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新目标九年级英语 单元知识点及配套练习 Unit 1 How do you study for a


1、一般现在时(特别是单数第三人称作主语); 2、动词作主语的形式(现在分词和不定式); 3、介词后面的动词形式(~ing); 4、What about+~ing;How about+~ing; 5、too+形(副)+to(不定式); 6、find+宾语+宾语补足语; 7、not…at all; 8、get+形容词;

9、某些动词后面的动词必须用~ing; 10、unless条件状语从句→if条件状语从句→…,or…(并列句); 11、instead/instead of; 12、listen to

13、ask(sb.)for(sth.); 14、for example;

15、have fun(doing sth.)

16、end up(with…) 17、spoken English;

English—speaking people(countries) 18、make mistakes 19.talk to(with) sb.

20、why don’t you(we,they )+动词原形?= why not+动词原形? 21、laugh at 22、first of all

23、to begin with. 24、later on

25、be afraid of sth.(doing) be afraid to do sth. be afraid that从句

26、in class/out of class /after class 27、take notes

28、get an“A”in English


29、(sb.)be impressed by(with)… 30、have trouble doing sth.(回见15) 31、look up

32、make up a conversation. 33、around the world. 34、deal with

35、stay(keep)+形容词 36、go by

37、decide(not)to do sth.

38、主语+last(延续) for long

39、regard sb.(sth.)as…/hink of sb.(sth.)as…

40、complain about sth. 41、compare sth to sth.(把?比作?);compare sth with sth.(把?与?进行比较) 42、physical problems 43、break off 44、in a positive way 45、study for a test

46、learn a lot (in)that way 47、keep an English notebook 48、区别:sound,voice,noise 49、区别:loud,aloud,loudly

50、find sb./sth.+宾语补足语;find it +宾语补足语+(for sb.)to do sth. 51、try one's best (to do sth.) 52、with the help=with one's help 53、much too 与too much 练习: 1.Everyone



English well.

2.______(listen) to English every day ______ (help) him a lot. 3.How





musician?That's great!

4.The stone looks too big for her to move.

(1)译成汉语;(2)用so?that?改写。 5.I found it hard for me to improve spoken English.(译成汉语)

6.In order to improve your English,you should practice______ (speak)English

every day.

7.Hurry!Or we'll be late!(同义句改写) (1)If we______ ______ ,we ______ ______ late.(If we______,we ______ ______ late.)

(2)Uless we______ ,we ______ ______late.

8.Why not ______(have )a try ?→Why ______you ______(have) a try? 9.______(Eat) more vegetables ______(stay) ______(健康).

10.Do you have any trouble______(get) along with your classmates?

11.Listen!How sweet that girl's ______(sound /voice /noise) is! 12.Don't shout ______(loud/aloud/loudly)at others! 13.I'm always______ tired because I always have______ work to do.(选择:A. much too;too much B. too much; much too C.many too; too many D. too many; many too)

14.选词填空(注意时态、语态和词形变化):①instead of;②have fun;③end up;④make mistakes;⑤laugh at;⑥later on;

(9)Most children ______ their fathers.

(10)______ taking a taxi, he went there on foot.

(11)Don't ______ him. After all,he has realized his mistakes. (12)

Unit 2 I used to be afraid of

the dark.

1、描述过去习惯做某事:主语used to(不定式)

2、区别下列句型:①used to(不定式)②be used to(介词)③be used to(不定式)④be used for sth.(doing)

3、not…any more→no more;not?any longer→no longer

4、hardly(ever)=very seldom=almost never 5、复合词:a fifteen-year-old boy 6、对某人而言做某事是?的:It's(形容词)for sb. to do sth.

7、be able to do sth.与can 8、give up(+ ~ing)

9、 afford sth.(to do sth.)

10、be interested in sth.(doing.sth.)

⑦be afraid of;⑧take notes;⑨look up;11、in front of…与in the front of… ⑩deal with;⑾complain about 12、be terrified of(与 be afraid of 相近) (1)You may ______ the new words in the 13、go to bed(sleep) dictionary.

