Unit 9 第一课时教案 一.教学目标:
1. 能熟练认读本单元所学的新单词。
2. 学会早,中,晚的表达,频度副词的运用。In the morning, in the afternoon, in the
evening, at noon, at night, 频道副词 实前BE后。
1. 认读本单元新单词。
2. 熟悉掌握早,中,晚的表达,及频度副词。 三.教学过程设计:
1. greeting : good morning ,everyone, how are you today? What day is it today?
2. 画一个钟表,早上六点半,问what time is it? So it’s time to get up. And later we have
breakfast(做动作).and when do we have breakfast? It’s in the morning or afternoon? Good .
3. 画一个钟表,中午12点,问 what time is it? So it’s time to have lunch(做动作)。When
do we have lunch? It’s at noon. 4. 画一个钟表,下午5点半,问what time is it? So it’s time to have dinner(做动作)。When
do we have dinner? It’s in the evening .
5. 画一个钟表,晚上10点,问what time is it? So it’s time to go to bed./sleep(做动
作).when do we go to bed ? it’s at night.. where do you sleep? It’s at home.
6. he never does his homework, he sometimes does his homework.. he often does his
homework. He usually does his homework. He always does his homework.(画五个圆圈,图上与频度副词).
四.Homework: 回家自己读单词10分钟,抄写3英一汉。
Unit 9 第二课时教案 一.教学目标:
1. 了解故事内容,Mocky ,Ken, Ann 一起去拜访Uncle Booky, 路上他们边走边聊,说
起了日常生活习惯,到了叔叔家却找不到他,最后才发现他在外面睡大觉。 2. 早中晚的表达。
3. 复习一般现在时:经常反复发生的动作或者状态。频度副词用法。 二.教学重点:
1. 早中晚表达,频度副词的运用,实前be后。 2. 一般现在时。 三.教学过程设计:
1. Greeting: how are you today? What day is it today? How to spell it ? what do you do on ?
what does she do on….?(让学生有个心理的铺垫,很顺利的进入英语的学习)
2. 问学生他们一般情况几点吃饭,几点上学,几点回家,几点睡觉,引出课文所学的
3. 放动画,让学生看一遍整个故事,并思考几个问题:1.does Mocky eat breakfast late?
2.when does Ann eat breakfast?
4. 一句一句的分析,picture 1.what time is it? What is Mocky doing? Picture 2.does Mocky always eat breakfast so fast? Picture 3.when does Ann eat breakfast?
Picture 4/5 what are they talking about?
Picture 6 Can you guess where Ann, Ken and Mocky are going? Picture 7/8 who are they looking for、 Picture 9 what is Uncle Booky doing?
5. listening to the tape and repeat the words each time. And then act the story . 四.homework: read the story to their parents,抄写一遍汉语一遍。
Unit 9 第三课时教案 一.教学目标:
1. 掌握英语中日常学习,生活活动的相关对话。 2. 练习使用频度副词。 二.教学重点:
1. 学生能够迁移知识,根据自己的实际情况回答问题,自己提问进行交流。 三.教学过程设计:
1. Greeting: how are you today? What day is it today? How to spell it ? what do you do on ?
what does she do on….?(让学生有个心理的铺垫,很顺利的进入英语的习).
2.review the words: 讲28页,words to learn. 3..先让学生看图,what can you see in the picture? What is wangling saying? 一句一句分析
4.33页 touch ask and answer,让学生自己根据情境表演,锻炼他们口语交际能力,加强
四.Homework: 自己回去找同伴进行表演,抄写30页句子2英一汉。
Unit 9第四课时教案 一.教学目标:
培训孩子们听力能力,阅读能力,写作能力。 二.教学过程设计:
1. Greeting: how are you today? What day is it today? How to spell it ? what do you do on ?
what does she do on….?(让学生有个心理的铺垫,很顺利的进入英语的学习).
