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文学翻译unit 8《中国古典诗歌的翻译步骤》

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一、 各种译文版本之对比分析

? 张继的《枫桥夜泊》一诗已经被译成多种外语,据我已经收集到英译的就有30种之多,其中20种见于出版的书刊,10种见于因特网站。这些不同的译本不仅显示了中外翻译家对《枫桥夜泊》的浓厚兴趣,而且为我们学习和鉴赏诗歌英译提供了绝佳的材料。 ? 让我们先来看两个外国翻译名家《枫桥夜泊》的译文:

1. Burton Watson:Tying up for the Night at Maple River Bridge ? Moon setting, crows cawing, frost filling the sky,

? Through river maples, fishermen’s flares confront my uneasy eyes. ? Outside Gusu City, Cold Mountain Temple ---

? Late at night the sound of its bell reaches a traveller’s boat. 2. Witter Bynner : A Night Mooring Near Maple Bridge

? While I watch the moon go down, a crow caws through the frost; ? Under the shadows of maple-trees, a fisherman moves with his torch; ? And I hear from beyond Suzhou from the temple on Cold Mountain, ? Ringing for me here in my boat the midnight bell.


? Anchored at Night by the Maple Bridge anchored at night near maple bridge ? Anchored by Maple Bridge at Night Night Anchors at Maple Bridge ? The ship anchored beside the Maple Bridge at night 其他动词包括lodge,berth,park,tie up 等4个: ? A lodging for the night at the Maple Bridge ? Night Berthing at Maple Bridge

? Parking my boat in Maple Bridge at night ? Tying up for the Night at Maple River Bridge 多数的翻译都是用moor一词,占18个:

? A Night Mooring by Maple Bridge Aht Mooring by the Maple Bridge ? A Night Mooring Near Maple Bridge A Night-Mooring Near Maple Bridge ? Night Mooring At Maple Bridge Night Mooring at Maple Bridge ? Night Mooring at the Maple Bridge Night Mooring Near Maple Bridge ? Night-Mooring at Maple Bridge Overnight Mooring at the Maple Bridge ? Mooring at Night by Maple Bridge Mooring at Night by the Maple Bridge ? Mooring at the Maple Bridge for the night Mooring by Maple Bridge at Night ? Mooring by the Maple Bridge at Night Mooring for the Night at Maple Bridge ? Mooring to the Maple Bridge at Night

而最简明扼要的是:Maple Bridge Night Mooring 请注意: 上述18种译法没有一个是重复的!

二、 《枫桥夜泊》的翻译

翻译诗歌离不开“阅读—接受—理解—移植—加工”等五个过程。下面就以我翻译《枫桥夜泊》的过程来演示这一过程。 第一步:阅读 (Reading)

第二步:接受 (Reception)中国人对诗歌就有不同角度的理解




月落是詩人眼中所見。月亮逐漸移動,慢慢向西落下,給人以動感。烏啼是詩人耳中所聞。棲鴉啼鳴,聲聲入耳,這也是動態形象。霜滿天不只是詩人所見,更是詩人整個身軀所感,是多種感覺的形象:霜氣瀰漫,寒氣逼 人,在幽暗靜謐的環境中,人對夜涼的感覺格外銳敏。 月落─ 所見 ┐

烏啼─ 所聞 ├第一句層次分明地表現出時間過程和感覺過程 霜滿天─所感┘





? ? ? ?



第三步:自己的理解 (Comprehension)



? 这首绝句,写诗人在江南旅途中,路过苏州枫桥停船过夜的情景。全诗围绕“客”(作

者本人—“我”) “愁”二字,展开了景物描写和气氛渲染。翻译要体现的特点也正在这里。

第四步: 移植 (Transplanting)

? Word-for word rendering is not the proper way of translating poetry. If you use a software for CAT, \making a Chinese paraphrase, the paraphrase is no longer poetry. There is much more in the meaning of poems than meets the eye--the words. The poet is dancing with restraints. He has to conform to the conventions of writing poems when he tries to convey his mood --to convey information is the task of prose. The poem is like a musical song. The attraction comes from beauty -- the beauty of the images and the beauty of pleasant music.

? The images will be transplanted in translation and the music will be recreated in another musical format. To transplant the individual images contributes to the transplanting of the overall picture of the whole poem. That's the visual part of the beauty. To use the natural rhythm, assonance, rhymes and other sound effects is for the aural beauty of the poem. The

images and the music of poetry add up to the overall mood of any single poem. In translating a poem, the most important task is to convey the overall mood instead of individual words. Draft 1

? When ravens caw at falling moon and frosty airs, ? I lie with grief near mapled bank and fishing flares. ? The tolls from Hanshan Temple outside Suzhou moat

? Ring through the midnight still and reach the rover’s boat. 第五步:加工 (Polishing)这是翻译诗歌最重要的一步。


The first line is a very natural rendering of the original poem, but I have to find a word to rhyme with \

equivalents of \\with \a sense \exactly what the poet might have seen in his boat!

? The word \

it does not come to me at the first thought. When I made the first draft of the translation, it was something else. Since the fourth line ends with the word \with some \overjoyed to keep it. And the word \ Draft 2

? When ravens caw at falling moon and frosty airs, ? I lie with grief near mapled bank and fishing flares. ? The tolls from Hanshan Temple outside Suzhou moat

? Ring through the midnight still and reach the rover’s boat. ? When ravens croak at slanting moon and frosty airs, ? I lie with grief near mapled bank and fishing flares. ? The tolls from Hanshan Temple outside Suzhou moat

? Ring through the midnight still and reach my mooring boat.

? \not do. \the word \

translate the term \of \mooring by the Maple Bridge to stay over the night. Tomorrow, the boat would sail again and I shall \

? 1. Only the crow will caw and the raven will croak. That's the idiomatic way of speaking in English.

? 2. How to \the \first quarter of the month by lunar calendar (\which word to use in this case. \second choice, and \\

? \or \

文学翻译unit 8《中国古典诗歌的翻译步骤》


