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B:Do not list data which belongs to the discussion section.

C:Do not repeat the details which is already listed in a table.

D:Do not try to describe all the raw data , but select and highlight the main data.

E:Do not offer the description of the data without an opening sentence which summarizes the findings derived from the data.

答案: ABC


A:Limit the number of tables and figures

B:Write a descriptive title for each table and figure.

C:Number each table and figure in the order in which they are referred to in the text

D:Be sure all tables and figures are referred to in the text.

答案: ABC


1、在Discussion Section中,需要回答的基本问题包括:

A:Do your results provide answers to your testable hypotheses? If so, how do you interpret your findings?

B:Do your findings agree with what others have shown? If not, do they suggest an alternative explanation or perhaps an unforeseen design flaw in your experiment (or theirs?)

C:Given your conclusions, what is our new understanding of the problem you investigated and outlined in the Introduction?

D:If warranted, what would be the next step in your study, e.g., what experiments would you do next?

答案: ABCD

2、在Discussion Section中,需要简要地说明以下几个方面:

A:restate the major findings

B:restate the outline of the paper

C:compare your results with those of previous studies

D:explain your findings, especially the unexpected findings

E:discuss the implications of your finding

答案: ABCD


A:background of the study

B:research objectives

C:methods employed

D:important findings or results obtained

E:conclusions drawn


4、Basically, an abstract is a single paragraph (about 200 words) containing about 4 to 10 full sentences. A:对 B:错

答案: A

5、The function of hedging language is to protect you from possible criticism or to minimize or soften what you say. A:对 B:错

答案: A



A:Place the reference list immediately after the conclusion section, but before the appendix.

B:Do not include sources which you read but did not use.

C:Arrange the sources alphabetically by the last name of the author, or, if there is no author, by the first word of the title.

D:Be consistent with punctuation, placement of the year of publication and use of Italics.

答案: ABC

2、In APA style, two works by the same author published in the same year are arranged alphabetically with a lowercase letter added after the year to distinguish between them. A:对 B:错

答案: A

3、In APA style, only proper nouns and the first word of a title and subtitle are capitalized. A:对 B:错

答案: A

4、Except for major cities, APA style uses the two-letter postal abbreviation to identify the state in which the publisher is located. A:对 B:错

答案: A

5、In MLA style, if you are likely to use a dissertation: after the title add Diss. (not italicized or enclosed in quotation marks), the university, and the year. A:对 B:错

答案: A

6、In MLA style, if you have two or more books by the same multiple authors, the three hyphens should be used for all entries after the first. A:对 B:错

答案: A

7、In CSE style, we don’t need to use numbers within the text to refer to the end references. A:对 B:错

答案: B



A:Using the Active Voice

B:Varying Sentence Patterns

C:Avoiding Jargon

D:Writing Concisely

答案: ABCD

2、After completing your first draft, you should leave it for a day and then reread

it, asking yourself the following questions:

A:Does this fully answer the question(s) in the title?

B:Do the different sections of the paper have the right weight (i.e. is it well balanced)?

C:Does the argument or discussion develop clearly and logically?

D:Have I corrected all the grammar mistakes?

E:Have I forgotten any important points that would support the development?

答案: ABCE


A:Shows formality and accuracy in the choice of language; Avoids colloquial language, spoken expressions and cliches.

B:Supports arguments by quotes, paraphrases and summaries; Uses elaboration, explanation and synthesis of ideas.

C:Use in-text reference and end-of-text reference list; Is based on research-supported points.

D:Uses subject- or field-specific language to the extent that it may be difficult for a person outside the area to fully understand the text; Uses complete sentences and paragraphs.

答案: ABCD


A:Have all sources been adequately, consistently and correctly in-text referenced?

B:Are you sure that your paraphrasing is rewritten substantially instead of by changing a few words?

C:Are you sure the direct quotation should be used less and an indented paragraph used to highlight it if the quotation runs more than two lines?

D:Do you synthesize well from several sources by using appropriate reporting verbs?

答案: ABC

5、The test of a statement is whether you understand it, not whether a new reader will be able to. A:对 B:错

答案: B

6、As you revise your draft, check each paragraph to make certain that it is unified around a single idea and that it is developed in logical sequence. A:对 B:错



