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台州市2020年高三年级调考试题英 语

命题:何小怡(温岭中学) 许玲(玉城中学)



试用时120分钟。答案一律做在答题卷上。 第I卷(选择题 共80分)

第一部分: 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)


从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

1. — Now that I’ve finished my exams, I’m going to relax and go to a movie tonight.

— _______! I’ve still got two finals to take. A. Good luck to you! C. So far, so good!

B. Lucky you! D. How nice!

2. She came in for _______ coffee and told me _______ firecrackers kept her awake last night. A. a, the

B. a, 不填

C. the, the

D. the, 不填

3. — Amazing! You ________ come to the party in such a fancy dress. — Don’t you know it’s a fashion? A. should

B. will

C. can

D. must

4. A survey of China's netizens found that some smokers are unwilling to kick

the habit because

they aren't fully ________ of the harm it does to health. A. fond

B. curious

C. afraid

D. aware

5. — We’ve run out of potatoes.

— I’ll get _______ when I go to the shops. A. ones

B. them

C. some

D. the ones

6. — Did you enjoy meeting your old friends yesterday? — Yes, I did.I _______ them since we graduated from college. A. didn't see

B. hadn’t seen C. haven't seen D. wouldn’t see

7. Silence is requested in this area while the college entrance examination is ________.

A. in progressB. in public

C. in sight

D. in advance

8. _______ in 1884, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain was one of the first novels in the USA written in common, everyday language. A. published

Being B.

Having C. Published




published published

9. The new tax would force companies to _______ energy-saving measures. A. adapt

B. adopt

C. address

D. adjust

10. My cousin is really enthusiastic about playing basketball. _______ he shoots a ball, he likes to think of himself as a Kobe Bryant. A. At one time

B. All the timeC. The first D. Every time


11. When asked why he prefers bikes to buses, the professor said, “Riding

a bicycle takes _______

half an hour, but it's more convenient and environmentally friendly.\A. absolutely

B. accurately



12. We were having a chemistry class the other day when we heard a sound we _______ — the ring of a mobile phone.

D. exactly

A. weren’t expecting C. haven’t expected

B. weren’t expected D. won’t expect

13. I was frightened by the manager’s warning _______ I would be dismissed if I came late again. A. as

B. which

C. what

D. that

14. ________ know Jane was interested in art until I heard that she owned a Van Gogh. A. Much I did

B. Little I didC. Much did I

D. Little did I

15. The girl was killed unfortunately. She ________, though, but for the delayed treatment. A. must have been saved C. could have been saved

B. should be saved D. could be saved

16. As is often the ________ with children, Tommy burst out crying the moment

he saw the dentist. A. example

B. case

C. problem

D. matter

17. It only takes about two seconds to fasten a safety belt, ________ can

help reduce your chance of being killed at the time of a crash. So why not? A. which

B. that

C. as

D. what

18. North of our school stands a lecture hall, ________ more than 1,000 people. A. seated

B. seating



19. Since Mary is absent today, let's get someone else to _______ the work where it was left off. A. take in

B. take down

C. take up

D. take off D. to sit

20. — Are you getting a new apartment this year?

— ________ I can’t afford to pay my bills, let alone a new apartment. A. Are you sure? C. Don't mention it.

B. I’m very sorry. D. You must be joking.



I paid 30 yuan for a watermelon the other day. When I ate it at home I found it more bitter than sweet. I was 21 to throw it away for it cost me money 22 . But to eat it was a 23 thing no better than tasting goldthread (黄连). Ks*5u

Things like this 24 occur in our daily life. For example, last week when going on a tour we failed to find the 25 we had been seeking. 26 we were so uncomfortable as if on pins and needles (如坐针毡). In such a case we had better 27 home immediately, but most of us tourists still chose to 28 our way until we finished visiting all the scenic spots, 29 actually we did not quite enjoy them.

If we 30 , we’ll get nothing; we would have spent money 31 . If we don’t give up, what we’ve got is something to cause us suffering or pain, or 32 disaster. Since that’s the case, why are we still unwilling to 33 with it? The only 34 is: it means money.

Then what 35 does money contain? Its importance lies in none 36 the following two aspects: (1) it can be used for our living; (2) it can be used for our daily life. When a sum of money that should be able to obtain joy or enjoyment is certain to 37 the purpose, isn’t it wise to give it up? Isn’t it a sort of 38 for money-spending or even for enjoying ourselves?

To abandon and forget a sum of money that is to be of no value or to produce 39 values can be counted as 40 value of money. Isn’t it so? Ks*5u 21. A. unwilling 22. A. above all 23. A. pleasant 24. A. regularly 25. A. friendship

B. ready B. after all B. painful B. recently B. memory

C. uncertain C. in all C. dangerous C. hardly C. pleasure

D. anxious D. for all D. special D. frequently D. experience



26. A. On the whole B. In this way C. In other D.


27. A. call 28. A. feel 29. A. because 30. A. give away 31. A. in relief 32. A. even 33. A. stay 34. A. excuse 35. A. value 36. A. less than 37. A. ignore

B. leave B. continue B. since B. give up B. in fact B. still B. part B. reason B. message

C. arrive C. stop C. although C. give out C. in reality C. ever C. take C. topic C. secret

contrary D. return D. make D. unless D. give in D. in vain D. more D. break D. ambition D. surprise

B. better than C. rather than D. other than B. serve

C. fail C. wisdom C. wonderful C. other

D. meet D. choice D. various D. another

38. A. possibility B. mistake 39. A. proper 40. A. little

B. negative B. whole


第一节:阅读下列短文,然后从所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。




