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国开(中央电大) 本科《人文英语3》 网上形考任务(单元自测1-8)及答案

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C. by buying the shares of the other

4. The underlying reason for Tabor' s life career is【B】 . A. purely accidental

B. based on the analysis of miner' s being very poor and their possibility of discovering profitable mining site

C. through the help from his second wife

5. If this passage is the first part of an article, who might be introduced in the following part? 【B】 A. Tabor' s life.

B. Tabor' s second wife, Elizabeth McCourt. C. Other colorful characters.

二、 阅读理解: 正误判断(每题 10 分)

The Wichita Falls Police Department is trying to help curb crime in neighboring communities

throughout the city. On Saturday Wichita Falls Police gave a free two-hour presentation to

help locals keep their community crime free.

More than 20 people showed up at the Martin Luther King Center in east Wichita Falls to be part of the presentation.

Wichita Falls Police Officer Jeff Hughes said that they wanted to make sure the folks out there

were aware they were doing everything to take away the opportunity from a bad guy.

Hughes reminded those in attendance that their homes outside presentation could be an open

invitation to criminals. One of the biggest ways to prevent crime, according to Hughes is to

use CPTED. Also known as Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design.

The biggest site, that we are dealing with now, that we are endorsing fully, is Nextdoor and it' s simply just nextdoor. com,

The site is free and helps locals set up a Virtual Community that they can interact with from the comfort of their own home.

With www. nextdoor. com it all happens in a web based program where if you send something out

it gets to that group or that person instantly, they will get an alert on their phone or an email, said Hughes.

According to Hughes, he has already seen a positive impact

locally from the site and hopes

it can continue to expand in Wichita Falls.

操作提示: 句子正确选择下拉选项框为 T; 句子错误选择下拉选项框为 F。

1. The Wichita Falls Police Department is planning sterner measures to combat crime. 【F】

2. According to Hughes, one of the biggest ways of crime prevention is through environmental design. 【T】

3. The biggest site that police are approving fully is nextdoor. com. 【T】

4. The purpose of nextdoor. com is to help locals set up a real community. 【F】

5. If you use the nextdoor. com site, you have to pay for it. 【F】

单元自测 4 形考任务试题及答案

题目为随机, 用查找功能(Ctrl+F) 搜索题目 题目: I have trouble in ________ my homework.

答案: doing

题目: This plant can' t be exposed ____________strong sunshine.

答案: to

题目: – Brand was Jane' s brother!

– ____________he reminded me so much of Jane!

答案: No wonder

题目: – How about going to the cinema? – ___________

答案: Sounds like a good idea!

题目: – May I open the window to let in some fresh air? – ___________.

答案: Go ahead!

题目: – Ok, I' ll fix your computer right now. – Oh, take your time. __________.

答案: I' m in no hurry.

题目: – Susan, will you please go and empty that drawer? – ____________.

答案: What for?

题目: A dictionary may define genetics _________ simply the science of the study of heredity.

答案: as

题目: He asked his neighbor to ________ his house.

答案: keep an eye on

题目: People __________ foxes __________ clever but sly animals.

答案: consider…as

二、 英译汉(每题 10 分)

操作提示: 通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。

1. Parents are too busy to spend time teaching their kids right from wrong. 【B】

A. 父母不会太忙, 所以有时间教导孩子明辨是非。 B. 父母都太忙, 没有时间教导孩子明辨是非。 C. 父母很忙, 但是也抽时间教导孩子明辨是非。

2. Attend parenting classes, or join a local support group if you are having trouble

understanding how to exercise discipline. 【A】

A. 如果在理解如何管教孩子方面有困难, 你可以参加父母课程或者当地的支持团体。

B. 如果你在理解练习纪律方面有困难, 可以参加父母课程学习或者加入当地的帮助团体。

C. 如果在理解练习管教孩子方面有困难, 参加父母课程学习或者加入当地的帮助团体是有用的。

3. As millions of people have access to the Internet, criminals look for potential victims online. 【C】

A. 当成千上万的人们接受网络, 犯罪分子就会寻找网上的潜在受害者。

国开(中央电大) 本科《人文英语3》 网上形考任务(单元自测1-8)及答案


