【期刊名称】《山东农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 【年(卷),期】2012(043)002
【摘要】Condensing the practical meaning and spiritual content, Ming furniture represents the summit of the development of ancient Chinese Rirniture and has a further important influence on modern furniture design. From the scientific perspective, this thesis analyses the rigorous ratio scale, the delicate mortise and tenon structure, the way of using material by imitating the nature and the structural decoration with appropriate complication and simplicity of Ming furniture with examples and data, as well as draws lessons from our predecessors' treasured possession and probes into the significance of inheriting and carrying forward Chinese furniture arts.%凝聚着实用内涵和精神内涵的明式家具代表着中国古代家具发展的顶峰,更对现代家具设计有着十分重要的影响.本文从科学的视角出发,结合实例、数据分析明式家具严密的比例尺度、科学精密的榫卯结构,师法自然的用材之道和繁简相宜的结构装饰,借鉴总结前人留下的宝贵遗产,探讨继承和发扬中华民族家具艺术的意义. 【总页数】4页(316-319)
【关键词】比例尺度;榫卯精密;装饰工艺;文化内涵 【作者】胡海燕;逯海勇;苗蕾