申请(专利)号: JP19930261490
专利号: JPH0794039A 主分类号: H01B9/02 申请权利人: FUJIKURA LTD
公开国代码: JP 优先权国家: JP
摘 要:
PURPOSE: To provide a semiconductor layer having a satisfactory characteristic by mixing a resin component containing an acrylate and C=O group into a base material of an EVA ethylene-vinyl acetate polymer) resin with a good
balance. ;CONSTITUTION: A power cable has a semiconductor layer having, as a base material, a mixture obtained by adding 70-40 parts by weight of a resin component containing an acrylate and C=O group to 30-60 parts by weight of an EVA resin material. Since satisfactory kneading property is thus obtained, heat is hardly generated even when the EVA resin having a slightly high VA% (vinyl acetate content) is used, and a corrosion such as generation of acid can be
prevented. Since a required adhesion can be provided even in the use of the EVA resin having the slightly high VA% by the addition of the resin component
containing the acrylate and C=O group, generation of corona discharge can be also prevented.;COPYRIGHT:
申请日: 1993-09-24 公开公告日: 1995-04-07
分类号: H01B9/02 发明设计人: TANIDA
优先权: 19930924 JP
摘 要 附 图:
(C)1995,JPO 主权项:
【請求項1】 EVA系の樹脂材料30~60重量部に対して、アクリル酸エステルとC=O基を含む樹脂成分を70~40重量部添加してなる混和物をベース材料とする半導電層を有することを特徴とする電力ケーブル
权 利 要 求 说 明 书
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