is one of the practical form of values. The so-called values refers to the objective things are of no value and the value of fundamental perspective. Different values, people's behaviour, attitudes, ways are different. People-oriented focus on human value and reality, we need the broadest masses as values. Adhere to people-oriented values, is to make the economy more development, improve democracy, cultural prosperity, and live a happier; is deeply concerned that human development and human values, development of social and human development of rational unified, insisted in the material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization in the overall advancement of Socialist civilization to a higher level. Also want to see that person's value is not only meet your needs, also is to meet the needs of others and the community. Adhere to people-oriented, to strongly advocate every community member, serve others, beneficial to the community of people. The so-called Outlookattitude is on the record, including who, how to create a record of achievements, how to evaluate performance, and so on. What values, what kind of Outlook. Adhere to people-oriented Outlook, is on the premise of respecting the interests and power of people, creating a popular, warm hearts, steady heart performance, creating \one officer, the benefit of\s, and overall construction of well-off society and promoting the all-round development of people's performance. Achievement evaluation in both economic accomplishments, take another look at the effectiveness of social progress; changes in both urban and rural change; both hard environment to strengthen and take another look at the soft environment improvement momentum of development at present, depending on the potential for sustainable development. Leave people to talk about \ople to talk about \ook\not what the performance. 4. people responded to the starting point of the question, and replied to questions point. Man is the sum of social relationships. We cannot leave the chichuanyongdu, housing, tourism and entertainment, entertaining, and even certain political, economic, cultural and social environment, and so on. Due to human needs, all walks of life will come into being. People create for their survival, and continue enjoying the results of the construction. Colorful in the transformation of the people of the world, community vitality in the creation of man. Therefore, any work we do, the starting point is human, what are people. Us speed up development, the core of which is to meet the needs of people, including survival needs, emotional needs and self-actualization needs. It should be noted that people are not machines, not the slave of an object, not to be controlled. People have their own personality, has its own personality, has its own dignity. Person in need of care, you need to understand, need to meet. It is said that in the \society, people plant\society, man is an animal\n society, return 植物学教学实习实验报告
资源环境学院 10植保微生物工程(1)班 0 刘芮岑 实验名称:植物学教学实习之游校园认识校园植物 实验地点:华南农业大学校园及树木园 实验结果: 一、校园植物
1、翻白叶树 Pterospermum heterophyllum Hance 梧桐科 翅子树属
形态特征:小枝与叶小枝与叶背被黄谒色茸毛,叶革质,异型,幼树或萌发枝工的叶盾形,掌状3~5深裂。成年树上的叶长圆形或卵状长圆形,顶端渐尖或急尖,基部纯形、截形戎斜心形;托叶线状长圆形。花单生或2-4朵聚生叶腋;小苞片2~4枚,全缘;萼片5。狭披针形;花瓣5,白色;雄蕊15枚,每3枚合成一束,与5个退化雄蕊互生。蒴果木质,椭圆形,密被锈色星状柔毛。 主要习性: 喜温暖气候和湿润肥沃土层深厚的沙质土。 2、人面子Dracontomelon duperreranum Pierre 漆树科
形态特征:常绿大乔木,高达20余米;幼枝具条纹,被灰色绒毛。奇数羽状复叶长30-45厘米,有小叶5-7对,叶轴和叶柄具条纹,疏披毛;小叶互生,近革质,长圆形,自下而上逐渐增大,长5-14.5厘米,宽2.5-4.5厘米, 先端渐尖,基部常偏斜,阔楔形至近圆形,全缘,两面沿中脉疏被微柔毛,叶背脉腋具灰白色髯毛,侧脉8-9对,近边缘处弧形上升,侧脉和细脉两面突起;小叶柄短,长2-5毫米。圆锥花序顶生或腋生,比叶短,长10-23厘米,疏被灰色微柔毛;花白色,花 人面子梗长2-3毫米,被微柔毛;萼片阔卵形或椭圆状卵形,长3.5-4毫米,宽约2毫米,先端钝,两面被灰黄色微柔毛,花瓣披针形或狭长圆形,长约6毫米,宽约1.7毫米,无毛,芽中先端彼此粘合,开花时外卷,具3-5条暗褐色纵脉;花丝线形,无毛,长约3.5毫米,花药长圆形,长约1.5毫米;花盘无毛,边缘浅波状;子房无毛,长2.5-3毫米,花柱短,长约2毫米。核果扁球形,长约2厘米,径约2.5厘米,成熟时黄色,果核压扁,径1.7-1.9厘米,上面盾状凹入,5室,通常1-2室不育;种子3-4颗。
生态习性:喜阳、高温多湿环境,喜湿润肥沃酸性土壤,萌芽力强。 阳性,喜温暖湿润气候,适应性颇强,耐寒,抗风,抗大气污染。 3、白兰 michelia alba 木兰科 含笑属
生活习性:喜光照充足、暖热湿润和通风良好的环境,不耐寒,不耐阴,也怕高温和强光,宜排水良好、疏松、肥沃的微酸性土壤,最忌烟气、台风和积水。 4、阳桃 AverrhoacarambolaLinn. 酢浆草科
Now, we are in a new historical stage of all-round construction of a well-off society. In perform duties, and carried out work of process in the, we to put people as a guide principles, and a test standard, efforts from masses most hope do of things do up, from masses most care of hot problem grabbed, from masses most not satisfaction of place modified up, not make nominal of formalism, not do grandstanding of cosmetic, to seeking of style, help masses share, is people benefit. (C) the investee people is not only an idea, it is a job requirement. Philosophy through to the people-oriented thought in the work of the Office, must be clear work objectives. Party Office in the city this year remains: Advanced civil strife, local brand. The County (City) Party Committee offices and units directly under the Office to hold high the banner of first to excellence, people-oriented requirements, strengthen the construction and management of the Office towards the work \her level\political participation based on conspiracy to adhere to people-oriented, will be around to promote coordinationDevelopment events, great searchings. The 16 session of the party's scientific Outlook on development, is the new Central collective leadership to the development of connotation, development essentials, further deepen the essence of development and innovation, is our party's ruling idea a leap. At present, establishing and implementing the scientific concept of development has become the party's important work. As the Office of party Committee, working party should service center, initiative to claim leadership of the decision, the current focus is to focus on promoting comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development with more suggestions, do more research, summarized the typical. One is drafted to raise the level of your presentation. our presentation is the main Office of \he basic carrier staff service, is important to measure service levels. The quality of your presentation, mainly depends on how much we drafted a document recognized by the leadership, how many are listening to the people in favour of the report, how many paid dividends in the practical work. Improve presentation drafting level, requirements we accurate grasp led intent, General led care of work are to as understand, General led consider of problem are to in-depth thinking; requirements we highlight place features, put superior approach policy and local actual combined up, put presentation of theme thrust and masses of by thought by wants to combined up; requirements we seeks to streamlined clear, with simple of language expression deep of thought, with short of length hosted rich of connotation. Second, the survey results more. Investigation of the base, the road to success is something, is our for the Party Committee's policy decision a good idea, an important part of a good staff. This year, to focus around industrial XING city, and farmers increase, and and manpower development, and seeking, major problem and foster advantage industry, and adjustment agricultural structure, and carried is one of the practical form of values. The so-called values refers to the objective things are of no value and the value of fundamental perspective. Different values, people's behaviour, attitudes, ways are different. People-oriented focus on human value and reality, we need the broadest masses as values. Adhere to people-oriented values, is to make the economy more development, improve democracy, cultural prosperity, and live a happier; is deeply concerned that human development and human values, development of social and human development of rational unified, insisted in the material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization in the overall advancement of Socialist civilization to a higher level. Also want to see that person's value is not only meet your needs, also is to meet the needs of others and the community. Adhere to people-oriented, to strongly advocate every community member, serve others, beneficial to the community of people. The so-called Outlookattitude is on the record, including who, how to create a record of achievements, how to evaluate performance, and so on. What values, what kind of Outlook. Adhere to people-oriented Outlook, is on the premise of respecting the interests and power of people, creating a popular, warm hearts, steady heart performance, creating \one officer, the benefit of\s, and overall construction of well-off society and promoting the all-round development of people's performance. Achievement evaluation in both economic accomplishments, take another look at the effectiveness of social progress; changes in both urban and rural change; both hard environment to strengthen and take another look at the soft environment improvement momentum of development at present, depending on the potential for sustainable development. Leave people to talk about \ople to talk about \ook\not what the performance. 4. people responded to the starting point of the question, and replied to questions point. Man is the sum of social relationships. We cannot leave the chichuanyongdu, housing, tourism and entertainment, entertaining, and even certain political, economic, cultural and social environment, and so on. Due to human needs, all walks of life will come into being. People create for their survival, and continue enjoying the results of the construction. Colorful in the transformation of the people of the world, community vitality in the creation of man. Therefore, any work we do, the starting point is human, what are people. Us speed up development, the core of which is to meet the needs of people, including survival needs, emotional needs and self-actualization needs. It should be noted that people are not machines, not the slave of an object, not to be controlled. People have their own personality, has its own personality, has its own dignity. Person in need of care, you need to understand, need to meet. It is said that in the \society, people plant\society, man is an animal\y, return 3cm,先端渐尖,基部偏斜。圆锥花序生于叶腋或老枝上,长约3cm;花萼5,红紫色,覆瓦状排列,长约3mm;花冠近钟形,白色至淡紫色,长约5mm,花瓣倒卵形,旋转状排列;雄蕊10,其中5枚较短且无花药,花丝基部合生;子房5室,具5棱槽,每室胚珠多数。浆果卵状或椭圆状,长5-8cm,淡黄绿色,光滑,具3-5翅状棱。花期7-8月,果期8-9月。 5、狐尾龙舌兰 Agave attenuata 龙舌兰科 龙舌兰属
6、 软叶刺葵 Phoenix robelenii 棕榈科 刺葵属
形态特征:叶羽状全裂,长1m,常下垂,裂片长条形,柔软,2排,近对生,长20 软叶刺葵-30cm,宽1cm,顶端渐尖而成一长尖头,背面沿叶脉被灰白色鳞粃,下部的叶片退化成细长的刺。肉穗花序生于叶丛中,长30-50cm,花序轴扁平,总苞1,上部舟状,下部管状,与花序等长,雌雄异株,雄花花萼长1mm,3齿裂,裂片3角形,花瓣3,披针形,稍肉质,长9mm,具尖头,雄蕊6,雌花卵圆形,长4mm。果矩圆形,长1.4cm,直径6mm,具尖头,枣红色,果肉薄,有枣味。
生长习性:中性,多湿气候,耐干旱瘠薄,喜阳,喜湿润、肥沃土壤。 7、棕竹 Rhapis excelsa (Thunb.) Henry ex Rehd. 棕榈科 棕竹属
生长习性:棕竹喜温暖湿润及通风良好的半阴环境,不耐积水,极耐阴,夏季炎热光照强时,应适当遮荫。适宜温度10~30℃,气温高于34摄氏度时,叶片常会焦边,生长停滞,越冬温度不低于5℃。 8、榕树 Ficus microcarpa 桑科 榕属 形态特征:常绿乔木,树高达20~30m,胸径达2m;树冠扩展很大,具奇特板根露出地表,宽达3~4m,宛如栅栏.有气生根,细弱悬垂及地面,入土生根,形似支柱;树冠庞大,呈广卵形或伞状;树皮灰褐色,枝叶稠密,浓荫覆地,甚为壮观.叶革质,椭圆形或卵状椭圆形,有时呈倒卵形,长4~10cm,全缘或浅波状,先端钝尖,基部近圆形,单叶互生,叶面深绿色,有光泽,无毛.隐花果腋生,近球形,初时乳白色,熟时黄色或淡红色,花期5~6月,果径约0.8cm.果熟期9~10月. 榕树果实是绣眼鸟最喜爱
