers and students t

(16) It is my honor to attend this prize presen- tation ceremony of the International Arts Contest. I’am happy to share the joy and achievements of the event with all of you. (17) This contest provides young people with a good opportunity to develop and express their creativity. It also enables the public to appreciate different cultures. (18) Since 2010, the number of participating countries and regions has increased from 25 to 41. (19)This year, the theme is Our Mother Earth. It is very encouraging that (20) over 5,000 pieces of photographic works have been submitted through the online system from overseas. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome our guests and prize winners from different parts of the world. Thank you very much!

Q16. What ceremony is the speaker addressing?

【答案】prize presenlalion


【解析】题干问演讲者在什么仪式上做演讲。 根据原文 “It is my great honor lo attend this prize presentation ceremony of the International Arts Contest.”可知,我很荣幸参加国际艺术大赛颁 奖典礼。所以此处应填prize presentation。 Q17. What opportunity does the contest provide for young


【答案】develop and express


【解析】题干问比赛为年轻人提供了什么机会。 根据原文“This contest provides young people with a good opportunity to develop and express their creativity.”可知,本次比赛为年轻人提供 了发展和表达创造力的良机。所以此处应填 develop and express。

Q18. How many countries and regions participate in the

contest now? 【答案】41


Section C

Good Evening Everyone!

Thank you for this wonderful farewell party for me. When I’m leaving, nothing is (11) more exciting than to learn that I am so special. I want everyone here to know that this is the place where I have become the person I am today. I have learned everything that I needed to learn, and more, from this (12) wonderful job. I want to thank this organization, particularly my director, Mr. Anderson, for giving me the space (13) to grow, for al- lowing me to make my own decisions, and then learning from my own (14) mistakes. As I move on to a world with (15) different opportunities, I can only say \riends” , and I will always cherish everything this company has given to me.

【解析】题干问现在有多少个国家和地区参加 比赛。根据原文‘'Since 2010,the number of par- ticipating countries and regions has increased from 25 to 41.” 可知,从2010年开始,参与国家和地 区的数量已经从25个增加到41个,现在已经 有41个国家和地区。所以此处应填41。 Q19. What is the theme of the contest for this year?

【答案】Our Mother Earth 【题型】细节题

【解析】题干问今年比赛的主题是什么。根据 原文“This year, the theme is Our Mother Earth.

可知,今年的主题是\我们的地球母亲\。所以 此处应填 Our Mother Earth。

Q20. In what way are the photographic works submitted?

【答案】online system 【题型】细节题

【解析】题干问摄影作品以何种方式从海外提 交。根据原文“over 5,000 pieces of photographic works have been submitted through the online sys- tem from overseas.\可知,通过海外在线系统提 交了 5000多件摄影作品。所以此处应填online system。

Part II Structure

Section A 21. 【答案】D



【解析】no matter引导让步状语从句,意为“无论、不管”no matter when意为 “无论何时”; no matter whether 意为 “无论是否”; no matter what意为“无论什么”。no matter how意为“无论如何、多么”,可以跟后面的形容词obvious搭配的是how,故选D。 22. 【答案】B



【解析】此处不定式to spare作定语修饰前面的time,意思是“留出足够时间”,故选B。 23. 【答案】A


【译文】在大多数情况下,小组面试比单个面试官面试要更可靠。 【解析】裉据后面的than可知,空格处应为比较级,再根据句意可知,小组面试比单人面试要更可靠,故选A。

【避错指导】most reliable和least reliable均为reliable最高级形式,使用时,前面应使用定冠词the,故可从形 式上排除C和D选项。

24. 【答案】C



【解析】not until位于句首需部分倒装,根据last week可知时态是一般过去式,所以助动词did提到主语前, 故选C。 25. 【答案】D



【解析】if的非真实条件句,根据句意可知是对现在的虚拟,主句用情态动词would/should + do,故选D。 【知识拓展】虚拟语气用于条件状语从句中,有下列四种情况:

①表示与现在事实相反的假设,条件状语从句中的谓语动词用“过去式(be动词的过去式用were) ”,而主 句中的谓语动词用\动词原形\。如:If I were a boy, I would join the army. 如果


