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Mother: _______.We have to wait for daddy. a. Soon, honey b. Quickly, honey c. O.K. honey d. All right, honey

a. Soon, honey 表示’快了,宝贝’ Quickly 表示快速 51.

Michael: Hi, mom. I’d like you to meet my girlfriend, Susan. Lee: Susan, this is my mother. Susan: How do you do, Mrs. Miller.

Mother: How do you do, Susan. I’m glad you can join us._____. a. Take is easy

b. Please feel natural c. Make yourself at home d. Feel all right here

c. Make yourself at home

主人让客人’随便一些’的说法是 Make yourself at home Take it easy 表示’别着急,别过于努力’ 52.

Jimmy: Could I have dinner now, Mummy?

Mother: Ok, Jimmy. Go upstairs and tell Daddy that everybody’s here. Then come help me_____. a. set the table b. arrange the table c. place the table

d. fix the table and chairs

a. set the table

吃饭前布置餐桌用 set the table arrange 安排 place 放 fix 修理 53.

Mary(after work): Shall I punch out for you, Juliet? I’m leaving now. Juliet: ____.I’ve to work overtime. a. Yes, thanks

b. No, not necessary c. No, thanks

d. I don’t care

c. No, thanks 54.

Alice: Ted asked me to go to the beach this weekend. What’s your plan?

Laura: I’ve to work overtime. Sometimes I envy you a lot. Ted is a good guy. Alice: ____.You just haven’t met the right person. And I think you work too much. You should learn how to entertain yourself and enjoy your life. a. Come on b. OK

c. Well done d. By the way

a. Come on

Come on 用于鼓励或催促别人 OK 表示同意

Well done 表示赞扬 by the way 表示转换话题 55.

Nurse: Do you have any designated doctor? Patient: Yes, Dr. Hurt, Cliff Hurt.

Nurse: Here is your registration card.Dr Hurt is at clinic No.6.______. a. You may stay here and wait for your right b. You can sit over there and wait for your turn

c. You may stand in line here and wait for your arrangement d. You may sit here and wait for your order

b. You can sit over there and wait for your turn 排队等候看病一般用 wait for one’s turn 56.

Stephen: I want to send this package parcel post,registered. Clerk:________?

Stephen: Yes, please, for sixty dollar. a. Do you want it guaranteed b. Do you want it insured c. Do you want it preserved d. Do you want it ensured

b. Do you want it insured guaranteed 保证 preserved 保存

insured 保险 ensured 确保 57.

Roger: Hi,Frank.

Frank: Hi, Roger. The party is really nice, isn’t it? Roger:_____.Lots of food and drinks! a. It is real b. It sure is c. It is certain d. It must be

b. It sure is 的确如此 58.


Ann: Well, it’s a great dance all right, but I’ve been to quite a few parties lately and fed up with them.

a. Don’t you play happily

b. Don’t you stay here pleasantly c. aren’t you fond of yourself d. aren’t you enjoying yourself

aren’t you enjoying oneself 询问别人是否玩的开心 59.

Bill: Here, Cindy! I’d like you to meet my best partner, Daniel.(To Danniel) This is Cindy, my girlfriend. Cindy: Hi, Daniel._________

Daniel: Mostly good things I hope. a. How do you do? b. You looks handsome.

c. Bill tells me you’re a good guy. d. Bill talks about you a lot.

d. Bill talks about you a lot. 60.

Jack: I’d like a haircut, please.

Barder: Would you care for a shave and a shampoo as well? Jack:______.A haircut will be just fine. a. Yes, please b. No, thanks

c. It’s very kind of you

d. I’m glad you can think of it

b. No, thanks 61.

Mother: Jimmy, what are you hiding behind your black? Let me see.

Jimmy:It’s kitty. Please let me keep it. It’s a good kitty and will not bring you any trouble Mother:______.I told you. No pets. It’ll make a mess of this house. a. No way b. Not at all c. By the way d. On the contrary

a. No way

No way 绝对不行

Not at all 一点也不...... by the way 表示转换话题 on the contrary 相反 62.

Sophia: There’ll be an issue next month introducing your newly publish book and I’d like to have an interview with you,if possible.

Josh: An interview? I’d like to, but I’m afraid my schedule is all full. Sophia: It won’t take you long, Mr.Josh._______. a. One and a half hours will satisfy b. One and a half hours will do c. One and a half hour will go d. One and a half hours will help

b. One and a half hours will do 63.

Mother: Tom, it’s 7:30,you’re going to be late for school. Tom: I feel like another five minutes’ sleep. Mother: ________Get dressed. a. Come on! b. Fast! c. Hello! d. Anyway.

a. come on


Bus driver: Move to the rear of the bus, please. There are plenty of seats. Passenger:________?

Bus driver: Forty cents. Drop it in the box. a. What is the price, please. b. What shall be the fee, please c. How much does it cost, please d. How much is the fare, please

d. How much is the fare,please fare 车票费用

fee 学费、入场费、手续费 65.

Passenger: Driver, I want a transfer to 55th street cross-town bus. How much is the fare? Driver: _______________.

a. We don’t need money for transfer b. We have no fare for transfer c. There’s no payment for transfer d. There’s no charge for transfer

对话中司机说’转车不收费’ 收费要用charge 66.

Husband: Can I wait at the coffee bar? I feel ill at ease when you are picking things out.

Wife: ______.I don’t want to shop alone. You can always give me advice, or enjoy looking at beautiful women.

Husband: Don’t talk nonsense. a. Please, honey b. All right, honey c. Excuse me, honey d. Sorry, honey

a. Please, honey 表示请求 67.

Lucia: Do you have any tissue,Polly? Polly: Here._______

Lucia: Thanks. I have a terrible headache. It seems to be flu. a. What do you want to do? b. Can I help you? c. Are you all right? d. I’m glad to help.