Now, we are in a new historical stage of all-round construction of a well-off society. In perform duties, and carried out work of process in the, we to put people as a guide principles, and a test standard, efforts from masses most hope do of things do up, from masses most care of hot problem grabbed, from masses most not satisfaction of place modified up, not make nominal of formalism, not do grandstanding of cosmetic, to seeking of style, help masses share, is people benefit. (C) the investee people is not only an idea, it is a job requirement. Philosophy through to the people-oriented thought in the work of the Office, must be clear work objectives. Party Office in the city this year remains: Advanced civil strife, local brand. The County (City) Party Committee offices and units directly under the Office to hold high the banner of first to excellence, people-oriented requirements, strengthen the construction and management of the Office towards the work \her level\political participation based on conspiracy to adhere to people-oriented, will be around to promote coordinationDevelopment events, great searchings. The 16 session of the party's scientific Outlook on development, is the new Central collective leadership to the development of connotation, development essentials, further deepen the essence of development and innovation, is our party's ruling idea a leap. At present, establishing and implementing the scientific concept of development has become the party's important work. As the Office of party Committee, working party should service center, initiative to claim leadership of the decision, the current focus is to focus on promoting comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development with more suggestions, do more research, summarized the typical. One is drafted to raise the level of your presentation. our presentation is the main Office of \he basic carrier staff service, is important to measure service levels. The quality of your presentation, mainly depends on how much we drafted a document recognized by the leadership, how many are listening to the people in favour of the report, how many paid dividends in the practical work. Improve presentation drafting level, requirements we accurate grasp led intent, General led care of work are to as understand, General led consider of problem are to in-depth thinking; requirements we highlight place features, put superior approach policy and local actual combined up, put presentation of theme thrust and masses of by thought by wants to combined up; requirements we seeks to streamlined clear, with simple of language expression deep of thought, with short of length hosted rich of connotation. Second, the survey results more. Investigation of the base, the road to success is something, is our for the Party Committee's policy decision a good idea, an important part of a good staff. This year, to focus around industrial XING city, and farmers increase, and and manpower development, and seeking, major problem and foster advantage industry, and adjustment agricultural structure, and carried is one of the practical form of values. The so-called values refers to the objective things are of no value and the value of fundamental perspective. Different values, people's behaviour, attitudes, ways are different. People-oriented focus on human value and reality, we need the broadest masses as values. Adhere to people-oriented values, is to make the economy more development, improve democracy, cultural prosperity, and live a happier; is deeply concerned that human development and human values, development of social and human development of rational unified, insisted in the material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization in the overall advancement of Socialist civilization to a higher level. Also want to see that person's value is not only meet your needs, also is to meet the needs of others and the community. Adhere to people-oriented, to strongly advocate every community member, serve others, beneficial to the community of people. The so-called Outlookattitude is on the record, including who, how to create a record of achievements, how to evaluate performance, and so on. What values, what kind of Outlook. Adhere to people-oriented Outlook, is on the premise of respecting the interests and power of people, creating a popular, warm hearts, steady heart performance, creating \one officer, the benefit of\s, and overall construction of well-off society and promoting the all-round development of people's performance. Achievement evaluation in both economic accomplishments, take another look at the effectiveness of social progress; changes in both urban and rural change; both hard environment to strengthen and take another look at the soft environment improvement momentum of development at present, depending on the potential for sustainable development. Leave people to talk about \ople to talk about \ook\not what the performance. 4. people responded to the starting point of the question, and replied to questions point. Man is the sum of social relationships. We cannot leave the chichuanyongdu, housing, tourism and entertainment, entertaining, and even certain political, economic, cultural and social environment, and so on. Due to human needs, all walks of life will come into being. People create for their survival, and continue enjoying the results of the construction. Colorful in the transformation of the people of the world, community vitality in the creation of man. Therefore, any work we do, the starting point is human, what are people. Us speed up development, the core of which is to meet the needs of people, including survival needs, emotional needs and self-actualization needs. It should be noted that people are not machines, not the slave of an object, not to be controlled. People have their own personality, has its own personality, has its own dignity. Person in need of care, you need to understand, need to meet. It is said that in the \society, people plant\society, man is an animal\y, return 的食物果子很小,好像一粒一粒的小球,成熟时,会由绿色变成红色。是小鸟最爱吃的食物。
生长分布:榕树生长在高温多雨的热带雨林地区,这里气候潮湿;雨水充足。 9、 紫薇 Lagerstroemia indica
桃金娘目 千屈菜科 紫薇属 紫薇种
形态特征:属落叶灌木或小乔木。在江苏紫薇基地人工培育,数量大。紫薇为小乔木,有时呈灌木状,高3~7米;树皮易脱落,树干光滑。幼枝略呈四棱形,稍成翅状。叶互生或对生,近无柄;椭圆形、倒卵形或长椭圆形,长3~7厘米,宽2.5~4厘米,光滑无毛或沿主脉上有毛。圆锥花序顶生,长4~20厘米;花径2.5~3厘米;花萼6浅裂,裂片卵形,外面平滑;花瓣6,红色或粉红色,边缘有不规则缺刻,基部有长爪;雄蕊36~42,外侧6枚花丝较长;子房6室。蒴果椭圆状球形,长9~13毫米,宽8~11毫米,6瓣裂。种子有翅。花期6~9月,果期7~9月。 树干愈老愈光华,用手抚摸,全株微微颤动,故又称为入惊儿树、痒痒树。
生态习性:喜光,稍耐阴;喜温暖气候,耐寒性不强;喜肥沃、湿润而排水良好的石灰性土壤,耐旱,怕涝。萌芽性强,生长较慢,寿命长。 10、天南星 Pinellia pedatisecta Schott 天南星科
生态习性:生于山谷、河岸、草地、草丛及竹林下。.生于灌丛、草地及林下。3.生于荒地、草坡、灌丛及林下 。生于海拔50-1200m的林下和沟旁。 11、龟背竹Monstera deliciosa
泽泻目 天南星科 龟背竹属
形态特征:龟背竹龟背竹为半蔓型,茎粗壮,节多似竹,故名龟背竹;茎上生有长而下垂的褐色气生根,可攀附它物向上生长。叶厚革质,互生,暗绿色或绿色;幼叶心脏形,没有穿孔,长大后叶呈矩圆形,具不规则羽状深裂,自叶缘至叶脉附近孔裂,如龟甲图案;叶柄;长30—50厘米,深绿色,有叶痕;叶痕处有苞片,革质,黄白色。 花状如佛焰,淡黄色。果实可食用。在栽培中还有斑叶变种,在浓绿色的叶片上带有大面积不规则的白斑,十分美丽。
生物习性:龟背竹常附生于热带雨林中的高大树木上。喜温暖湿润环境,切忌强光暴晒和干燥,生长适温20~25℃。 12、尖叶木樨榄 Olea cuspidata Wall 木犀科
形态特征: 灌木或小乔木,高3-10m。小枝褐色或灰色,近四棱形,无毛,密被细小鳞片。单叶,对生;叶柄长3-5mm,被锈色鳞片;叶片革质,狭披针形至长圆状椭圆形,长3-10cm,宽1-2cm,先端渐尖,具长凸尖头,基部渐窄,
Now, we are in a new historical stage of all-round construction of a well-off society. In perform duties, and carried out work of process in the, we to put people as a guide principles, and a test standard, efforts from masses most hope do of things do up, from masses most care of hot problem grabbed, from masses most not satisfaction of place modified up, not make nominal of formalism, not do grandstanding of cosmetic, to seeking of style, help masses share, is people benefit. (C) the investee people is not only an idea, it is a job requirement. Philosophy through to the people-oriented thought in the work of the Office, must be clear work objectives. Party Office in the city this year remains: Advanced civil strife, local brand. The County (City) Party Committee offices and units directly under the Office to hold high the banner of first to excellence, people-oriented requirements, strengthen the construction and management of the Office towards the work \her level\political participation based on conspiracy to adhere to people-oriented, will be around to promote coordinationDevelopment events, great searchings. The 16 session of the party's scientific Outlook on development, is the new Central collective leadership to the development of connotation, development essentials, further deepen the essence of development and innovation, is our party's ruling idea a leap. At present, establishing and implementing the scientific concept of development has become the party's important work. As the Office of party Committee, working party should service center, initiative to claim leadership of the decision, the current focus is to focus on promoting comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development with more suggestions, do more research, summarized the typical. One is drafted to raise the level of your presentation. ur presentation is the main Office of \he basic carrier staff service, is important to measure service levels. The quality of your presentation, mainly depends on how much we drafted a document recognized by the leadership, how many are listening to the people in favour of the report, how many paid dividends in the practical work. Improve presentation drafting level, requirements we accurate grasp led intent, General led care of work are to as understand, General led consider of problem are to in-depth thinking; requirements we highlight place features, put superior approach policy and local actual combined up, put presentation of theme thrust and masses of by thought by wants to combined up; requirements we seeks to streamlined clear, with simple of language expression deep of thought, with short of length hosted rich of connotation. Second, the survey results more. Investigation of the base, the road to success is something, is our for the Party Committee's policy decision a good idea, an important part of a good staff. This year, to focus around industrial XING city, and farmers increase, and and manpower development, and seeking, major problem and foster advantage industry, and adjustment agricultural structure, and carriedis one of the practical form of values. The so-called values refers to the objective things are of no value and the value of fundamental perspective. Different values, people's behaviour, attitudes, ways are different. People-oriented focus on human value and reality, we need the broadest masses as values. Adhere to people-oriented values, is to make the economy more development, improve democracy, cultural prosperity, and live a happier; is deeply concerned that human development and human values, development of social and human development of rational unified, insisted in the material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization in the overall advancement of Socialist civilization to a higher level. Also want to see that person's value is not only meet your needs, also is to meet the needs of others and the community. Adhere to people-oriented, to strongly advocate every community member, serve others, beneficial to the community of people. The so-called Outlookattitude is on the record, including who, how to create a record of achievements, how to evaluate performance, and so on. What values, what kind of Outlook. Adhere to people-oriented Outlook, is on the premise of respecting the interests and power of people, creating a popular, warm hearts, steady heart performance, creating \one officer, the benefit of\s, and overall construction of well-off society and promoting the all-round development of people's performance. Achievement evaluation in both economic accomplishments, take another look at the effectiveness of social progress; changes in both urban and rural change; both hard environment to strengthen and take another look at the soft environment improvement momentum of development at present, depending on the potential for sustainable development. Leave people to talk about \ople to talk about \ook\not what the performance. 4. people responded to the starting point of the question, and replied to questions point. Man is the sum of social relationships. We cannot leave the chichuanyongdu, housing, tourism and entertainment, entertaining, and even certain political, economic, cultural and social environment, and so on. Due to human needs, all walks of life will come into being. People create for their survival, and continue enjoying the results of the construction. Colorful in the transformation of the people of the world, community vitality in the creation of man. Therefore, any work we do, the starting point is human, what are people. Us speed up development, the core of which is to meet the needs of people, including survival needs, emotional needs and self-actualization needs. It should be noted that people are not machines, not the slave of an object, not to be controlled. People have their own personality, has its own personality, has its own dignity. Person in need of care, you need to understand, need to meet. It is said that in the \society, people plant\society, man is an animal\y, return 叶缘稍反卷,两面无毛或在上面中脉被微毛,下面密被锈色鳞片。圆锥花序腋生;花序梗具棱,稍被锈色鳞片;苞片线形或鳞片状,长约1mm;花梗长0-1mm;花白色,两性;花萼小,杯状,齿裂;花冠长2.5-3.5mm,花冠管与花萼近等长,裂片椭圆形;花丝极短,花药长椭圆形,内藏,稍短于花冠裂片;子房近圆形,花柱短,与花冠管近等长,柱头头状。果宽椭圆形或近球形,长7-9mm,径4-6mm,成熟时呈暗褐色。花期4-8月,果期8-11月。
生活习性:常绿灌木至小乔木,高3-10米。小枝近四角形。叶对生,革质,狭披针形至矩圆形,长4-8.5厘米。叶面有光泽,叶背有皮屑状锈色鳞毛。 13、桂花树 Osmanthus fragrans Lour. 木犀科 木犀属
形态特征:常绿阔叶乔木,高可 桂花树达15米,树冠可覆盖400平方米,桂花实生苗有明显的主根,根系发达深长。幼根浅黄褐色,老根黄褐色。叶面光滑,革质,近轴面暗亮绿色,远轴面色较淡。
生态习性:喜欢温暖湿润的气候,耐高温而不甚耐寒,为亚热带树种。桂花喜温暖,抗逆性强,既耐高温,也较耐寒。桂花较喜阳光,亦能耐阴,在全光照下其枝叶生长茂盛,开花繁密,在阴处生长枝叶稀疏、花稀少。桂花性好湿润,切忌积水,但也有一定的耐干旱能力。 14、花叶艳山姜 Alpinia zerumbet
姜科 山姜属
15、尖叶杜英 Elaeocarpus apiculatus Mast.
