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1,虚拟语气是答案;afraid,would, actually, sorry, should, but for, suppose,but that,if only, would rather,would just as soon,would sooner,would prefer, lest,for fear that,in case




1. Client: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Smith? Secretary: . lA] Hello. Thanks for calling. lC] Hello, who' re you, please? Roommate B: . lA] I'm afraid so.

lB] It's none of your business. [D] Really? It's not my fault.

lC] Sorry! Is it disturbing you? Tom: lA] Oh, I'd love to. But I'm afraid. lB] Oh, really! What time should I come? lC] No. I have to prepare for the exam. [D] Yes, though I have to take the exam.

4. Son: I'm terribly sorry. Mom, I've broken an Italian vase. Mom: . IA] Oh, what a shame! [B] Oh, dear, how awful it is! IC] Oh, that doesn't matter. ID] Oh, I'm sorry about that. 5. Jane: Hello.

Danny: Hi, Jane. Is John there, please? Jane: [A] No. He's not here at the moment.

lB] Speaking, please.

lD] I'm sorry. He's at a meeting now.

2. Roommate A: I wish you wouldn't have your radio so loud.

3. Mary: We're having a few people over for a dinner Friday. We'd love to have you.

[B] No. He's away. Call back later. [C] Sorry. I don't know where he is.

[D] Sorry. He's not here right now. Any message? 6. Teacher: You're late again! Student: Sorry, [Al I won't do that anymore.

[BI but it's my own business ID] but I need more sleep

IC] I' m afraid I' ve overslept Host:

IA] It's OK. Please walk slowly.

[B] Why do you want to go now? [C] Yeah, it's really late. Do as you like. [D] Won't you stay for another cup of tea? 8. Cathy: Do you mind opening the door for me? Robert: IA] Yes, I'll do it [BI It' s nothing IC] That's all right [DJ Not at all

9. Katherine: Haven't seen you for ages, Linda! How are you getting on? Linda: Quite well. And you?

Katherine: Pretty good. How' s your husband? Linda: Oh, we've got divorced. Katherine:

IA] Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. ICI It's really a problem.

[BI What a shame! [DJ Hope you'll get better.

7. Guest: Oh, it's ten o'clock. I must be leaving now.

10. Customs officer: Could I have your name, please?

Passenger: It's Paine, Sarah Paine. Customs officer: ? Passenger: It' s P-A-I-N-E.

IA] How do you spell your last name [BI What's your last name, please [C] How to pronounce your last name [D] How could I speak your last name

11. Stranger: ?. Do you know where the nearest bank is, please? Resident: Sure. It's on King Street, between Sixth and Seventh Avenue. Stranger: Thank you.

IAI Help me [BI Forgive me ICI Excuse me ID] Trouble you 12. Mary: Peter, would you like to go to a party this Sunday? Peter: ?. What kind of party you mean?

Mary: It's a birthday party.

IA] Sounds good [BI Looks nice [C] Seems all right ID] Feels great 13. Susan: That's a beautiful skirt you have on! Lily:

IA] Actually, I don't like it very much lB] Oh, thank you. I just got it yesterday [C] Yes. But it isn't so as you said

ID] No, it' s not that beautiful, ours is beautiful 14. John: May I use your computer this afternoon, Susie? Susie: Sure, but I have to finish typing my term paper today. John: IAI Do as you please

[BI Oh, I'm sorry ID] Never mind it

IC] Thank you just the same Doctor: [A] You should take something for it lB] That's too bad for your health

ICI It serves you right

D. Remember. Don't do that again


1. Helen: Hello?

Danny: Hello. Could I speak to Helen? Helen:

Danny: Hi, Helen. This is Danny. lA] I am Helen lC] Yes, I am Jane: Oh,

lA] if only I could go with you. lB] what good news it is! [C] how happy I was to hear that. [D] how exciting to hear the news! 3. Salesclerk: Can I help you, madam? Customer: No, thanks. I

IA] have just looked around [B] just look around [C] am just looking around [D] just looked around 4. Tom: I'm afraid I must be going now. Thank you for the delicious dinner. Lucy: [A] Take care [B] It's just so-so [C] I'm not good at it [D] I'm glad you enjoyed it 5. Adam: It's very kind of you to come to see me off, Betty.

15. Patient: I feel terrible today. My stomach doesn't feel well at all.

B This is Helen [D] Yes, I am her

2. Tom: I've decided to spend the summer holidays traveling in America.


[A] That's my duty [B] Not at all. It's the least I could do [C] Don't be so polite [D] Never mind it 6 Tom: nice to meet you , Jim. Jim: A Same here B same to you

C Thank you all the time D The same again, please 7 Tom: Jane, may I come into your office and talk to you ? Jane: sure. I have some free time now. ,please A come into B come on in C go ahead D Enter come in

8 Jack: Thanks for your invitation. How thoughtful of you, Spencer, Shall I bring something?

Spencer: Nothing. I mean we’re got plenty to eat. . A just take yourself B just come yourself C just bring yourself D just come over

9 Smith: you are leaving soon. We’ll be sorry to see you off . Anderson: I’m sorry too. But that’s life . Smith: yes, I suppose

A we can’t help B it can’t be avoided C we can’t do anything D it can’t be helped

10 Jame:George, did you tell Bob to come to this meeting ? George: I’m terribly sorry. I forgot all about it . Jame: let’s get started without him.

A good luck . B come on C no problem D good heavens 11 Passenger A: Do you mind my smoking here ? Passenger B: not at all . . A I’m sorry. B smoke as you like C go right ahead D do it , please

12 Customers: Can I have a look at the blue jacket over there? Salesman:here you are

Customer: oh, it’s too big. May I have a size smaller ? Salesman: A by all means B by no means

C by any means D by some means or other 13 Lucinda: can you come and have dinner with us ? Jonathan: sounds good. When shall I come? Lucinda: at eight.

A we’ll be seeing you B we wait for you

C we wait until you come D we’ll be expecting you

14 A Strange : . can you tell me where the big supermarket is ? A passer-by: got me . boy, I ‘m a stranger here myself . A strange: well , thank you anyway.

A I’m sorry B Excuse me C Never mind D Glad to meet you 15. Student A: How is everything with Mary?

Student B: She had an accident in her new car and she's still in hospital. Student A: lA] That's great! lB] That's too bad. lC] That sounds nice. [D] That's OK.


1. Clerk: Please fill out the form. Guest: All right. , please? Clerk: It's August, the thirteenth.

[Al What day is it today [B] What's the number ICI What's the date today ID] What's the time now 2. Speaker A: Can you tell me the way to the library? Speaker B: Sure Turn left at the next crossing. Speaker A: Is it on King Street? Speaker B:

IA] That's alright lB] Yes. You can't miss it ICI It's obvious ID] OK. Just do it

3. Patient: Could you arrange for me to see Doctor Smith tomorrow morning? Nurse: . He won't be free until 12:00. [A] You can call later lB] You' re unlucky ICI I can't do that ID] I'm afraid not 4. Lisa: You look great. Any good news? Alex: I just came back from my vacation.

Lisa: Wow, Maybe I should take a vacation, too. IAI I didn't see it [BI good for you ICI I didn't find it ID] hard to believe 6. Heather: Look, I' ve got a problem here. Will you help me? Rebecca: , but I' ll try.

IA] No, I won't [BI I'm really willing to ICI Yes, I'm glad ID] I'm not sure if I can 7. Conductor: Good morning, , please? Passenger: Here you are.