②表示与过去的事实相反,条件状语从句中的谓语动词用过去完成时,主句中的谓语动词则用 “would/ should/might/could + have + 过去分词”。如:If lie had taken my advice, lie would have succeeded in the competition.如果他听我的,他在竞赛中就获胜了。

③表示与将来事实相反,条件状语从句中的谓语动词用一般过去时或should (were to) +动词原形,而主句 中的谓语动词则用 would/should/could/might+动词原形。如:If it were to rain tomorrow, the football match would be put off.如果明天下雨的话,足球赛就会推迟。

④当条件状语从句表示的行为和主句表示的行为所发生的时间不一致时,动词的形式要根据它所表示的 时间作相应调整。如: If they had worked hard, they would be very tired.(从句说的是过去,主句指的是现 在)要是努力干活了,他们就会很疲惫。

注:有时侯在使用时可省略if,句子则可换成下列形式,即“were/had/should+主语”。如:Were I a boy, I would join the army.如果我是男孩,我会参军。 26. 【答案】C


【译文】每个工人平均每年工作近2200小时,每小时为GDP贡献约30美元。 【解析】固定搭配,on average意为\平均\,故选C。 27. 【答案】D



【解析]固定搭配have difficulty (in) doing sth.意为“做…有困难”,故选D。 28. 【答案】A



【解析】even though意为\即使,尽管\;in case意为“万一,以防”;now that意为“既然,因为”;if only意为\只要”。根据前后句的逻辑关系,even though符合句意,故选A。 29. 【答案】B



【解析】before作为连词,引导的主句省略了主语\”,而省略的主语 “you”和 “离开”之间是主动关系,所 以要用主动形式,再结合句子时态为一般现在时,故选B。

【避错指导】当复合句中出现省略主语的情况时,首先要判断,主语与谓语部分是主动还是被动,再根据句 意或时间状语,判断是过去、现在还是将来时态。过去时态,用过去式形式;现在时态,用现在分词形式;将 来时态,用to do sth. 的形式。 30. 【答案】A



【解析】强调句型: It is/was +被强调部分+ that/who... +其他部分,引导词除了指人用who,其他表示时间、 地点、事物等都用that,故选A。 Section B

31 . 【答案】be conducted



【解析】 “培训”和 “进行”的关系为被动,在情态动词后的动词应用原形,故变为be conducted。

32. 【答案】considering


【译文】在此先多谢您考虑我的申请,期待很快收到您的回复。 【解析】介词后面的动词用-ing形式,故变为considering。 【知识拓展】in advance 提前;look forward to sth./doing sth.期待做… 33. 【答案】suitable



【解析】此处应为形容词修饰time,故用suit的形容词形式suitable。 34. 【答案】slightly



【解析】此处slight修饰动词adapt,应用其副词形式,故变为slightly。 35. 【答案】employment




Part III Reading Comprehension

Task 1


您的EasyCare卡可立即使用,(36)并为您和您的家人在购买FDA认可的处方药时节省金钱。 (37)通讨 与美国最大连锁药店的合作,EasyCare卡确保可观的优惠力度。 EasyCare将免费提供您这些优惠,并继续与我 们的药店零售伙伴努力为您带来更实惠的医疗保健。

不管您有什么样的病史,使用本卡可以为您节省高达75%的药物费用(平均每年每位用户150美金)。 每当您需要处方药时,只需带着您的卡到任何一家EasyCare合作药房就可在超过5万种处方药上获得优 惠,优惠高达75% 。 (38)卡背面右侧有我们合作药房的名单。

这些卡不是保险,他们无需每月缴费,没有自付额,没有资格条件,任何人都可使用。(39)没有人因为任何原因 会被棑除在这个项目之外。


36. 【答案】D


【译文】有了 EasyCare卡,人们可以 的,故选D。

【避错指导】A、B、C三项均为干扰项,在文中也未提及,不能选择。 37. 【答案】B 【题型】细节题

【译文】EasyCare卡通过 _______ 可以享受买处方药的优惠价格。 项“通过与最大的连锁药店合作\正确,故选B。 【避错指导】A、C、D三项均为干扰项,不能选择。 38. 【答案】C



2018年6月A级 真题答案