杜英科 杜英属
16、黄葛榕 F.virens Ait.var,sublanceolata(Miq.)Corner 桑科
Now, we are in a new historical stage of all-round construction of a well-off society. In perform duties, and carried out work of process in the, we to put people as a guide principles, and a test standard, efforts from masses most hope do of things do up, from masses most care of hot problem grabbed, from masses most not satisfaction of place modified up, not make nominal of formalism, not do grandstanding of cosmetic, to seeking of style, help masses share, is people benefit. (C) the investee people is not only an idea, it is a job requirement. Philosophy through to the people-oriented thought in the work of the Office, must be clear work objectives. Party Office in the city this year remains: Advanced civil strife, local brand. The County (City) Party Committee offices and units directly under the Office to hold high the banner of first to excellence, people-oriented requirements, strengthen the construction and management of the Office towards the work \her level\political participation based on conspiracy to adhere to people-oriented, will be around to promote coordinationDevelopment events, great searchings. The 16 session of the party's scientific Outlook on development, is the new Central collective leadership to the development of connotation, development essentials, further deepen the essence of development and innovation, is our party's ruling idea a leap. At present, establishing and implementing the scientific concept of development has become the party's important work. As the Office of party Committee, working party should service center, initiative to claim leadership of the decision, the current focus is to focus on promoting comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development with more suggestions, do more research, summarized the typical. One is drafted to raise the level of your presentation. our presentation is the main Office of \he basic carrier staff service, is important to measure service levels. The quality of your presentation, mainly depends on how much we drafted a document recognized by the leadership, how many are listening to the people in favour of the report, how many paid dividends in the practical work. Improve presentation drafting level, requirements we accurate grasp led intent, General led care of work are to as understand, General led consider of problem are to in-depth thinking; requirements we highlight place features, put superior approach policy and local actual combined up, put presentation of theme thrust and masses of by thought by wants to combined up; requirements we seeks to streamlined clear, with simple of language expression deep of thought, with short of length hosted rich of connotation. Second, the survey results more. Investigation of the base, the road to success is something, is our for the Party Committee's policy decision a good idea, an important part of a good staff. This year, to focus around industrial XING city, and farmers increase, and and manpower development, and seeking, major problem and foster advantage industry, and adjustment agricultural structure, and carried is one of the practical form of values. The so-called values refers to the objective things are of no value and the value of fundamental perspective. Different values, people's behaviour, attitudes, ways are different. People-oriented focus on human value and reality, we need the broadest masses as values. Adhere to people-oriented values, is to make the economy more development, improve democracy, cultural prosperity, and live a happier; is deeply concerned that human development and human values, development of social and human development of rational unified, insisted in the material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization in the overall advancement of Socialist civilization to a higher level. Also want to see that person's value is not only meet your needs, also is to meet the needs of others and the community. Adhere to people-oriented, to strongly advocate every community member, serve others, beneficial to the community of people. The so-called Outlookattitude is on the record, including who, how to create a record of achievements, how to evaluate performance, and so on. What values, what kind of Outlook. Adhere to people-oriented Outlook, is on the premise of respecting the interests and power of people, creating a popular, warm hearts, steady heart performance, creating \one officer, the benefit of\s, and overall construction of well-off society and promoting the all-round development of people's performance. Achievement evaluation in both economic accomplishments, take another look at the effectiveness of social progress; changes in both urban and rural change; both hard environment to strengthen and take another look at the soft environment improvement momentum of development at present, depending on the potential for sustainable development. Leave people to talk about \ople to talk about \ook\not what the performance. 4. people responded to the starting point of the question, and replied to questions point. Man is the sum of social relationships. We cannot leave the chichuanyongdu, housing, tourism and entertainment, entertaining, and even certain political, economic, cultural and social environment, and so on. Due to human needs, all walks of life will come into being. People create for their survival, and continue enjoying the results of the construction. Colorful in the transformation of the people of the world, community vitality in the creation of man. Therefore, any work we do, the starting point is human, what are people. Us speed up development, the core of which is to meet the needs of people, including survival needs, emotional needs and self-actualization needs. It should be noted that people are not machines, not the slave of an object, not to be controlled. People have their own personality, has its own personality, has its own dignity. Person in need of care, you need to understand, need to meet. It is said that in the \society, people plant\society, man is an animal\y, return 生态习性:喜光,耐旱,耐瘠薄,有气生根,适应能力特别强。 17、刺桐 Erythrina indica Lam
蝶形花科 刺桐属落叶乔木
18、幌伞枫 Heteropanax fragrans (Roxb.) Seem. 五加科 幌伞枫属
生态习性:喜高温多湿,忌干燥,抗寒力较低,能耐5~6度的低温及轻霜,不耐0度以下低温。喜弱光,幼树可在树阴下或室内栽培。喜肥沃湿润的森林土,粘重土生长不良,忌干旱贫瘠土,稍耐水湿。 19、高山榕 Ficus altissima Bl.
桑科 榕属
形态特征:千年高山榕常绿乔木,高可达30m,胸径90cm。树冠伞形,树皮灰色,平滑;幼嫩部分稍被微毛,顶芽被银白色毛,有少数气根。叶互生,厚革质,浓绿,广卵形至广卵状椭圆形,长10~18cm,宽7~10cm,顶端钝急尖,基部圆形或钝,全缘,两面无毛,基出脉3~5条,侧脉每边5~6条,明显。阴头花序成对腋生,雄花散生于花序内壁,具梗;雌花无梗,生于另一花序。瘦果表面有瘤状凸体。 少数气根,幼嫩部分被微毛,顶芽被银白色毛。叶互生,草质,卵形或广卵形,少数为卵状披针形,长7-27厘米,宽4-17厘米,顶端钝急尖或稍钝,基部圆形或钝,很少略为扁斜,全缘,光滑,基出3-5条脉,侧脉5-6对,较粗,网脉在背面较明显。花序单生或成对腋生,卵球形,长1.5—2.5厘米,宽1.5-2厘米,无总花
20、刺槐 Robinia pseudoacacia L
豆目 豆科 蝶形花亚科 刺槐属
Now, we are in a new historical stage of all-round construction of a well-off society. In perform duties, and carried out work of process in the, we to put people as a guide principles, and a test standard, efforts from masses most hope do of things do up, from masses most care of hot problem grabbed, from masses most not satisfaction of place modified up, not make nominal of formalism, not do grandstanding of cosmetic, to seeking of style, help masses share, is people benefit. (C) the investee people is not only an idea, it is a job requirement. Philosophy through to the people-oriented thought in the work of the Office, must be clear work objectives. Party Office in the city this year remains: Advanced civil strife, local brand. The County (City) Party Committee offices and units directly under the Office to hold high the banner of first to excellence, people-oriented requirements, strengthen the construction and management of the Office towards the work \her level\political participation based on conspiracy to adhere to people-oriented, will be around to promote coordinationDevelopment events, great searchings. The 16 session of the party's scientific Outlook on development, is the new Central collective leadership to the development of connotation, development essentials, further deepen the essence of development and innovation, is our party's ruling idea a leap. At present, establishing and implementing the scientific concept of development has become the party's important work. As the Office of party Committee, working party should service center, initiative to claim leadership of the decision, the current focus is to focus on promoting comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development with more suggestions, do more research, summarized the typical. One is drafted to raise the level of your presentation. ur presentation is the main Office of \he basic carrier staff service, is important to measure service levels. The quality of your presentation, mainly depends on how much we drafted a document recognized by the leadership, how many are listening to the people in favour of the report, how many paid dividends in the practical work. Improve presentation drafting level, requirements we accurate grasp led intent, General led care of work are to as understand, General led consider of problem are to in-depth thinking; requirements we highlight place features, put superior approach policy and local actual combined up, put presentation of theme thrust and masses of by thought by wants to combined up; requirements we seeks to streamlined clear, with simple of language expression deep of thought, with short of length hosted rich of connotation. Second, the survey results more. Investigation of the base, the road to success is something, is our for the Party Committee's policy decision a good idea, an important part of a good staff. This year, to focus around industrial XING city, and farmers increase, and and manpower development, and seeking, major problem and foster advantage industry, and adjustment agricultural structure, and carriedis one of the practical form of values. The so-called values refers to the objective things are of no value and the value of fundamental perspective. Different values, people's behaviour, attitudes, ways are different. People-oriented focus on human value and reality, we need the broadest masses as values. Adhere to people-oriented values, is to make the economy more development, improve democracy, cultural prosperity, and live a happier; is deeply concerned that human development and human values, development of social and human development of rational unified, insisted in the material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization in the overall advancement of Socialist civilization to a higher level. Also want to see that person's value is not only meet your needs, also is to meet the needs of others and the community. Adhere to people-oriented, to strongly advocate every community member, serve others, beneficial to the community of people. The so-called Outlookattitude is on the record, including who, how to create a record of achievements, how to evaluate performance, and so on. What values, what kind of Outlook. Adhere to people-oriented Outlook, is on the premise of respecting the interests and power of people, creating a popular, warm hearts, steady heart performance, creating \one officer, the benefit of\s, and overall construction of well-off society and promoting the all-round development of people's performance. Achievement evaluation in both economic accomplishments, take another look at the effectiveness of social progress; changes in both urban and rural change; both hard environment to strengthen and take another look at the soft environment improvement momentum of development at present, depending on the potential for sustainable development. Leave people to talk about \ople to talk about \ook\not what the performance. 4. people responded to the starting point of the question, and replied to questions point. Man is the sum of social relationships. We cannot leave the chichuanyongdu, housing, tourism and entertainment, entertaining, and even certain political, economic, cultural and social environment, and so on. Due to human needs, all walks of life will come into being. People create for their survival, and continue enjoying the results of the construction. Colorful in the transformation of the people of the world, community vitality in the creation of man. Therefore, any work we do, the starting point is human, what are people. Us speed up development, the core of which is to meet the needs of people, including survival needs, emotional needs and self-actualization needs. It should be noted that people are not machines, not the slave of an object, not to be controlled. People have their own personality, has its own personality, has its own dignity. Person in need of care, you need to understand, need to meet. It is said that in the \society, people plant\society, man is an animal\y, return 面被短毛;花冠白色,芳香,旗瓣近圆形,长18毫米,基部具爪,先端微凹,翼瓣倒卵状长圆形,基部具细长爪,顶端圆,长18毫米,龙骨瓣向内弯,基部具长爪;雄蕊10枚,成9与1两体;子房线状长圆形,被短白毛,花柱几乎弯成直角,荚果扁平,线状长圆形,长3-11厘米,褐色,光滑。含3-10粒种子,二瓣裂。花果期5-9月。
生长习性:喜光,喜温暖湿润气候,在年平均气温8~14℃、年降水量500~900毫米的地方生长良好。对土壤要求不严,适应性很强。最喜土层深厚、肥沃、疏松、湿润的粉砂土、砂壤土和壤土。对土壤酸碱度不敏感。在底土过于粘重坚硬、排水不良的粘土、粗砂土上生长不良。虽有一定抗旱能力,但在久旱不雨的严重干旱季节往往枯梢。不耐水湿。怕风。生长快,是世界上重要的速生树种。 21、猫尾木 Dolichandrone cauda-felina (Hance) Benth. et Hook. f.