2. 让学生们打开书31页,看着那幅图,说这是ken and ann 一天的安排,他们一天中不同
3. 让学生自己独立去阅读,做题,然后一步一步带着学生们来翻译找出能够回答问题的局
4. 听力部分,先和孩子们一起看图片是什么,知道题目要求,放磁带3遍,后一句一句让
三.Homework: 读英语10分钟,单词3英一汉。
Unit 9 第五课时教案 一. 1. 教学目标:
1. 掌握字母o, or的发音 二.教学过程设计:
三.做字母操,让学生以欢快的气氛进入英语的学习,导入:做字母操。Now I do the
action, you guess which letter it is.来引出字母的发音,并带领学生一起做。以此来活跃课堂气氛,和抓住学生注意力。 四.呈现:字母的发音和相关单词。 五.练习:高低声分组PK。
六.Homework: 分类抄写单词,三英一汉。
Unit9 第六课时教案 一.教学目标:
1. 了解特殊疑问句,并做回答:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句,对谁提问,谁不出现。 2. 学会写作文:my day 二,教学目标设计:
1. Greeting: how are you today? What day is it today? How to spell it ?
what do you do on ? what does she do on….? 以此引出特殊疑问句的解释,问什么答什么。
2. when 答时间,what 答什么.
3. 我写一篇例文,然后将例文能变动的地方画上波浪线,让学生自己添加信息。 三.Homework:作文my day
Unit 10 第一课时教案 一.教学目标:
1. 能熟练认读本单元所学新单词。
2. 能表达去某地的表达法,和有足够的时间、钱吗:go to a movie, go ton .the amusement
park 二.教学重点:
1. 认读本单元新单词。 2. 能够表达我想去某地,他想去某地该如何表达,掌握enough的用法:I go to a movie, he
goes to a park, do you have enough money /time? 三.教学过程设计:
1. 以沟通问好的形式开头,刚过完一周,大家玩的怎么样,上周末呢我也出去玩了,给
你说几个地方你们猜猜我去了哪?1。游乐园(amusement park, go to the amusement
park),2。看电影(movie, go to a movie),3. 科学博物馆(science museum, go to the science museum,小蛇和小鹅住在mu um 中间),三个地方我都去了,但是你们猜那个地方我最先去,科学博物馆,因为他是免费(free)的,那接下来我去了哪呢?对游乐园,一般游乐园都比较远(far away, 一条路很远),所以我做公交(by bus)去,去了看到很多有钱人都是开小汽车(by car)去的,太远了回来的时候电影都开始(start,小蛇把小汽车踢来踢去)了,看的是恐龙(dinosaur, )电影,看的最后一部电影出来就关门(close,cl可乐组合)了,晚了想打车回去可是发现钱(money, 妈妈和你之间只有一个人有钱)不足够(enough)了,成为有钱人真好啊,想不想成为有钱人,那就好好学习吧!
2. 故事中设计句型:do you have enough money /time? Yes ,I do./No, I don’t.. shall we be
rich man? 四.游戏
1. 大小声;2. I say Chinese, you say English; 3, finger game; 2. 分组pk
五.Homework: 抄写单词4英一汉。
Unit 10 第二课时教案 一.教学目标:
1. 了解故事内容:Ann and Ken don’t have class, they want to play, at last they decide to go
to the museum. 2. 掌握重点句型:Do we have enough time/money?yes, we do. No , we don’t. shall we go
to a movie? Let’s go by bus .
二.教学重点:重点句型的掌握,能实际运用句型。 三.教学过程的设计:
1. 复习word,让孩子有一个进入英语学习的氛围,40页 words to learn.
2. 放动画,让学生看一遍整个故事,并思考几个问题: 1. Do they have enough time to go to the movie? 2. Do they have enough money to go to the amusement park? 3. where do they go at last?
3. 问孩子每当要去一个地方的时候他们自己会考虑哪些情况呢?引出本单元重点句型:Do we have enough money/time?yes , we do . no ,we don’t.. 4. 一句一句的分析句子。
5. listening to the tape and repeat the words each time. And then act the story . 四.homework: read the story to their parents.
Unit 10 第三课时教案
1. 了解对话含义:Ken 他们有足够的时间去游乐园,没有足够的钱去看电影。 2. 掌握对话中主要句型,并能自己根据情况进行对话:go to the amusement park, do
we have enough time/money? Yes , we do. No ,we don’t。
.二. 教学重点:
1.能熟悉掌握想去某地的表达法,并能提出能去的条件。do we have enough time/money?
Yes , we do. No ,we don’t。