(2)We ______ with the children in the park yesterday. (3)Be careful!Try your best not ______. (4)He always ______the weather and his bad health.

(5)We should learn ______ all kinds of problems in a positive way.

(6)______ in class is a good habit. (7)The sports meeting ______ with our school song.

14、on the soccer team

15、worry about sb.(sth.) /be worried about…/worry that从句 16、all the time

17、take a bus to(某地) = go to(某地)by bus 18、go right (straight) home

19、start high school 20、spend+time(money) on sth.(doing sth.)→It takes(took)sb.+时间+to do sth.→ 物cost(某人)+钱→人 pay 钱 for 物。

(8)She spent almost all her spare time 21、daily life playing the piano ,______ she became a 22、be stressed out great pianist. 23、look like(介词)


24、get good (bad) grades 25、look after=take care of…

26、as+形(副)+as sb.can/could/want/1ike/would like →as+形(副)+as possible 27、cause problems(trouble) to sb.. 28、get into trouble with sb. 29、in the end=at last=finally

30、make a(difficult/good/bad)decision. 31、a boys' boarding school

32、head teacher 33、to one’s surprise

34、even though(if)引导条件状语从句 35、take pride in sb(sth.)=be proud of sb.(sth.)

36、pay attention to(介词)



39、chat (online)with sb. about sth. 40、mind的用法

41、区别:die,dead;与death 42、as well与as well as 43、be patient with sb.(sth.)


1.We used to play here.(1)改写成否定句;(2)变成一般疑问句。

2.Mr.Smith used to smoke, but now he doesn't smoke any more.(译成汉语) 3.I have been used to the weather here.(译成汉语)

4.The bricks(砖) are used to build a wall.(译成汉语)

5.Umbrellas are used for keeping off rain.(译成汉语)

6.Our basket wasn't there any more.(同义句)→

Our basket______ ______ ______ there.

7.It hardly ever snows in Hainan Island,

______ ______?




______ isn't easy for______ 8-year-old child ______ ______ ______ a pet dog.

9.Was Litz interested in ______(play) the piano at his very young age?

10.He spends all his spare time ______(paint)

.(同义句)→It ______ all his spare time ______ ______.

11.How much did it cost you to fly to Harbin?(同义句)→How much did you ______ ______to Harbin?

12.她尽可能经常回家去看望父母。She ______ ______ ______her parents as______ as______ ______ .

13.Helping others ______(make)him ______(feel)very happy.

14.Parents always take ______(自豪) in their children.(同义句)→Parents are always______ (自豪)______ their children.

15.You made a good ______(决定)! 16.I don't mind ______(stand) here. 17.Chinese as well as English ______(be)very important.

18.(改错)How long has Lu Xun died? 19.My dog's ______(死)made me very sad. 20.He didn't use to______ (eat) western food,but now he is used to ______(eat) it.

21.选词填空(注意时态、语态和词形变化):①no longer;②be able to;③give up;④be terrified of;⑤worry about;⑥stressed out;⑦look after;⑧in the end;⑨to one's surprise;⑩even if;⑾pay attention to;

(1)My sister is too young ______ herself.

(2)______smoking!It's bad for your health.

(3)Try your best.I'm sure you

will______ make progress in English. (4)Thanks to the electricity,people were ______afraid of the dark. (5)He was too ______to say a word. (6)He tried many times but failed again and again,______ he had to give up.

(7)Human beings should______ protecting our environment.

(8)______,Mr Gao worked it out only in two minutes.

(9)It was getting dark,I began to______ my parents,they hadn't come back yet.

(10)I'm sure to go to see you tomorrow,______it rains.

(11)Most people ______tigers and lions.

11、a part-time(full-time) job

12、get one’s ears pierced(参见3) 13、cut one’s hair 14、on (at) weekends

on weekdays.

15、at this (that) age;at the age of=at one’s age of…

16、go to the movies. 17、by 10:00 p.m.