合瓣花亚纲 管花目 茄亚目 紫葳科 猫尾木属
形态特征:乔木,高达10米以上。叶近于对生,奇数羽状复叶,长30-50厘米,幼嫩时叶轴及小叶两面密被平伏细柔毛,老时近无毛;小叶6-7对,无柄,长椭圆形或卵形,长16-21厘米,宽6-8厘米,顶端长渐尖,基部阔楔形至近圆形,有时偏斜,全缘纸质,两面均无毛或于幼时沿背面脉上被毛,侧脉8-9对,在叶面微凹,顶生小叶柄长达5厘米;托叶缺,但常有退化的单叶生于叶柄基部而极似托叶。花大,直径10-14厘米,组成顶生、具数花的总状花序。花萼长约5厘米,与花序轴均密被褐色绒毛,顶端有黑色小瘤体数个,内面无毛。花冠黄色,长约10厘米,口部直径10-15厘米,花冠筒基部直径1.5-2厘米,漏斗形,下部紫色,无毛,花冠外面具多数微凸起的纵肋,花冠裂片椭圆形,长约4.5厘米,开展。雄蕊及花柱内藏。蒴果极长,达30-60厘米,宽达4厘米,厚约1厘米,悬垂,密被褐黄色绒毛。种子长椭圆形,极薄,具膜质翅,连翅长约5.5-6.5厘米,宽约1.2厘米。花期10-11月,果期4-6月。 22、假槟榔 Archontophoenix alexandrae
槟榔亚纲 槟榔目 棕榈科 假槟榔属
形态特征:棕榈科假槟榔属乔木植物,常绿乔木,高达10-25米。茎圆柱状、基部略膨大。叶羽状全裂,生于茎项,羽片呈2列排列;叶鞘膨大而包茎,形成明显的冠茎。花序生于叶鞘下,呈圆锥花序式,下垂,多分枝,具2个鞘状佛焰苞;花雌雄同株,白色。果实卵球形,红色,长12-14毫米。种子卵球形,长约8毫米,直径约7毫米,干挺直,具环纹,基部略膨大。羽状复叶簇生茎顶,小叶多数,狭而长,全,叶背面灰白色。复合花序,花乳白色。 假槟榔绿乔木,植株高20余米,单干直立如旗杆状,落叶处有环状痕。叶簇生于干的顶端,伸展如盖,叶长约2.5米,羽状全裂,叶鞘宽大,可作睡椅,羽叶扁平,条状披针形,列序整齐。植株挺拔隽秀,叶片四季常绿,花序穗状,乳黄色,下垂,果实小、圆形,鲜红色,亦颇艳丽。
生态习性:喜高温,耐寒力稍强,能耐5-6℃的长期低温及极端0℃左右低温,幼苗及嫩叶忌霜冻,老叶可耐轻霜。 23、降香黄檀 Dalbergia odorifera
豆目 豆科 蝶形花亚科 黄檀族 黄檀属
Now, we are in a new historical stage of all-round construction of a well-off society. In perform duties, and carried out work of process in the, we to put people as a guide principles, and a test standard, efforts from masses most hope do of things do up, from masses most care of hot problem grabbed, from masses most not satisfaction of place modified up, not make nominal of formalism, not do grandstanding of cosmetic, to seeking of style, help masses share, is people benefit. (C) the investee people is not only an idea, it is a job requirement. Philosophy through to the people-oriented thought in the work of the Office, must be clear work objectives. Party Office in the city this year remains: Advanced civil strife, local brand. The County (City) Party Committee offices and units directly under the Office to hold high the banner of first to excellence, people-oriented requirements, strengthen the construction and management of the Office towards the work \her level\political participation based on conspiracy to adhere to people-oriented, will be around to promote coordinationDevelopment events, great searchings. The 16 session of the party's scientific Outlook on development, is the new Central collective leadership to the development of connotation, development essentials, further deepen the essence of development and innovation, is our party's ruling idea a leap. At present, establishing and implementing the scientific concept of development has become the party's important work. As the Office of party Committee, working party should service center, initiative to claim leadership of the decision, the current focus is to focus on promoting comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development with more suggestions, do more research, summarized the typical. One is drafted to raise the level of your presentation. our presentation is the main Office of \he basic carrier staff service, is important to measure service levels. The quality of your presentation, mainly depends on how much we drafted a document recognized by the leadership, how many are listening to the people in favour of the report, how many paid dividends in the practical work. Improve presentation drafting level, requirements we accurate grasp led intent, General led care of work are to as understand, General led consider of problem are to in-depth thinking; requirements we highlight place features, put superior approach policy and local actual combined up, put presentation of theme thrust and masses of by thought by wants to combined up; requirements we seeks to streamlined clear, with simple of language expression deep of thought, with short of length hosted rich of connotation. Second, the survey results more. Investigation of the base, the road to success is something, is our for the Party Committee's policy decision a good idea, an important part of a good staff. This year, to focus around industrial XING city, and farmers increase, and and manpower development, and seeking, major problem and foster advantage industry, and adjustment agricultural structure, and carried is one of the practical form of values. The so-called values refers to the objective things are of no value and the value of fundamental perspective. Different values, people's behaviour, attitudes, ways are different. People-oriented focus on human value and reality, we need the broadest masses as values. Adhere to people-oriented values, is to make the economy more development, improve democracy, cultural prosperity, and live a happier; is deeply concerned that human development and human values, development of social and human development of rational unified, insisted in the material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization in the overall advancement of Socialist civilization to a higher level. Also want to see that person's value is not only meet your needs, also is to meet the needs of others and the community. Adhere to people-oriented, to strongly advocate every community member, serve others, beneficial to the community of people. The so-called Outlookattitude is on the record, including who, how to create a record of achievements, how to evaluate performance, and so on. What values, what kind of Outlook. Adhere to people-oriented Outlook, is on the premise of respecting the interests and power of people, creating a popular, warm hearts, steady heart performance, creating \one officer, the benefit of\s, and overall construction of well-off society and promoting the all-round development of people's performance. Achievement evaluation in both economic accomplishments, take another look at the effectiveness of social progress; changes in both urban and rural change; both hard environment to strengthen and take another look at the soft environment improvement momentum of development at present, depending on the potential for sustainable development. Leave people to talk about \ople to talk about \ook\not what the performance. 4. people responded to the starting point of the question, and replied to questions point. Man is the sum of social relationships. We cannot leave the chichuanyongdu, housing, tourism and entertainment, entertaining, and even certain political, economic, cultural and social environment, and so on. Due to human needs, all walks of life will come into being. People create for their survival, and continue enjoying the results of the construction. Colorful in the transformation of the people of the world, community vitality in the creation of man. Therefore, any work we do, the starting point is human, what are people. Us speed up development, the core of which is to meet the needs of people, including survival needs, emotional needs and self-actualization needs. It should be noted that people are not machines, not the slave of an object, not to be controlled. People have their own personality, has its own personality, has its own dignity. Person in need of care, you need to understand, need to meet. It is said that in the \society, people plant\society, man is an animal\y, return 形。圆锥花序腋生,由多数聚伞花序组成,长4一10厘米;花淡黄色或乳白色;花瓣近等长,均具爪;雄蕊9,1组。荚果舌状,长椭圆形,扁平,不开裂,长5一8厘米,宽1.5一1.8厘米,果瓣革质,有种子部分明显隆起,通常有种子1颗,稀2颗;种子肾形。
生态特性:分布区常年气温较高,土壤为褐色砖红壤和赤红壤。为阳性树种,在过分荫蔽的密林中,幼树生势衰弱;在郁闭度较小的林分中能长成直干大树。萌芽力较强,现存林木多为萌生小径木。 24、短穗鱼尾葵 Carvota mitis Lour 棕榈科 鱼尾葵属
形态特征:丛生小乔木,高5-8米,有吸枝,故聚生成丛。 高6m左右。有匍匐根茎,干竹节状,在环状叶痕上常有休眠芽,近地面有棕褐色肉质气根。叶长1~3m,2回羽状全裂,大小形状如鱼尾葵,叶鞘较短,长50~70cm,下部厚被棉毛状鳞秕。肉穗花序有分枝,稠密而短,长约60cm,总梗弯曲下垂,小穗长仅30~40cm,佛焰苞可达11枚。浆果球形,熟时蓝黑色,种子1颗。径粗10~20厘米,干单生,脱叶处有明显环状痕,如竹节状。叶颇粗大,长达2米余,二回羽状全裂,羽叶扁平,厚革质,上部不整齐,状如鱼尾,故名。 叶长1-3米,羽状复叶,淡绿色,叶柄和鞘被粃糠状鳞片;小叶薄而脆,长10-17厘米,侧生的近截头状至斜截头状,内缘不及一半有齿缺,外缘延伸而成一短尖。
生长特性:喜温暖通风的环境,喜光耐半阴。最适宜生长温度为15~25℃。喜生长于排水了好而疏松肥沃的土壤,不耐旱。 25、苹婆 Sterculia nobililis
锦葵目 梧桐科 苹婆属
叶:纸质,阔矩圆形至矩圆状椭圆形,长8-25厘米,宽5-15厘米。 花:圆锥花序疏散,腋生,倒垂,多花;多柄线状,秃净,花芽纺锤状;雄花萼钟形,直径约10毫米,外面有灰白色茸毛,内面红色,裂片线形,内弯,与萼管等长;雄芯柱柔弱,弯曲,雌花少数,子房有毛,具柄,5裂,花柱弯曲。蓇葖革质,卵形,长4-8厘米,宽2.5-3.5厘米,具喙,熟时暗红色,被短绒毛。花期:5月。
果实:瞢荚果,果长约10厘米,具果柄,果皮厚,革质,成熟果呈暗红色,被短茸毛,长圆状卵形,每果种子1—5枚,多数3枚,未熟果表皮青绿色,成熟时逐渐转为朱红色,皮红子黑,斜裂形如凤眼,故称“凤眼果” 。
生长习性:性喜阳光,喜温暖湿润气候,对土壤要求不严。以排水良好、土层深厚的砂质壤土最佳, 日照需充足,性喜高温多湿, 生育适温约23—32℃。 26、南洋楹 Albizia falcataria (L.) Fosberg 含羞草科 合欢属
Now, we are in a new historical stage of all-round construction of a well-off society. In perform duties, and carried out work of process in the, we to put people as a guide principles, and a test standard, efforts from masses most hope do of things do up, from masses most care of hot problem grabbed, from masses most not satisfaction of place modified up, not make nominal of formalism, not do grandstanding of cosmetic, to seeking of style, help masses share, is people benefit. (C) the investee people is not only an idea, it is a job requirement. Philosophy through to the people-oriented thought in the work of the Office, must be clear work objectives. Party Office in the city this year remains: Advanced civil strife, local brand. The County (City) Party Committee offices and units directly under the Office to hold high the banner of first to excellence, people-oriented requirements, strengthen the construction and management of the Office towards the work \her level\political participation based on conspiracy to adhere to people-oriented, will be around to promote coordinationDevelopment events, great searchings. The 16 session of the party's scientific Outlook on development, is the new Central collective leadership to the development of connotation, development essentials, further deepen the essence of development and innovation, is our party's ruling idea a leap. At present, establishing and implementing the scientific concept of development has become the party's important work. As the Office of party Committee, working party should service center, initiative to claim leadership of the decision, the current focus is to focus on promoting comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development with more suggestions, do more research, summarized the typical. One is drafted to raise the level of your presentation. ur presentation is the main Office of \he basic carrier staff service, is important to measure service levels. The quality of your presentation, mainly depends on how much we drafted a document recognized by the leadership, how many are listening to the people in favour of the report, how many paid dividends in the practical work. Improve presentation drafting level, requirements we accurate grasp led intent, General led care of work are to as understand, General led consider of problem are to in-depth thinking; requirements we highlight place features, put superior approach policy and local actual combined up, put presentation of theme thrust and masses of by thought by wants to combined up; requirements we seeks to streamlined clear, with simple of language expression deep of thought, with short of length hosted rich of connotation. Second, the survey results more. Investigation of the base, the road to success is something, is our for the Party Committee's policy decision a good idea, an important part of a good staff. This year, to focus around industrial XING city, and farmers increase, and and manpower development, and seeking, major problem and foster advantage industry, and adjustment agricultural structure, and carriedis one of the practical form of values. The so-called values refers to the objective things are of no value and the value of fundamental perspective. Different values, people's behaviour, attitudes, ways are different. People-oriented focus on human value and reality, we need the broadest masses as values. Adhere to people-oriented values, is to make the economy more development, improve democracy, cultural prosperity, and live a happier; is deeply concerned that human development and human values, development of social and human development of rational unified, insisted in the material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization in the overall advancement of Socialist civilization to a higher level. Also want to see that person's value is not only meet your needs, also is to meet the needs of others and the community. Adhere to people-oriented, to strongly advocate every community member, serve others, beneficial to the community of people. The so-called Outlookattitude is on the record, including who, how to create a record of achievements, how to evaluate performance, and so on. What values, what kind of Outlook. Adhere to people-oriented Outlook, is on the premise of respecting the interests and power of people, creating a popular, warm hearts, steady heart performance, creating \one officer, the benefit of\s, and overall construction of well-off society and promoting the all-round development of people's performance. Achievement evaluation in both economic accomplishments, take another look at the effectiveness of social progress; changes in both urban and rural change; both hard environment to strengthen and take another look at the soft environment improvement momentum of development at present, depending on the potential for sustainable development. Leave people to talk about \ople to talk about \ook\not what the performance. 4. people responded to the starting point of the question, and replied to questions point. Man is the sum of social relationships. We cannot leave the chichuanyongdu, housing, tourism and entertainment, entertaining, and even certain political, economic, cultural and social environment, and so on. Due to human needs, all walks of life will come into being. People create for their survival, and continue enjoying the results of the construction. Colorful in the transformation of the people of the world, community vitality in the creation of man. Therefore, any work we do, the starting point is human, what are people. Us speed up development, the core of which is to meet the needs of people, including survival needs, emotional needs and self-actualization needs. It should be noted that people are not machines, not the slave of an object, not to be controlled. People have their own personality, has its own personality, has its own dignity. Person in need of care, you need to understand, need to meet. It is said that in the \society, people plant\society, man is an animal\y, return 27、乌桕 Sapium sebiferum (L.) Roxb.
