GPON 网元规划与部署
【期刊名称】《科技广场》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)011
【摘要】吉比特无源光网络GPON技术采用最新一代宽带无源光综合接入标准,具有覆盖范围广、带宽、效率高、用户接口丰富等优点,可以为用户提供优质、可靠、安全的语音、数据、视频三网合一业务接入。它能提供吉比特高速率、支持多业务透明传送以及电信级的网络监控和业务管理能力,同时能保证服务质量和级别,被认为是今后光纤接入网的最好选择。%Gigabit passive optical network (GPON) technology, using the latest generation of broadband inte-grated passive optical access standard, has a wide coverage, bandwidth, high efficiency, and the advantages of rich user interfaces, which can provide users with high quality, reliable and secure three nets business connection of voice, data, and video. It can provide gigabit high rate level, support multi-business transparent transmission and telecommunication network monitoring and business management, and provide high quality and high level ser-vices, which is considered as the optimal choice of future optical fiber access network. 【总页数】4页(141-144) 【关键词】GPON;OLT;ONU 【作者】张亮
【作者单位】华东交通大学,江西 南昌330013
GPON 网元规划与部署