18、go+-ing.与do(some)-ing 19、stay up

20、clean up(动副短语) 21、get to class late 22、finish a test early

23、fail (in) a test;fail to do sth;fail (in) doing sth.

24、take (pass) a test

25、be strict with sb;be strict in sth. 26、the other day

27、concentrate (more)on sth.(than sth.) 28、…be good for sb.(sth.) 29、in groups (of 3 );in pairs 30、during the evening(the vacation) 31、at present

32、have a chance( an opportunity) to do sth.(of doing sth) 33、think about···;think of?

34、It's a real mess! What a mess! 35、at least (most)

36、eight hours’ sleep a night 37、an old people's home 38、a primary school

39、at the newspaper offiee

40、once a day;twice a week;three times a month.

41、have(take)+ 一段时间+off(to do sth.) 42、answer+宾语;reply to+sb.(sth.) 43、agree with sb.(an idea);disagree with sb. 44、get (be) in the way of… 45、have nothing against sb.(sth.) 46、be serious about sth. 47、quite a few;very few


Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose theirown clothes

1、被动语态(特别是含有情态动词) 2、谈论“同意”与“不同意”,“应该允许”和“不应该允许”。 3、have(get/make)sb.(sth.)+过去分词 4、主句动词为think/believe/expect/suppose等表示主观推断的动词所接的否定宾语从句要进行否定转移. 5、enough的用法。

6、stop to do sth.与stop doing sth. 7、“So+助动词+主语”与“So+主语+助动词”;“Neither(Nor)+助动词+主语”与“Neither(nor)+主语+助动词”




48、come out(多义)

49、区别:put on,wear,dress(接人作宾语)与in

50、learn from?;learn about?

51、be good for/to/at/with 练习:

1.People use English widely all over the

world.(变成被动语态)→English ______ widely ______ all over the world.

2.You can't take the books out of the library.(同上)→The books ______ ______ ______ out of the library. 3.Someone saw him go out just now.(同上)→______ ______ ______ ______ ______ out just now.

4.The Grate Wall ______ ______(build) by

millions of people about 2,200 years ago.

5.The trees have been planted by the students from Class Two.(译成汉语) 6.这儿不许抽烟!Smoking ______ ______ here.

7.①He thinks.②Teenagers aren't allowed to get their ears pierced.(合并为一句)→He ______ ______teenagers ______ allowed to get their ears pierced.

8.Bob hasn't passed the exam,______ ______ ______(我也没有)

9.It looks so fine today.______ ______ ______(是啊,的确不错!)

10.Be quiet!Here ______!(选择:A. come the teacher;B. does the teacher come;C. comes the teacher;D. the teacher comes) 11.He was able to play the guitar at his age of five.(同义句)→He ______ ______the guitar ______ he______ ______ . 12.After the work,he'll have 5 days off


to go on a vacation.(译成汉语)

13.He had his hair ______(cut/cutted/to cut/cutting).(同义句)→He asked somebody______ his hair in a barber. 14.The patient is too weak to ______(穿衣服)

himself.(同义句)→The patient is ______ weak ______ he ______ ______ himself.

15.选词填空(注意时态、语态和词形变化):①stay up;②clean up;③at present;④think of;⑤at least;⑥agree with;⑦come out;⑧quite a few;⑨be supposed to;⑩every five days;

(1)Look!How heavy the rain is!But it ______rain yesterday.

(2)______too late so often is bad for your health.

(3)A traffic accident happened on Dongfeng Road that day.______people were injured.

(4)What does your father______ your new look?

(5)So many flowers ______in spring. (6)______,more than 10,000 missing people haven't found yet.

(7)There are______ 100 people in the hall.

(8)Although so many people______ you, I don't think it's a good idea.

(9)Usually,the flight from Chengdu to Paris runs once______.

(10)The classroom must______ at once!

Unit 4 What would you do ?

1、谈论假设情况. 2、if的用法;(1)引导真实条件状语从句; (2)引导虚拟条件状语从句;(3)作“是