牻牛儿苗目 大戟科 乌桕属
生长习性:喜光,耐寒性不强,年平均温度15℃以上,年降雨量750mm以上地区都可生长。对土壤适应性较强,以深厚湿润肥沃的冲积土生长最好。土壤水分条件好生长旺盛。能耐短期积水,亦耐旱,含盐量在0.3%以正气 28、福建茶 Carmona microphylla 紫草科 基及树属
29、珊瑚树 Viburnum odoratissimum 忍冬科 荚蒾属
形态特征:常绿灌木或小乔木,高达10 (-15) 米;枝灰色或灰褐色,有凸起的小瘤状皮孔,无毛或有时稍被褐色簇状毛。冬芽有1-2对卵状披针形的鳞片。叶革质,椭圆形至矩圆形或矩圆状倒卵形至倒卵形,有时近圆形,长7-20厘米,顶端短尖至渐尖而钝头,有时钝形至近圆形,基部宽楔形,稀圆形,边缘上部有不规则浅波状锯齿或近全缘,上面深绿色有光泽,两面无毛或脉上散生簇状微毛,下面有时散生暗红色微腺点,脉腋常有集聚簇状毛和趾蹼状小孔,侧脉5-6对,弧形,近缘前互相网结,连同中脉下面凸起而显著;叶柄长1-2 (-3) 厘米,无毛或被簇状微毛。圆锥花序顶生或生于侧生短枝上,宽尖塔形,长 (3.5-) 6-13.5厘米,宽 (3-) 4.5-6厘米,无毛或散生簇状毛,总花梗长可达10厘米,扁,有淡黄色小瘤状突起;苞片长不足1厘米,宽不及2毫米;花芳香,通常生于序轴的第二至第三级分枝上,无梗或有短梗;萼筒筒状钟形,长2-2.5毫米,无毛,萼檐碟状,齿宽三角形;花冠白色,后变黄白色,有时微红,辐状,直径约7毫米,
Now, we are in a new historical stage of all-round construction of a well-off society. In perform duties, and carried out work of process in the, we to put people as a guide principles, and a test standard, efforts from masses most hope do of things do up, from masses most care of hot problem grabbed, from masses most not satisfaction of place modified up, not make nominal of formalism, not do grandstanding of cosmetic, to seeking of style, help masses share, is people benefit. (C) the investee people is not only an idea, it is a job requirement. Philosophy through to the people-oriented thought in the work of the Office, must be clear work objectives. Party Office in the city this year remains: Advanced civil strife, local brand. The County (City) Party Committee offices and units directly under the Office to hold high the banner of first to excellence, people-oriented requirements, strengthen the construction and management of the Office towards the work \her level\political participation based on conspiracy to adhere to people-oriented, will be around to promote coordinationDevelopment events, great searchings. The 16 session of the party's scientific Outlook on development, is the new Central collective leadership to the development of connotation, development essentials, further deepen the essence of development and innovation, is our party's ruling idea a leap. At present, establishing and implementing the scientific concept of development has become the party's important work. As the Office of party Committee, working party should service center, initiative to claim leadership of the decision, the current focus is to focus on promoting comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development with more suggestions, do more research, summarized the typical. One is drafted to raise the level of your presentation. our presentation is the main Office of \he basic carrier staff service, is important to measure service levels. The quality of your presentation, mainly depends on how much we drafted a document recognized by the leadership, how many are listening to the people in favour of the report, how many paid dividends in the practical work. Improve presentation drafting level, requirements we accurate grasp led intent, General led care of work are to as understand, General led consider of problem are to in-depth thinking; requirements we highlight place features, put superior approach policy and local actual combined up, put presentation of theme thrust and masses of by thought by wants to combined up; requirements we seeks to streamlined clear, with simple of language expression deep of thought, with short of length hosted rich of connotation. Second, the survey results more. Investigation of the base, the road to success is something, is our for the Party Committee's policy decision a good idea, an important part of a good staff. This year, to focus around industrial XING city, and farmers increase, and and manpower development, and seeking, major problem and foster advantage industry, and adjustment agricultural structure, and carried is one of the practical form of values. The so-called values refers to the objective things are of no value and the value of fundamental perspective. Different values, people's behaviour, attitudes, ways are different. People-oriented focus on human value and reality, we need the broadest masses as values. Adhere to people-oriented values, is to make the economy more development, improve democracy, cultural prosperity, and live a happier; is deeply concerned that human development and human values, development of social and human development of rational unified, insisted in the material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization in the overall advancement of Socialist civilization to a higher level. Also want to see that person's value is not only meet your needs, also is to meet the needs of others and the community. Adhere to people-oriented, to strongly advocate every community member, serve others, beneficial to the community of people. The so-called Outlookattitude is on the record, including who, how to create a record of achievements, how to evaluate performance, and so on. What values, what kind of Outlook. Adhere to people-oriented Outlook, is on the premise of respecting the interests and power of people, creating a popular, warm hearts, steady heart performance, creating \one officer, the benefit of\s, and overall construction of well-off society and promoting the all-round development of people's performance. Achievement evaluation in both economic accomplishments, take another look at the effectiveness of social progress; changes in both urban and rural change; both hard environment to strengthen and take another look at the soft environment improvement momentum of development at present, depending on the potential for sustainable development. Leave people to talk about \ople to talk about \ook\not what the performance. 4. people responded to the starting point of the question, and replied to questions point. Man is the sum of social relationships. We cannot leave the chichuanyongdu, housing, tourism and entertainment, entertaining, and even certain political, economic, cultural and social environment, and so on. Due to human needs, all walks of life will come into being. People create for their survival, and continue enjoying the results of the construction. Colorful in the transformation of the people of the world, community vitality in the creation of man. Therefore, any work we do, the starting point is human, what are people. Us speed up development, the core of which is to meet the needs of people, including survival needs, emotional needs and self-actualization needs. It should be noted that people are not machines, not the slave of an object, not to be controlled. People have their own personality, has its own personality, has its own dignity. Person in need of care, you need to understand, need to meet. It is said that in the \society, people plant\society, man is an animal\y, return 筒长约2毫米,裂片反折,圆卵形,顶端圆,长2-3毫米;雄蕊略超出花冠裂片,花药黄色,矩圆形,长近2毫米;柱头头状,不高出萼齿。果实先红色后变黑色,卵圆形或卵状椭圆形,长约8毫米,直径5-6毫米;核卵状椭圆形,浑圆,长约7毫米,直径约4毫米,有1条深腹沟。花期4-5月(有时不定期开花),果熟期7-9月。
30、倒吊笔 Wrightia pubescens R. Br. 竹桃科 倒吊笔属
形态特征:乔木,高达20米,具乳汁,树皮黄灰色,浅裂;枝条密生皮孔。 叶对生,坚纸质,卵状矩圆形,长2-6.5厘米,宽1.5-2.5厘米,上面被微柔毛。 花叶聚伞花序顶生;花萼5裂,比花冠筒短;花冠粉红色,漏斗状,花冠裂片5枚,副花冠由10枚鳞片组成,离生;雄蕊5枚,花药伸出花冠候部之外;心皮粘生。蓇葖果2个粘生,条状披针形,长15-30厘米,直径1-2厘米;种子条状纺锤形,顶端具黄绢质长达3厘米的种毛。 生态分布:生低海拔热带林中。
1、垂枝暗罗 Polyalthia longifolia 番荔枝科 暗罗属
2、大叶相思 Acacia auriculaeformisA. Cunn. ex Benth. 含羞草科 金合欢属 形态特征:「假叶」互生,呈椭圆形,长约10厘米;「真叶」只在幼苗时期才出现。荚果呈扁圆条状,卷曲成团,乍看之下酷似树虫,外形奇特。花非常细小,由五枚花瓣组成,聚生成穗状花序。常绿乔木,树皮平滑,灰白色,小枝无毛,皮孔显著。叶状枝镰状长圆形,长10~20cm,两端渐狭,主脉3~7条。穗状花序3.5~8cm,生叶腋或枝顶,花橙黄色。花萼长0.5~1mm,花瓣长圆形。花丝长2.5~4mm。荚果木质。
生态习性:在贫瘠、干燥、坚硬的土壤上正常生长,能抵抗强风。 3、坡垒 Hopea hainanensis Merr. et Chun 龙脑香科
形态特征:常绿乔木,高25一30米,胸径60一85厘米;树皮黑褐色,浅纵裂;小枝和花序密生星状微柔毛。叶革质,椭圆形或氏圆状椭圆 坡垒形,长6.5一20.5厘米,宽4一11.5厘米,先端短渐尖,基部微圆形,侧脉9一14对,小脉平行;叶柄常1.2一1.9厘米,有皱纹。圆锥花序顶生或生于上部叶腋;花小,偏生于花序分枝的一侧,几无梗;萼片5,覆互状排列;花瓣5;雄蕊15,
Now, we are in a new historical stage of all-round construction of a well-off society. In perform duties, and carried out work of process in the, we to put people as a guide principles, and a test standard, efforts from masses most hope do of things do up, from masses most care of hot problem grabbed, from masses most not satisfaction of place modified up, not make nominal of formalism, not do grandstanding of cosmetic, to seeking of style, help masses share, is people benefit. (C) the investee people is not only an idea, it is a job requirement. Philosophy through to the people-oriented thought in the work of the Office, must be clear work objectives. Party Office in the city this year remains: Advanced civil strife, local brand. The County (City) Party Committee offices and units directly under the Office to hold high the banner of first to excellence, people-oriented requirements, strengthen the construction and management of the Office towards the work \her level\political participation based on conspiracy to adhere to people-oriented, will be around to promote coordinationDevelopment events, great searchings. The 16 session of the party's scientific Outlook on development, is the new Central collective leadership to the development of connotation, development essentials, further deepen the essence of development and innovation, is our party's ruling idea a leap. At present, establishing and implementing the scientific concept of development has become the party's important work. As the Office of party Committee, working party should service center, initiative to claim leadership of the decision, the current focus is to focus on promoting comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development with more suggestions, do more research, summarized the typical. One is drafted to raise the level of your presentation. ur presentation is the main Office of \he basic carrier staff service, is important to measure service levels. The quality of your presentation, mainly depends on how much we drafted a document recognized by the leadership, how many are listening to the people in favour of the report, how many paid dividends in the practical work. Improve presentation drafting level, requirements we accurate grasp led intent, General led care of work are to as understand, General led consider of problem are to in-depth thinking; requirements we highlight place features, put superior approach policy and local actual combined up, put presentation of theme thrust and masses of by thought by wants to combined up; requirements we seeks to streamlined clear, with simple of language expression deep of thought, with short of length hosted rich of connotation. Second, the survey results more. Investigation of the base, the road to success is something, is our for the Party Committee's policy decision a good idea, an important part of a good staff. This year, to focus around industrial XING city, and farmers increase, and and manpower development, and seeking, major problem and foster advantage industry, and adjustment agricultural structure, and carriedis one of the practical form of values. The so-called values refers to the objective things are of no value and the value of fundamental perspective. Different values, people's behaviour, attitudes, ways are different. People-oriented focus on human value and reality, we need the broadest masses as values. Adhere to people-oriented values, is to make the economy more development, improve democracy, cultural prosperity, and live a happier; is deeply concerned that human development and human values, development of social and human development of rational unified, insisted in the material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization in the overall advancement of Socialist civilization to a higher level. Also want to see that person's value is not only meet your needs, also is to meet the needs of others and the community. Adhere to people-oriented, to strongly advocate every community member, serve others, beneficial to the community of people. The so-called Outlookattitude is on the record, including who, how to create a record of achievements, how to evaluate performance, and so on. What values, what kind of Outlook. Adhere to people-oriented Outlook, is on the premise of respecting the interests and power of people, creating a popular, warm hearts, steady heart performance, creating \one officer, the benefit of\s, and overall construction of well-off society and promoting the all-round development of people's performance. Achievement evaluation in both economic accomplishments, take another look at the effectiveness of social progress; changes in both urban and rural change; both hard environment to strengthen and take another look at the soft environment improvement momentum of development at present, depending on the potential for sustainable development. Leave people to talk about \ople to talk about \ook\not what the performance. 4. people responded to the starting point of the question, and replied to questions point. Man is the sum of social relationships. We cannot leave the chichuanyongdu, housing, tourism and entertainment, entertaining, and even certain political, economic, cultural and social environment, and so on. Due to human needs, all walks of life will come into being. People create for their survival, and continue enjoying the results of the construction. Colorful in the transformation of the people of the world, community vitality in the creation of man. Therefore, any work we do, the starting point is human, what are people. Us speed up development, the core of which is to meet the needs of people, including survival needs, emotional needs and self-actualization needs. It should be noted that people are not machines, not the slave of an object, not to be controlled. People have their own personality, has its own personality, has its own dignity. Person in need of care, you need to understand, need to meet. It is said that in the \society, people plant\society, man is an animal\y, return 排成2轮,花药卵状椭圆形,药隔顶端附属体丝状;子房近圆柱形,花柱基部膨大。坚果卵圆形,为增大宿萼的基部所包围,其中2枚萼片扩大成翅,倒披针形,长约7厘米,有纵脉7-9条。
生态习性:分布于山地的沟岭、溪旁和东南坡上。分布区的气候特点是热量高、雨量充沛,土壤主要为在花岗岩母质上发育的山地砖红壤和赤红壤。坡垒要求炎热、静风、湿润以至潮湿的生长环境,较耐荫。 4、青皮 芸香科
