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324. in the future \\在未来

325. in the heat of the day \\一天中最热的时候 326. in the least \\丝毫,一点 327. in the long run \\长期 328. in the way \\挡道

329. in the world \\究竟,到底 330. in time \\及时 331. in touch \\联系,接触 332. in turn \\依次,轮流; 转而 333. in vain \\徒劳,白费力

334. in different to \\无兴趣,不关心 335. indignant with sb. \\愤慨 336. inferior to \\级别低于,不如 337. innocent of \\无...罪,无辜 338. instead of \\代替,而不是 339. intent on \\专心于 340. invisible to \\不可见的 341. jealous of \\嫉妒 342. just now \\眼下; 刚才 343. keep one's eyes on \\关注 344. keep on \\爱好,很喜欢

345. keep track of \\留心

346. kind of/sort of \\有点somewhat 347. lay off \\下岗 348. leave alone \\别说

349. let the cat out of the bag \\泄露秘密 350. liable for \\对...有责任 351. liable to \\易于

352. little by little \\逐渐地 353. look for/hunt for \\找工作 354. lost the point \\弄错 355. lots of \\许多 356. loyal to \\忠于

357. mad about/on \\狂热迷恋 358. mad at/with sb. \\ 生气,愤怒 359. mad with \\因...发狂

360. make(both) ends meet \\收支平衡 361. make a living \\谋生 362. make it \\成功

363. make the best/most of \\充分利用 364. many a + 单数可数名词 \\许多 365. mark the papers \\批改考卷

366. mayor/minor in \\辅修; 兼修; 副修; 367. meet one's needs \\满足要求 368. might as well \\不妨

369. mistake a for b \\认错,把a误认为b 370. more or less \\或多或少,有点 371. my treat \\我请客 372. narrow escape \\九死一生 373. necessary to/for \\必要的 374. next door \\隔壁的,在隔壁 375. next to \\下一个,其次

376. no doubt \\无疑地

377. no less than \\不少于...; 不亚于 378. no longer \\不再

379. no more than \\至多,同...一样不 380. no more \\不再

381. none other than \\不是别的,正是 382. nothing but \\只有,只不过 383. now and then \\时而,偶尔 384. off and on \\断断续续,间歇地 385. off duty \\下班

386. on(the) one hand \\一方面

387. on a large/small scale \\大/小规模地 388. on account of \\由于 389. on behalf of \\代表

390. on board \\在船(车/飞机) 上 391. on business \\因公 392. on condition that \\如果 393. on duty \\上班,值班 394. on earth \\究竟,到底 395. on fire \\起火着火 396. on foot \\步行 397. on guard \\站岗,值班 398. on hand \\在场,在手边 399. on loan to \\借给

400. on occasion(s) \\ 有时,间或 401. on one's guard \\警惕,提防 402. on one'sown \\独立,独自 403. on purpose \\故意地 404. on sale \\出售,廉价出售 405. on schedule \\按时间表,准时 406. on second thoughts \\经重新考虑 407. on the contrary \\正相反

408. on the grounds of \\根据,以...为由

409. on the other hand \\另一方面 410. on the point of \\即将...的时刻 411. on the road \\在旅途中 412. on the side \\作为兼职/副 业 413. on the spot \\在场;马上 414. on the whole \\总的来说,大体上 415. on time \\准时

416. on(an/the) average \\平均,通常 417. once (and) for all \\一劳永逸地 418. once again \\再一次 419. once in a while \\偶尔 420. once more \\再一次 421. once upon a time \\从前 422. one another \\相互

423. one's cup of tea \\喜欢的人/物 424. open to \\不限制,开放的 425. opposite to \\在对面 426. or else \\否则,要不然 427. or so \\大约,左右 428. other than \\ 非;除了 429. out of breath \\喘不过气来 430. out of control \\失去控制 431. out of date \\过时的 432. out of doors \\在户外 433. out of order \\出故障的 434. out of place \\不适当的

435. out of practice \\久不练习,荒疏 436. out of sight \\看不见,在视野外 437. out of the question \\毫无可能的 438. out of touch \\不联系,不接触 439. out of \\从...中;由于;缺乏

440. over and over (again) \\一再地,再三地 441. parallel to \\与...平等,类似

442. particular about \\挑剔,讲究 443. patient with \\有耐心 444. peculiar to \\独特的,独有的 445. pick up \\捡

446. play by ear \\见机行事 447. popular with \\受...喜爱,爱戴 448. prior to \\在...之前

449. pull one's leg \\拿某人开玩笑put someone on 450. put someone up \\给某人提供住宿 451. put up with \\忍受

452. quite a few \\相当多,不少 453. rain cats and dogs \\瓢泼大雨 454. rather than \\不是...(而是) 455. reach agreement \\达成协议 456. reach an agreement \\达成一致 457. regardless of \\不顾,不惜 458. relative to \\与...有关 459. remove from \\从…除去 460. representative of \\代表...的 461. resign one's post \\辞职 462. responsible for \\负责,是...原因 463. result from \\由于 464. rich in \\富于

465. right away \\立即,马上 466. ring sb. up \\打电话给... 467. rule out \\排除...的可能性 468. run out of \\用完 469. rush hours \\上下班高峰 470. see to it that-make sure that \\确保,一定要,保证,查明; 471. sensible of \\觉查到 472. sensitive to \\对...敏感

473. set another date \\改期 make on saturday/lock it 474. set one's mind on doing \\决定 be determined to/have


英语口语90%的短语 很全的英语短语 - 图文 


