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五年级英语单词5B M1

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英才文化教育 郭老师牛津英语5B

五年级英语单词5B M1

M1U1 Use your eyes! 单词:

1. behind 在…之后 7. outside 在…之外 13. block 大楼,木块 2. cherry 樱桃 8. plum 梅子,李子 14. mountain 大山 3. durian 榴莲 9. rise 升起 15. grape 葡萄 4. evening 傍晚 10. shadow 影子 16. asleep 睡着的 5. glasses 眼镜 11. flat 公寓 17. shadow 影子 6. inside 在…之内 12. strawberry 草莓 18. hide 隐藏 词组:

1. in front of 在…前面 6. beside the block 在大楼旁边 2. a block of flat 住宅大楼 7. inside the flat 在公寓里面 3. a block of office 办公大楼 8. outside the flat 在公寓外面 4. a pair of glasses 一副眼镜 9. on the clock 在钟上 5. behind the block 在大楼后面 10. cut out 裁(剪)出 句子:

1. The sun rises behind the mountain in the morning. 2. The sun is high in the sky in the afternoon. 3. The sun goes down(sets) in the evening. 4. Colour sth. black.

5. Close your eyes, children. 6. Have you got any pineapples? M1U2 Use your ears! 单词:

1. asleep 睡着的 10. careful 小心的 19. bean 豆子 2. awake 醒着的 11. both 两者(都) 20. circle 圆圈,圆形 3. quiet 安静的 12. screwdriver 螺丝刀 21. round 围着,圆的 4. hammer 锤子 13. bell 铃 22. bike自行车 5. hide 躲藏 14. full 满的,饱的 23. wake 叫醒 6. musical 音乐方面的 15. shaker 摇动器 24. loud 大声的 7. instrument 器具 16. angry 生气的 25. noisy 吵闹的 8. string 线 17. try 试试 26. rode (粗的)绳子 9. wheel 轮子 18. empty 空的 27. sad 沮丧,伤心 词组:

1. a loud bell 一个很响的铃 5. play music 奏乐 2. a quiet classroom 一间安静的教室 6. a music lesson 一节音乐课 3. musical instrument 乐器 7. a piece of string 一根线 4. listen to music 听音乐 8. some string 一些线


英才文化教育 郭老师牛津英语5B

9. a rope 一根绳子 12. Be careful 请小心,仔细 10. some ropes 几根绳子 13. Be quiet 请安静 11. skip (a rope) 跳绳 14. ride (a bicycle) to… 骑车去… 句子:

1. I can’t hear your bell. It’s too quiet. 2. Ben rides his bicycle to the shop. 3. A man walks in front of his bicycle. 4. Ben can see two old ladies. 5. They are both asleep.

6. Sam walks in front of Ben’s bicycle. 7. The two old ladies are awake.

8. They are angry. They do not like Ben’s bell. 9. This one’s too quiet. I want a loud one. 10. Give me a hammer. The small one, please. 11. Do you want both hammers? 12. You’re welcome.

13. Here is an empty paper cup.

14. Put some beans or rice in the paper cup. 15. Draw a circle on the paper.

16. Cut out the circle. Put it over the paper cup. 17. Tie some string round the paper and the cup. 18. Shake the shaker. Is it loud or quiet?

M1U3 Use your hands! 单词:

1. cushion 坐垫 10. hers 她的 18. whose谁的 2. fluffy 蓬松的 11. mine 我的 19. above 在…上方 3. lady 女士 12. rough 粗糙的,崎岖20. warm 温暖的 4. mine 我的 的 21. feel 感觉,摸上去 5. parcel 包裹 13. spaceship 宇宙飞船 22. soft 柔软的 6. shiny 发亮的 14. lunch 午餐 23. hard 坚硬的 7. theirs他们的 15. breakfast 早餐 24. panda 熊猫 8. yours 你(们)的 16. supper晚餐 25. smooth 光滑的 9. ours 我们的 17. dinner 正餐 26. fall 落下 词组:

1. lunch box 午餐盒 5. hard and shiny 又硬又发亮的 2. lunch time 午餐时间 6. pencil case 文具盒 3. lunch-room (学校)食堂 7. under the cushion 在垫子下面 4. soft and fluffy 又柔软又毛绒绒的 8. smooth and shiny又滑又亮


