【期刊名称】《江西教育学院学报》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)003
【摘要】新时期以来,当代文坛在突破“为政治服务”、“文艺从属于政治”等僵化的文学观念之后,逐步形成了一种多种文学价值观念同时并存的格局。这种格局既给当代文学带来了自由与活力,但同时又使当代文学理论与实践在文学价值观念方面陷入了一种多元混杂的情形。我们认为应在尊重当前多种文学价值观念同时存在的前提下,确立马克思主义文学价值观念的主导地位,以建构一种“多元共生一元主导”的文学价值观念体系。%Since the new period,the contemporary literary world has broken the pattern that literary is regarded as the po-litical tool. A pattern of varied literary values coexists gradually. On the one hand,this kind of pattern brings freedom and vitality to contemporary literary,and on the other hand,it makes the contemporary literary values into a plural situation. We believe that we should establish the dominant position of Marxist literature values based on respect of the pattern of current various literary values coexisting. Thus,a literary values system of‘multiple symbioses,one dominating ’could be construc-ted. 【总页数】4页(125-128)