形态特征:常绿小乔木或灌木,高约3米;枝柔弱,通常有刺。叶互生,革质,披针形至卵状披针形,长5.5~8厘米,宽2.9~4厘米,顶端渐尖,基部楔形,全缘或具细钝齿;叶柄细长,翅不明显。花小,黄白色,单生哐簇生于叶腋;萼片5;花瓣5;雄蕊18~24,花丝常3~5枚合生;子房9~15室。柑果扁球形,直径5~7厘米,橙黄色或淡红黄色,果皮疏松,肉瓤极易分离。 5、灰木莲 Magnoliaceae glanca Blume 木兰科
形态特征:其干形通直,树姿优美,花果华丽,极具观赏价值。其为木兰科的木莲属与木兰属之间找到了一种相互衔接的链环,对研究木兰科的系统演化、探讨被子植物的起源有着极其重要的地位。灰木莲是常绿乔木,树冠伞形美观,花大清香,似白玉兰花,花期长。灰木莲树高30多米,胸径50~70cm 树干通直,圆满。树形整齐美观,树冠广卵形,枝叶茂盛,2~3月开花,9~10月种子成熟,果实由浅绿色变为黄绿色,稍微裂,即可采种,出种率23%,种子千粒重40~50g,发芽率70%~80%。
生态特性:幼龄时稍耐荫,中龄后偏荫,喜温暖湿润环境,在土壤肥沃、土层深厚、疏松的沙壤土至轻黏土生长良好,在土壤干旱、瘠薄立地生长较差,忌积水地,具有较强的萌芽能力。 6、湿地松 pinus elliottii 松目 松科 松属
7、杜鹃红山茶 Camelliaazalea 山茶科 山茶属
形态特征:常绿灌木至小乔木。高1~2m,胸径 5~10cm,树体呈矮冠状, 杜鹃红山茶枝叶密、紧凑。树皮灰褐色,枝条光滑,嫩梢红色,叶长8~12cm,两端微尖,倒卵形,革质,叶脉不明显,厚实,光亮碧绿,边缘平滑,不开裂,叶柄短,变异不大,花瓣狭长,花丝红色,花药金黄色,花径8厘米以上,尽管单瓣,但花朵密生,整体丰满,四季开花不断,即便在气温高达 38℃的夏季,
Now, we are in a new historical stage of all-round construction of a well-off society. In perform duties, and carried out work of process in the, we to put people as a guide principles, and a test standard, efforts from masses most hope do of things do up, from masses most care of hot problem grabbed, from masses most not satisfaction of place modified up, not make nominal of formalism, not do grandstanding of cosmetic, to seeking of style, help masses share, is people benefit. (C) the investee people is not only an idea, it is a job requirement. Philosophy through to the people-oriented thought in the work of the Office, must be clear work objectives. Party Office in the city this year remains: Advanced civil strife, local brand. The County (City) Party Committee offices and units directly under the Office to hold high the banner of first to excellence, people-oriented requirements, strengthen the construction and management of the Office towards the work \her level\political participation based on conspiracy to adhere to people-oriented, will be around to promote coordinationDevelopment events, great searchings. The 16 session of the party's scientific Outlook on development, is the new Central collective leadership to the development of connotation, development essentials, further deepen the essence of development and innovation, is our party's ruling idea a leap. At present, establishing and implementing the scientific concept of development has become the party's important work. As the Office of party Committee, working party should service center, initiative to claim leadership of the decision, the current focus is to focus on promoting comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development with more suggestions, do more research, summarized the typical. One is drafted to raise the level of your presentation. our presentation is the main Office of \he basic carrier staff service, is important to measure service levels. The quality of your presentation, mainly depends on how much we drafted a document recognized by the leadership, how many are listening to the people in favour of the report, how many paid dividends in the practical work. Improve presentation drafting level, requirements we accurate grasp led intent, General led care of work are to as understand, General led consider of problem are to in-depth thinking; requirements we highlight place features, put superior approach policy and local actual combined up, put presentation of theme thrust and masses of by thought by wants to combined up; requirements we seeks to streamlined clear, with simple of language expression deep of thought, with short of length hosted rich of connotation. Second, the survey results more. Investigation of the base, the road to success is something, is our for the Party Committee's policy decision a good idea, an important part of a good staff. This year, to focus around industrial XING city, and farmers increase, and and manpower development, and seeking, major problem and foster advantage industry, and adjustment agricultural structure, and carried is one of the practical form of values. The so-called values refers to the objective things are of no value and the value of fundamental perspective. Different values, people's behaviour, attitudes, ways are different. People-oriented focus on human value and reality, we need the broadest masses as values. Adhere to people-oriented values, is to make the economy more development, improve democracy, cultural prosperity, and live a happier; is deeply concerned that human development and human values, development of social and human development of rational unified, insisted in the material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization in the overall advancement of Socialist civilization to a higher level. Also want to see that person's value is not only meet your needs, also is to meet the needs of others and the community. Adhere to people-oriented, to strongly advocate every community member, serve others, beneficial to the community of people. The so-called Outlookattitude is on the record, including who, how to create a record of achievements, how to evaluate performance, and so on. What values, what kind of Outlook. Adhere to people-oriented Outlook, is on the premise of respecting the interests and power of people, creating a popular, warm hearts, steady heart performance, creating \one officer, the benefit of\s, and overall construction of well-off society and promoting the all-round development of people's performance. Achievement evaluation in both economic accomplishments, take another look at the effectiveness of social progress; changes in both urban and rural change; both hard environment to strengthen and take another look at the soft environment improvement momentum of development at present, depending on the potential for sustainable development. Leave people to talk about \ople to talk about \ook\not what the performance. 4. people responded to the starting point of the question, and replied to questions point. Man is the sum of social relationships. We cannot leave the chichuanyongdu, housing, tourism and entertainment, entertaining, and even certain political, economic, cultural and social environment, and so on. Due to human needs, all walks of life will come into being. People create for their survival, and continue enjoying the results of the construction. Colorful in the transformation of the people of the world, community vitality in the creation of man. Therefore, any work we do, the starting point is human, what are people. Us speed up development, the core of which is to meet the needs of people, including survival needs, emotional needs and self-actualization needs. It should be noted that people are not machines, not the slave of an object, not to be controlled. People have their own personality, has its own personality, has its own dignity. Person in need of care, you need to understand, need to meet. It is said that in the \society, people plant\society, man is an animal\y, return 也依然红花满树;五月中旬始花,盛花期是7—9月份,持续至次年2月。 8、银桦 Grebillea robusta A Cunn ex R.Br 蔷薇亚纲 山龙眼科 银桦属,
生态习性:喜光,喜温暖、湿润气候、根系发达,较耐旱。不耐寒,遇-4℃以下低温,枝条易受冻。在肥沃、疏松、排水良好的微酸性沙壤土上生长良好。对土壤要求不严,但在质地粘重、排水不良偏碱性土中生长不良。耐一定的干旱和水湿,根系发达,生长快,对有害气体有一定的抗性,耐烟尘,少病虫害。 9、竹柏 Podocarpus nagi 罗汉松科 罗汉松属
10、油茶 Camellia oleiferaAbel 山茶科
形态特征:常绿小乔木。油茶树高达4~6米,一般2~3米。树皮淡褐色 ,光滑。单叶互生,革质,椭圆形或卵状椭圆形,边缘有细锯齿,长3-10厘米,宽1.5-4.5厘米,。花顶生或腋生,两性花,白色,直径6-9厘米,花瓣倒卵形,顶端常二裂。蒴果球形、扁圆形、橄榄形,直径3-4厘米,果瓣厚而木质化,内含种子。种子茶褐色或黑色,三角状,有光泽。
生态习性:喜温暖,怕寒冷,。要求有较充足的阳光,要求水分充足,要求在坡度和缓、侵蚀作用弱的地方栽植,对土壤要求不甚严格,一般适宜土层深厚的酸性土,而不适于石块多和土质坚硬的地方。 11、乐昌含笑 Michelia chapensis 木兰科 含笑属
Now, we are in a new historical stage of all-round construction of a well-off society. In perform duties, and carried out work of process in the, we to put people as a guide principles, and a test standard, efforts from masses most hope do of things do up, from masses most care of hot problem grabbed, from masses most not satisfaction of place modified up, not make nominal of formalism, not do grandstanding of cosmetic, to seeking of style, help masses share, is people benefit. (C) the investee people is not only an idea, it is a job requirement. Philosophy through to the people-oriented thought in the work of the Office, must be clear work objectives. Party Office in the city this year remains: Advanced civil strife, local brand. The County (City) Party Committee offices and units directly under the Office to hold high the banner of first to excellence, people-oriented requirements, strengthen the construction and management of the Office towards the work \her level\political participation based on conspiracy to adhere to people-oriented, will be around to promote coordinationDevelopment events, great searchings. The 16 session of the party's scientific Outlook on development, is the new Central collective leadership to the development of connotation, development essentials, further deepen the essence of development and innovation, is our party's ruling idea a leap. At present, establishing and implementing the scientific concept of development has become the party's important work. As the Office of party Committee, working party should service center, initiative to claim leadership of the decision, the current focus is to focus on promoting comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development with more suggestions, do more research, summarized the typical. One is drafted to raise the level of your presentation. ur presentation is the main Office of \he basic carrier staff service, is important to measure service levels. The quality of your presentation, mainly depends on how much we drafted a document recognized by the leadership, how many are listening to the people in favour of the report, how many paid dividends in the practical work. Improve presentation drafting level, requirements we accurate grasp led intent, General led care of work are to as understand, General led consider of problem are to in-depth thinking; requirements we highlight place features, put superior approach policy and local actual combined up, put presentation of theme thrust and masses of by thought by wants to combined up; requirements we seeks to streamlined clear, with simple of language expression deep of thought, with short of length hosted rich of connotation. Second, the survey results more. Investigation of the base, the road to success is something, is our for the Party Committee's policy decision a good idea, an important part of a good staff. This year, to focus around industrial XING city, and farmers increase, and and manpower development, and seeking, major problem and foster advantage industry, and adjustment agricultural structure, and carriedis one of the practical form of values. The so-called values refers to the objective things are of no value and the value of fundamental perspective. Different values, people's behaviour, attitudes, ways are different. People-oriented focus on human value and reality, we need the broadest masses as values. Adhere to people-oriented values, is to make the economy more development, improve democracy, cultural prosperity, and live a happier; is deeply concerned that human development and human values, development of social and human development of rational unified, insisted in the material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization in the overall advancement of Socialist civilization to a higher level. Also want to see that person's value is not only meet your needs, also is to meet the needs of others and the community. Adhere to people-oriented, to strongly advocate every community member, serve others, beneficial to the community of people. The so-called Outlookattitude is on the record, including who, how to create a record of achievements, how to evaluate performance, and so on. What values, what kind of Outlook. Adhere to people-oriented Outlook, is on the premise of respecting the interests and power of people, creating a popular, warm hearts, steady heart performance, creating \one officer, the benefit of\s, and overall construction of well-off society and promoting the all-round development of people's performance. Achievement evaluation in both economic accomplishments, take another look at the effectiveness of social progress; changes in both urban and rural change; both hard environment to strengthen and take another look at the soft environment improvement momentum of development at present, depending on the potential for sustainable development. Leave people to talk about \ople to talk about \ook\not what the performance. 4. people responded to the starting point of the question, and replied to questions point. Man is the sum of social relationships. We cannot leave the chichuanyongdu, housing, tourism and entertainment, entertaining, and even certain political, economic, cultural and social environment, and so on. Due to human needs, all walks of life will come into being. People create for their survival, and continue enjoying the results of the construction. Colorful in the transformation of the people of the world, community vitality in the creation of man. Therefore, any work we do, the starting point is human, what are people. Us speed up development, the core of which is to meet the needs of people, including survival needs, emotional needs and self-actualization needs. It should be noted that people are not machines, not the slave of an object, not to be controlled. People have their own personality, has its own personality, has its own dignity. Person in need of care, you need to understand, need to meet. It is said that in the \society, people plant\society, man is an animal\y, return 12、阴香 Cinnamomum burmannii
木兰亚纲 樟目 樟科 樟亚科 樟族 樟属
形态特征:乔木,高达14m,胸径达30cm。树皮光滑,灰褐色至黑褐色,内皮红色,味似肉桂。枝条纤细,绿色或褐绿色,具纵向细条纹,无毛。叶互生或近对生,稀对生,卵圆形、长圆形至披针形, 阴香长5.5~10.5cm,宽2~5cm,先端短渐尖,基部宽楔形,革质,上面绿色,光亮,下面粉绿色,晦暗,两面无毛,中脉及侧脉在上面明显,下面明显凸起,侧脉自叶基3~8mm处生出,向叶端消失,横脉及细脉两面微隆起,多少呈网状;
生活习性:喜阳光,喜暖热湿润气候及肥沃湿润土壤。常生于肥沃、疏松、湿润而不积水的地方。自播力强,母株附近常有天然苗生长。 13、深山含笑 Michelia maudiae Dunn 木兰科 含笑属
形态特征:常绿乔木,高20米;全株无毛。树皮浅灰或灰褐色,平滑不裂。芽、幼枝、叶背均被白粉。叶互生,革质,全缘,深绿色,叶背淡绿色,长椭圆形,先端急尖。花单生于枝梢叶腋,花白色,有芳香,直径10~12厘米。聚合果7-15厘米,种子红色。花期2-3月,果期9-10月。 其枝叶茂密,冬季翠绿不凋,树形美观。
生长习性:喜温暖、湿润环境,有一定耐寒能力。喜光,幼时较耐阴。自然更新能力强,生长快,适应性广,4~5年生即可开花。抗干热,对二氧化硫的抗性较强。喜土层深厚、疏松、肥沃而湿润的酸性砂质土。根系发达,萌芽力强。 该树种材质好、适应性强、繁殖容易,病虫害少。 14、荷木 Schima spp.