英才文化教育 郭老师牛津英语5B


1. Whose pencil case is this? 2. That pencil case is yours. 3. Whose bags are these?

4. Whose lunch boxes are these? 5. Don’t eat sweets here.

6. Both cushions are above Min and Mog. 7. One cushion is falling.

8. Min and Mog are falling, too. 9. Min is on the cushion. 10. Mog is under the cushion. 11. Min is on the cushion.

12. Mog is beside the cushion. 13. Mog does not like his cushion. 14. He like Min’s cushion.

15. Min and Mog are on the cushion. 16. The soft cushion is theirs now.

M1U4 Use your senses! 单词:

1. beanstalk 豆茎,豆梗 10. golden金制的,金色2. castle 城堡 的 3. different 不同的 11. shout叫,喊 4. giant 巨人 12. drink 饮料 5. goose 鹅 13. listen to 听 6. same 相同的 14. bean 豆 7. lost 迷失的 15. touch 碰,触摸 8. save 救 16. with 用 9. sell 卖 17. tongue 舌头 词组:

1. the same school 同4. a small fire 一小堆火

一所学校 5. climb down 爬下来 2. the same age 同龄 6. climb up 爬上去 3. these drinks 这些饮7. a golden sun 金色的

料 太阳 句子:

1. I listen and hear with my ears. 2. I smell with my nose.

3. I look and see with my eyes.


18. smoke 烟

19. noise 声音,噪音 20. island 岛 21. buy 买

22. poor 穷的,差的 23. lay 下蛋

24. rich 富裕的,油腻的25. shadow 阴影

8. golden hair 金发 9. golden eggs 金蛋 10. golden goose 金鹅 11. lay some eggs 下蛋 12. run to 向…跑去

英才文化教育 郭老师牛津英语5B

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

I touch and feel with my hands. I taste with my tongue.

Three boys are lost in a country park.

Supergirl and Superdog are flying above the country park. They find a small fire .

There are some hamburgers. They hear a noise . The boys are shouting. Superdog sees the boys. They are on an island.

Superdog and Supergirl save the boys. The boys say thank you. Taste these drinks, Eddie.

Are they the same or different? They’re the same.

Taste these apples, Alice.

Are they the same or different? They’re different.

Jack and the beanstalk.

Jack and his mother are poor. Jack sells their cow. He buys some beans.

The beans grow and grow. Jack climbs up the beanstalk There is a castle. There is a giant. The giant eats boys. Jack sees a goose. It is a golden goose. It lays golden eggs. Jack takes the goose.

He climbs down the beanstalk. Jack cuts the beanstalk.

The giant cannot climb down. Jack has the golden goose. It lays some golden eggs.

Jack and his mother are happy.


英才文化教育 郭老师牛津英语5B

五年级英语单词5B M2

M2U1 Animals in the zoo 单词:

1. branch 树枝 2. pond 池塘 3. kilo 公斤,公里 4. cage 笼子 5. sign 标志 6. along沿着 7. feed 喂养

8. zoo-keeper 饲养员 9. hay 甘草 10. left左边 词组:

1. work in 在…工作

2. feed the animals给动物喂食 3. 10 kilos of meat 十公斤肉 4. 50 kilos of hay 五十公斤甘草 5. half past eight 八点半 6. feeding time 喂食时间 7. have breakfast 吃早饭 句子:

1. I feed the animals and birds.

2. What time do you feed the


3. I feed them at half past eight in the


4. What do the elephants eat? 5. They eat hay.

6. How much hay do they eat? 11.

M2U2 Favourite toys 单词:

1. dinosaur 恐龙 2. favourite 最喜欢的 3. puppet 木偶 4. soldier 士兵 5. visit 拜访,参观


11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

down 向下 parrot鹦鹉 right 右边 cross穿过 noodle 面条 up 向上

outside 外面 inside 里面 beside 旁边 near 附近

walk along 沿着…走 on the left 在左边 cross the road 过马路

underground station 地铁站 go up the steps 走上台阶 go down the steps 走下台阶 at the top of 在…的顶部

7. They eat 50 kilos of hay.

8. When do you clean their cage?

9. I clean their cage at half past six in

the morning. 10. 指路用语:Go down the steps. Cross

the small road. Walk up the steps. Walk along Zoo Road. Cross Park Road. The tigers are on the left.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. key 钥匙

computer 计算机 skateboard 滑板 bear 熊,忍受 toy 玩具

五年级英语单词5B M1


