Details个人资料 Name: Joe Bloggs
Date: 1 January 2010
Time: 0720(时间:7时20分)
Place: A&E(地点:事故与急诊登记处) Age: 47 years Sex: male
Occupation: HGV(heavy goods vehicle ) driver(职业:大型货运卡车司机)
PC(presenting complaint)(主诉)
4-hour crushing retrosternal chest pain(胸骨后压榨性疼痛4小时)
HPC(history of presenting complaint)(现病史)
Onset: 4 hours of “crushing tight” retrosternal chest pain, radiating to neck and both arms, gradual onset over 5-10
minutes.(起病特征:胸骨后压榨性疼痛4小时,向颈与双臂放射,5-10分钟内渐起病) Duration: persistent since onset(间期:发病起持续至今)
Severe: “worst pain ever had”(严重性:“从未痛得如此厉害过)
Relieving/exacerbating factors缓解与恶化因素
GTN(glyceryl trinitrate) provided no relief although normally relieves pain in minutes, no other relieving/exacerbating factors.(硝酸甘油平时能在数分钟内缓解疼痛,但本次无效,无其它缓解和恶化因素。)
Associated symptoms 相关症状
Nausea, vomiting×2, sweating, dizzy(恶心、呕吐2次、出汗、眩晕)
1997:external chest tightness and dyspnea initially controlled atenolol. 1997年:出现胸外疼痛与呼吸困难,最终经服
4/12 symptoms worse, exercise tolerance 200 yards on flat, limited by chest pain
No rest pain, no orthopnoea, no PND 无静息时疼痛,无端坐呼吸、无阵发性夜间呼吸困难
Risk factors危险因素
Smoking-20 cigarettes per day for 16 years吸烟:16年来每天20支 Diabetes-no糖尿病:无
Cholesterol-never checked胆固醇:未查 Ischemic heart disease-angina, previous MI缺血性心脏病:心绞痛、有心肌梗死病史
PMH(past medical history)过去史 1963: appendectomy 1963年:阑尾切除手术 1972: duodenal ulcer, no symptoms since
1986: myocardial infarction, full recovery / No subsequent investigation 1986年:心肌梗死,完全恢复,无随访 1989: gout quiescent on treatment 1989年:痛风治疗期间症状静止
No diabetes, hypertension, rheumatic heart disease, tuberculosis, epilepsy, asthma, jaundice, cerebrovascular disease.无糖尿病、高血压、风湿性心脏病、结核病、癫痫、哮喘、黄疸、脑血管疾病
S/E(systems inquiry)系统回顾 General 一般情况
Fatigue lately, appetite unchanged, weight stable, no sweats or pruritus, sleeping well
Dyspnea on exertion, particularly uphill, but not limiting; no cough sputum/wheeze
GIT gastrointestinal tract胃肠道 No current indigestion现无消化不良。 No symptoms lile previous duodenal ulcer过去无十二指肠溃疡症状。
No vomiting/dysphagia/abdominal pain无呕吐、吞咽困难、腹部疼痛。
GUS genitourinary system生殖泌尿道 No urinary systems无泌尿道症状。 NS神经系统
No headache/syncope无头痛、晕厥。
No dizziness/limb weakness/sensory loss无眩晕、肢体麻木、感觉丧失。
No disturberd bision/hearing/smell/speech无视觉、听力、味觉、嗅觉、语言障碍。 MS运动系统
No painful gout for 5 years无痛性痛风5