山茶科 木荷属
Now, we are in a new historical stage of all-round construction of a well-off society. In perform duties, and carried out work of process in the, we to put people as a guide principles, and a test standard, efforts from masses most hope do of things do up, from masses most care of hot problem grabbed, from masses most not satisfaction of place modified up, not make nominal of formalism, not do grandstanding of cosmetic, to seeking of style, help masses share, is people benefit. (C) the investee people is not only an idea, it is a job requirement. Philosophy through to the people-oriented thought in the work of the Office, must be clear work objectives. Party Office in the city this year remains: Advanced civil strife, local brand. The County (City) Party Committee offices and units directly under the Office to hold high the banner of first to excellence, people-oriented requirements, strengthen the construction and management of the Office towards the work \her level\political participation based on conspiracy to adhere to people-oriented, will be around to promote coordinationDevelopment events, great searchings. The 16 session of the party's scientific Outlook on development, is the new Central collective leadership to the development of connotation, development essentials, further deepen the essence of development and innovation, is our party's ruling idea a leap. At present, establishing and implementing the scientific concept of development has become the party's important work. As the Office of party Committee, working party should service center, initiative to claim leadership of the decision, the current focus is to focus on promoting comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development with more suggestions, do more research, summarized the typical. One is drafted to raise the level of your presentation. our presentation is the main Office of \he basic carrier staff service, is important to measure service levels. The quality of your presentation, mainly depends on how much we drafted a document recognized by the leadership, how many are listening to the people in favour of the report, how many paid dividends in the practical work. Improve presentation drafting level, requirements we accurate grasp led intent, General led care of work are to as understand, General led consider of problem are to in-depth thinking; requirements we highlight place features, put superior approach policy and local actual combined up, put presentation of theme thrust and masses of by thought by wants to combined up; requirements we seeks to streamlined clear, with simple of language expression deep of thought, with short of length hosted rich of connotation. Second, the survey results more. Investigation of the base, the road to success is something, is our for the Party Committee's policy decision a good idea, an important part of a good staff. This year, to focus around industrial XING city, and farmers increase, and and manpower development, and seeking, major problem and foster advantage industry, and adjustment agricultural structure, and carried is one of the practical form of values. The so-called values refers to the objective things are of no value and the value of fundamental perspective. Different values, people's behaviour, attitudes, ways are different. People-oriented focus on human value and reality, we need the broadest masses as values. Adhere to people-oriented values, is to make the economy more development, improve democracy, cultural prosperity, and live a happier; is deeply concerned that human development and human values, development of social and human development of rational unified, insisted in the material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization in the overall advancement of Socialist civilization to a higher level. Also want to see that person's value is not only meet your needs, also is to meet the needs of others and the community. Adhere to people-oriented, to strongly advocate every community member, serve others, beneficial to the community of people. The so-called Outlookattitude is on the record, including who, how to create a record of achievements, how to evaluate performance, and so on. What values, what kind of Outlook. Adhere to people-oriented Outlook, is on the premise of respecting the interests and power of people, creating a popular, warm hearts, steady heart performance, creating \one officer, the benefit of\s, and overall construction of well-off society and promoting the all-round development of people's performance. Achievement evaluation in both economic accomplishments, take another look at the effectiveness of social progress; changes in both urban and rural change; both hard environment to strengthen and take another look at the soft environment improvement momentum of development at present, depending on the potential for sustainable development. Leave people to talk about \ople to talk about \ook\not what the performance. 4. people responded to the starting point of the question, and replied to questions point. Man is the sum of social relationships. We cannot leave the chichuanyongdu, housing, tourism and entertainment, entertaining, and even certain political, economic, cultural and social environment, and so on. Due to human needs, all walks of life will come into being. People create for their survival, and continue enjoying the results of the construction. Colorful in the transformation of the people of the world, community vitality in the creation of man. Therefore, any work we do, the starting point is human, what are people. Us speed up development, the core of which is to meet the needs of people, including survival needs, emotional needs and self-actualization needs. It should be noted that people are not machines, not the slave of an object, not to be controlled. People have their own personality, has its own personality, has its own dignity. Person in need of care, you need to understand, need to meet. It is said that in the \society, people plant\society, man is an animal\y, return 钝锯齿。6月开花,花单生枝顶叶腋或成短总状花序,白色,具芳香,径约3厘米。10月果熟,蒴果近球形,黄褐色,木质五裂。种子肾形,扁平,边缘有刺。荷木的汁液会使人的皮肤瘙痒难忍。
15、尾叶桉 E.ucalyptus urophylla S. T. Blakely 桃金娘科
形态特征:常绿乔木。树皮红棕色,上部剥落,基部宿存。幼态叶披针形,对生;成熟叶披针形或卵形。伞状花序顶生,总状更扁,帽状花等腰圆锥形,顶端突兀。蒴果近球形,果瓣内陷。花期12月至次年5月。 16、厚壳树 Ehretia thyrsiflora( Zucc.)Nakai
紫草科 厚壳树属
形态特征:落叶乔木,高达15m,干皮灰黑色纵裂。枝黄褐色或赤褐色,无毛,有明显的皮孔,单叶互生,叶厚纸质,长椭圆形,长7-16cm,宽3-8cm,先端急尖,基部圆形,叶表沿脉散生白短毛,背面疏生黄褐毛,脉腋有簇毛,缘具浅细尖锯齿。叶柄短有纵沟,花两性,顶生或腋生圆锥花序,有疏毛,花小无柄,密集,花冠白色,有5裂片,雄蕊伸出花冠外,花萼钟状,绿色,5浅裂,缘具白毛,核果,近球形,橘红色,熟后黑褐色。 17、池杉 Taxodiumascendens.Brongn
杉科 落羽杉 形态特征:落叶乔木树干基部膨大,常有屈膝状吐吸根,在低湿地生长者“膝根”尤为显著。树皮褐色,纵裂,成长条片脱落;枝向上展,树冠常较窄,呈尖塔形;当年生小枝绿色,细长,常略向下弯垂。叶多钻形,略内曲,常在枝上螺旋状伸展,下部多贴近小枝,基部下延,球果圆球形或长圆状球形,有短梗,种子不规则三角形,略扁,红褐色,边缘有锐脊。
生态习性:强阳性树种,不耐阴。喜温暖、湿润环境,稍耐寒,能耐短暂-17℃低温。适生于深厚疏松的酸性或微酸性土壤, 苗期在碱性土种植时黄化严重,生长不良,长大后抗碱能力增加。耐涝,也能耐旱。生长迅速,抗风力强。萌芽力强。
18、水翁 Cleistocalyx operculatus (Water Banyan) 桃金娘科 水翁属
形态特征:叶: 对生,近革质,揉碎有酸涩味,椭圆形,长7-20厘米,叶柄1.5cm. 冬天转红色。花: 5-6月,花序通常生于小枝下端,花绿白色;萼筒钟形,3mm,萼裂片合生成帽状体,后整个脱落.花瓣5,合生成相状,有腺点,雄蕊多数. 子房下位2室,花柱线形。果: 9月,浆果球形,6-8mm,顶有残存的环状萼檐;种子1颗.由红变黑紫色。叶,花供药用,性苦,寒.归脾,胃经,有清热去湿,生津止渴之效,用于夏天感暑食滞所致的发热,咽干,口渴,脘胀,呕吐泄泻
生态习性:喜生于水边,有固堤之功喜肥,耐湿性强,喜生于水边,一般土壤可生长;有一定的抗污染能力。 19、水松 Glyptostrobus pensilis
松柏门 松柏纲 松柏目 柏科 水松属
形态特征:半常绿性乔木,高达25米,胸径60一120厘米;树皮褐色或灰褐色,裂成不规则条片。内皮淡红褐 水松群色;枝稀疏,平展,上部枝斜伸。叶延下生长,鳞形、线状钻形及线形,常二者生于同一枝上;在宿存枝上的叶甚
Now, we are in a new historical stage of all-round construction of a well-off society. In perform duties, and carried out work of process in the, we to put people as a guide principles, and a test standard, efforts from masses most hope do of things do up, from masses most care of hot problem grabbed, from masses most not satisfaction of place modified up, not make nominal of formalism, not do grandstanding of cosmetic, to seeking of style, help masses share, is people benefit. (C) the investee people is not only an idea, it is a job requirement. Philosophy through to the people-oriented thought in the work of the Office, must be clear work objectives. Party Office in the city this year remains: Advanced civil strife, local brand. The County (City) Party Committee offices and units directly under the Office to hold high the banner of first to excellence, people-oriented requirements, strengthen the construction and management of the Office towards the work \her level\political participation based on conspiracy to adhere to people-oriented, will be around to promote coordinationDevelopment events, great searchings. The 16 session of the party's scientific Outlook on development, is the new Central collective leadership to the development of connotation, development essentials, further deepen the essence of development and innovation, is our party's ruling idea a leap. At present, establishing and implementing the scientific concept of development has become the party's important work. As the Office of party Committee, working party should service center, initiative to claim leadership of the decision, the current focus is to focus on promoting comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development with more suggestions, do more research, summarized the typical. One is drafted to raise the level of your presentation. ur presentation is the main Office of \he basic carrier staff service, is important to measure service levels. The quality of your presentation, mainly depends on how much we drafted a document recognized by the leadership, how many are listening to the people in favour of the report, how many paid dividends in the practical work. Improve presentation drafting level, requirements we accurate grasp led intent, General led care of work are to as understand, General led consider of problem are to in-depth thinking; requirements we highlight place features, put superior approach policy and local actual combined up, put presentation of theme thrust and masses of by thought by wants to combined up; requirements we seeks to streamlined clear, with simple of language expression deep of thought, with short of length hosted rich of connotation. Second, the survey results more. Investigation of the base, the road to success is something, is our for the Party Committee's policy decision a good idea, an important part of a good staff. This year, to focus around industrial XING city, and farmers increase, and and manpower development, and seeking, major problem and foster advantage industry, and adjustment agricultural structure, and carriedis one of the practical form of values. The so-called values refers to the objective things are of no value and the value of fundamental perspective. Different values, people's behaviour, attitudes, ways are different. People-oriented focus on human value and reality, we need the broadest masses as values. Adhere to people-oriented values, is to make the economy more development, improve democracy, cultural prosperity, and live a happier; is deeply concerned that human development and human values, development of social and human development of rational unified, insisted in the material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization in the overall advancement of Socialist civilization to a higher level. Also want to see that person's value is not only meet your needs, also is to meet the needs of others and the community. Adhere to people-oriented, to strongly advocate every community member, serve others, beneficial to the community of people. The so-called Outlookattitude is on the record, including who, how to create a record of achievements, how to evaluate performance, and so on. What values, what kind of Outlook. Adhere to people-oriented Outlook, is on the premise of respecting the interests and power of people, creating a popular, warm hearts, steady heart performance, creating \one officer, the benefit of\s, and overall construction of well-off society and promoting the all-round development of people's performance. Achievement evaluation in both economic accomplishments, take another look at the effectiveness of social progress; changes in both urban and rural change; both hard environment to strengthen and take another look at the soft environment improvement momentum of development at present, depending on the potential for sustainable development. Leave people to talk about \ople to talk about \ook\not what the performance. 4. people responded to the starting point of the question, and replied to questions point. Man is the sum of social relationships. We cannot leave the chichuanyongdu, housing, tourism and entertainment, entertaining, and even certain political, economic, cultural and social environment, and so on. Due to human needs, all walks of life will come into being. People create for their survival, and continue enjoying the results of the construction. Colorful in the transformation of the people of the world, community vitality in the creation of man. Therefore, any work we do, the starting point is human, what are people. Us speed up development, the core of which is to meet the needs of people, including survival needs, emotional needs and self-actualization needs. It should be noted that people are not machines, not the slave of an object, not to be controlled. People have their own personality, has its own personality, has its own dignity. Person in need of care, you need to understand, need to meet. It is said that in the \society, people plant\society, man is an animal\y, return 小,鳞形,长2一3毫米,螺旋状排列,紧贴或先端稍分离;在脱落枝上的叶较长,长9一20(一30)毫米,线状钻形或线形,开展或斜展成二列或三列,有棱或两侧扁平。雌雄同株,球花单生枝顶;雄球花有15一20枚螺旋状排列的雄蕊,雄蕊通常有5一7花药;雌球花卵球形,有15-20枚具2胚珠的珠鳞,托以较大的苞鳞。球果倒卵圆形,长2一2.5厘米,直径1.3一1.5厘米,直立;种鳞木质,与苞鳞近结合而生,扁平,倒卯形,背面接近上部边缘有6一9个微反曲的三角状尖齿,近中部有1反曲的尖头;种子下部有膜质长翅。
生态特性:喜光,喜温暖潮湿的环境,要求年降雨量1500~2000毫米,雨量越充沛对其生长越有利。极耐水湿,多生于河流两岸、堤围及田埂上。长期浸淹在水中虽能正常生长和开花结实。对土壤的适应性较强,能耐盐碱土;在中性或微碱性(pH7~8)、有机质含量高的冲积土上生长最好。主根和侧根发达、结构疏松、富有通气组织。 20、长叶竹柏 罗汉松科
形态特征:常绿乔木,高20-30米,胸50-70厘米;树干通直,树皮褐色,平滑,薄片状脱落;小枝树生,灰褐色。叶交叉对生,质地厚,革质,宽披针形或椭圆状披针形,无中脉,有 多数并列细脉,长8-18厘米,宽2.2-5厘米,先端渐尖,基部窄成扁平短柄,上面深绿色,有光泽,下面有多条气孔线。雌雄异株,雄球花状,常3-6穗簇生叶腋,有数枚苞片,上部苞腋着生1或2-3个胚株,仅一枚发育成种子,苞片不变成肉质种托。种子核果状,圆球形, 为肉质假种皮所包,径1.5-1.8厘米;梗长2.3-2.8厘米。
生态特性:分布区较广,水热条件差异大,为中性偏阴树种,散生于山地雨林常绿阔叶林中,在林冠蔽下能正常生长,结实较多,种子发芽力强,林下生苗生长旺盛。土壤为山地赤红壤或山地黄壤,pH值5.5-7.0。以在深厚、疏松、湿润、多腐殖质的砂壤土或轻粘土上,生长较为迅速。 21、槟榔青冈
Cyclobalanopsisbella(ChunetTsiang)ChunexY.C.HSUetH.W.Jen 壳斗科 青冈属
生态特征:生于海拔200-700米的山地和丘陵,喜湿润环境。 22、石栎 Lithocarpus glabra 壳斗科(山毛榉科) 栎属
形态特征: 枝叶茂密,壳斗科(Fagaceae)石栎属常绿乔木的通称。小枝具顶芽。单叶,螺旋状互生。雄花序为直立葇荑花序。雌花生于总苞内,单生或成花序。子房3室。成熟总苞称为壳斗,每一壳斗内有坚果1个,稀3~5个。壳斗呈杯形、
Now, we are in a new historical stage of all-round construction of a well-off society. In perform duties, and carried out work of process in the, we to put people as a guide principles, and a test standard, efforts from masses most hope do of things do up, from masses most care of hot problem grabbed, from masses most not satisfaction of place modified up, not make nominal of formalism, not do grandstanding of cosmetic, to seeking of style, help masses share, is people benefit. (C) the investee people is not only an idea, it is a job requirement. Philosophy through to the people-oriented thought in the work of the Office, must be clear work objectives. Party Office in the city this year remains: Advanced civil strife, local brand. The County (City) Party Committee offices and units directly under the Office to hold high the banner of first to excellence, people-oriented requirements, strengthen the construction and management of the Office towards the work \her level\political participation based on conspiracy to adhere to people-oriented, will be around to promote coordinationDevelopment events, great searchings. The 16 session of the party's scientific Outlook on development, is the new Central collective leadership to the development of connotation, development essentials, further deepen the essence of development and innovation, is our party's ruling idea a leap. At present, establishing and implementing the scientific concept of development has become the party's important work. As the Office of party Committee, working party should service center, initiative to claim leadership of the decision, the current focus is to focus on promoting comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development with more suggestions, do more research, summarized the typical. One is drafted to raise the level of your presentation. our presentation is the main Office of \he basic carrier staff service, is important to measure service levels. The quality of your presentation, mainly depends on how much we drafted a document recognized by the leadership, how many are listening to the people in favour of the report, how many paid dividends in the practical work. Improve presentation drafting level, requirements we accurate grasp led intent, General led care of work are to as understand, General led consider of problem are to in-depth thinking; requirements we highlight place features, put superior approach policy and local actual combined up, put presentation of theme thrust and masses of by thought by wants to combined up; requirements we seeks to streamlined clear, with simple of language expression deep of thought, with short of length hosted rich of connotation. Second, the survey results more. Investigation of the base, the road to success is something, is our for the Party Committee's policy decision a good idea, an important part of a good staff. This year, to focus around industrial XING city, and farmers increase, and and manpower development, and seeking, major problem and foster advantage industry, and adjustment agricultural structure, and carried is one of the practical form of values. The so-called values refers to the objective things are of no value and the value of fundamental perspective. Different values, people's behaviour, attitudes, ways are different. People-oriented focus on human value and reality, we need the broadest masses as values. Adhere to people-oriented values, is to make the economy more development, improve democracy, cultural prosperity, and live a happier; is deeply concerned that human development and human values, development of social and human development of rational unified, insisted in the material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization in the overall advancement of Socialist civilization to a higher level. Also want to see that person's value is not only meet your needs, also is to meet the needs of others and the community. Adhere to people-oriented, to strongly advocate every community member, serve others, beneficial to the community of people. The so-called Outlookattitude is on the record, including who, how to create a record of achievements, how to evaluate performance, and so on. What values, what kind of Outlook. Adhere to people-oriented Outlook, is on the premise of respecting the interests and power of people, creating a popular, warm hearts, steady heart performance, creating \one officer, the benefit of\s, and overall construction of well-off society and promoting the all-round development of people's performance. Achievement evaluation in both economic accomplishments, take another look at the effectiveness of social progress; changes in both urban and rural change; both hard environment to strengthen and take another look at the soft environment improvement momentum of development at present, depending on the potential for sustainable development. Leave people to talk about \ople to talk about \ook\not what the performance. 4. people responded to the starting point of the question, and replied to questions point. Man is the sum of social relationships. We cannot leave the chichuanyongdu, housing, tourism and entertainment, entertaining, and even certain political, economic, cultural and social environment, and so on. Due to human needs, all walks of life will come into being. People create for their survival, and continue enjoying the results of the construction. Colorful in the transformation of the people of the world, community vitality in the creation of man. Therefore, any work we do, the starting point is human, what are people. Us speed up development, the core of which is to meet the needs of people, including survival needs, emotional needs and self-actualization needs. It should be noted that people are not machines, not the slave of an object, not to be controlled. People have their own personality, has its own personality, has its own dignity. Person in need of care, you need to understand, need to meet. It is said that in the \society, people plant\society, man is an animal\y, return 盘形包着坚果基部,稀呈球形全包坚果。坚果的果脐平坦、凸出或凹陷。 生长习性: 喜光,稍耐阴,耐干旱瘠薄 23、土蜜树
大戟科 土蜜树属
形态特征: 常绿灌木或小乔木。叶性 常绿乔木或呈灌木状。分枝较低,有甚多枝条於树干近底部处生出。枝条细长而柔软,略向下垂。树皮呈灰褐色。树皮上有浅裂纹,在裂纹中有无数细小橙黄色突出的皮孔。叶互生,单叶,呈长椭圆带披针形,长3至10厘米。叶片差不多生长在同一个平面上。叶两端钝圆,边全缘;叶面光滑,叶背披有一层细小的茸毛或带有一层白色的粉霜。花单性,雌雄同株;于夏未至秋季开花。花非常细小,由五枚黄绿色至白色的花瓣组成。花数朵于叶腋位置聚生成细小圆形花簇。肉质核果,呈豆状。成熟时转为黑色。
24、仪花 Lysidice rhodostegia Hance 豆科 仪花属
形态特征:乔木或灌木,高3-20米。羽状复叶具小叶6-8枚,有时达12枚;小叶长椭圆形,微偏斜,长4-10厘米,宽2.5-4厘米,先端急尖或骤尖,基部圆形或楔形,无毛。花排列为顶生或腋生的总状或圆锥花序;苞片椭圆形,长约10毫米,粉红色;萼管状,管部长约7-12毫米,裂片4,矩圆形,长约8-10毫米,阔3-5毫米;花冠紫红色,花瓣5,上面3个发达,有长爪;发育雄蕊2,稀1或3;子房有疏毛。荚果条形,扁平,长约15-22厘米,宽3.3-5厘米。 生态习性:生长适宜温度22——30℃。 25、格木 erythrophloeum fordii
豆科 苏木亚科 格木属
生态习性:喜光,喜温暖、湿润的气候。在土层深厚、疏松肥沃的冲积壤土中生长良好。不耐干旱,又忌积水。幼苗、幼树不耐寒,怕霜冻。在土壤肥沃、湿润、深厚的山坡下部、山谷生长迅速,当荚果由绿色变为黑褐色时即可采收。在冬季温暖地区,可随采随播。 26、构树 Broussonetia papyrifera
金缕梅亚纲 荨麻目 桑科 构属
Now, we are in a new historical stage of all-round construction of a well-off society. In perform duties, and carried out work of process in the, we to put people as a guide principles, and a test standard, efforts from masses most hope do of things do up, from masses most care of hot problem grabbed, from masses most not satisfaction of place modified up, not make nominal of formalism, not do grandstanding of cosmetic, to seeking of style, help masses share, is people benefit. (C) the investee people is not only an idea, it is a job requirement. Philosophy through to the people-oriented thought in the work of the Office, must be clear work objectives. Party Office in the city this year remains: Advanced civil strife, local brand. The County (City) Party Committee offices and units directly under the Office to hold high the banner of first to excellence, people-oriented requirements, strengthen the construction and management of the Office towards the work \her level\political participation based on conspiracy to adhere to people-oriented, will be around to promote coordinationDevelopment events, great searchings. The 16 session of the party's scientific Outlook on development, is the new Central collective leadership to the development of connotation, development essentials, further deepen the essence of development and innovation, is our party's ruling idea a leap. At present, establishing and implementing the scientific concept of development has become the party's important work. As the Office of party Committee, working party should service center, initiative to claim leadership of the decision, the current focus is to focus on promoting comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development with more suggestions, do more research, summarized the typical. One is drafted to raise the level of your presentation. ur presentation is the main Office of \he basic carrier staff service, is important to measure service levels. The quality of your presentation, mainly depends on how much we drafted a document recognized by the leadership, how many are listening to the people in favour of the report, how many paid dividends in the practical work. Improve presentation drafting level, requirements we accurate grasp led intent, General led care of work are to as understand, General led consider of problem are to in-depth thinking; requirements we highlight place features, put superior approach policy and local actual combined up, put presentation of theme thrust and masses of by thought by wants to combined up; requirements we seeks to streamlined clear, with simple of language expression deep of thought, with short of length hosted rich of connotation. Second, the survey results more. Investigation of the base, the road to success is something, is our for the Party Committee's policy decision a good idea, an important part of a good staff. This year, to focus around industrial XING city, and farmers increase, and and manpower development, and seeking, major problem and foster advantage industry, and adjustment agricultural structure, and carriedis one of the practical form of values. The so-called values refers to the objective things are of no value and the value of fundamental perspective. Different values, people's behaviour, attitudes, ways are different. People-oriented focus on human value and reality, we need the broadest masses as values. Adhere to people-oriented values, is to make the economy more development, improve democracy, cultural prosperity, and live a happier; is deeply concerned that human development and human values, development of social and human development of rational unified, insisted in the material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization in the overall advancement of Socialist civilization to a higher level. Also want to see that person's value is not only meet your needs, also is to meet the needs of others and the community. Adhere to people-oriented, to strongly advocate every community member, serve others, beneficial to the community of people. The so-called Outlookattitude is on the record, including who, how to create a record of achievements, how to evaluate performance, and so on. What values, what kind of Outlook. Adhere to people-oriented Outlook, is on the premise of respecting the interests and power of people, creating a popular, warm hearts, steady heart performance, creating \one officer, the benefit of\s, and overall construction of well-off society and promoting the all-round development of people's performance. Achievement evaluation in both economic accomplishments, take another look at the effectiveness of social progress; changes in both urban and rural change; both hard environment to strengthen and take another look at the soft environment improvement momentum of development at present, depending on the potential for sustainable development. Leave people to talk about \ople to talk about \ook\not what the performance. 4. people responded to the starting point of the question, and replied to questions point. Man is the sum of social relationships. We cannot leave the chichuanyongdu, housing, tourism and entertainment, entertaining, and even certain political, economic, cultural and social environment, and so on. Due to human needs, all walks of life will come into being. People create for their survival, and continue enjoying the results of the construction. Colorful in the transformation of the people of the world, community vitality in the creation of man. Therefore, any work we do, the starting point is human, what are people. Us speed up development, the core of which is to meet the needs of people, including survival needs, emotional needs and self-actualization needs. It should be noted that people are not machines, not the slave of an object, not to be controlled. People have their own personality, has its own personality, has its own dignity. Person in need of care, you need to understand, need to meet. It is said that in the \society, people plant\society, man is an animal\y, return 3—5深裂(幼枝上的叶更为明显),两面有厚柔毛;叶柄长3—5厘米,密生绒毛;托叶卵状长圆形,早落。椹果球形,熟时橙红色或鲜红色。花期4~5月,果期7~9月。
生物习性:强阳性树种,适应性特强,抗逆性强。根系浅,侧根分布很广,生长快,萌芽力和分蘖力强,耐修 构树剪。抗污染性强。 。
Now, we are in a new historical stage of all-round construction of a well-off society. In perform duties, and carried out work of process in the, we to put people as a guide principles, and a test standard, efforts from masses most hope do of things do up, from masses most care of hot problem grabbed, from masses most not satisfaction of place modified up, not make nominal of formalism, not do grandstanding of cosmetic, to seeking of style, help masses share, is people benefit. (C) the investee people is not only an idea, it is a job requirement. Philosophy through to the people-oriented thought in the work of the Office, must be clear work objectives. Party Office in the city this year remains: Advanced civil strife, local brand. The County (City) Party Committee offices and units directly under the Office to hold high the banner of first to excellence, people-oriented requirements, strengthen the construction and management of the Office towards the work \her level\political participation based on conspiracy to adhere to people-oriented, will be around to promote coordinationDevelopment events, great searchings. The 16 session of the party's scientific Outlook on development, is the new Central collective leadership to the development of connotation, development essentials, further deepen the essence of development and innovation, is our party's ruling idea a leap. At present, establishing and implementing the scientific concept of development has become the party's important work. As the Office of party Committee, working party should service center, initiative to claim leadership of the decision, the current focus is to focus on promoting comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development with more suggestions, do more research, summarized the typical. One is drafted to raise the level of your presentation. our presentation is the main Office of \he basic carrier staff service, is important to measure service levels. The quality of your presentation, mainly depends on how much we drafted a document recognized by the leadership, how many are listening to the people in favour of the report, how many paid dividends in the practical work. Improve presentation drafting level, requirements we accurate grasp led intent, General led care of work are to as understand, General led consider of problem are to in-depth thinking; requirements we highlight place features, put superior approach policy and local actual combined up, put presentation of theme thrust and masses of by thought by wants to combined up; requirements we seeks to streamlined clear, with simple of language expression deep of thought, with short of length hosted rich of connotation. Second, the survey results more. Investigation of the base, the road to success is something, is our for the Party Committee's policy decision a good idea, an important part of a good staff. This year, to focus around industrial XING city, and farmers increase, and and manpower development, and seeking, major problem and foster advantage industry, and adjustment agricultural structure, and carried