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专业英语的概念是早在1964年由Halliday与Mcinfash和Stmvens在其合著的The Linguistic Sciences and Language Teaching一书中首先提出来的:English for Specific Purpose or English for Special Purpose

后来,Tom Hutchinson and Alan Waters在其著作“English for Specific Purposes:a learning—centered approach(1987)”中对专业英语做了更加广泛的定义:ESP is an approach to language teaching in which all decisions as to content and method are based on the learner’s reason for learning 专业英语构词特点

? 一是外来语多(拉丁语、希腊语) ? 二是构词方法多

? 常规构词法——转化、派生、合成法 ? 其他:符号法、混成法和字母形象法等 ? 专业英语和大学英语 ? 1. 词汇的专业性 ? plant:

? ——工厂、车间 ? charge: ? ——电荷

? positive charge:正电荷 ? base:

? ——碱专业英语和大学英语


? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

2. 词汇构词法 词尾:


Sodium 代表Na(钠)、Chromium 代表Cr(铬)等。 前缀:


carbon monoxide(CO);carbon dioxide(CO2) 后缀:

-ane:烷烃,-ene:烯烃, -one:酮,如:

propane(丙烷) propylene(丙烯) acetone(丙酮) 3. 缩写词汇 COD:

Chemical Oxygen Demand ——化学需氧量 BOD:

Biochemical Oxygen Demand ——生物需氧量 b.p.:

Boiling point ——沸点

4. 长句多且结构复杂

Why to learn

“Special English

in Chemistry” ?

? 专业英语的学习就是为了培养学生在自己的专业领域内查阅、翻译英文文


? 给自己设定三个目标:

? 阅读方面:能查阅该领域的专业文章,通过专业词典 能快速理解文章主线和细


? 写作方面:要求写出符合科技论文要求及特点的英文 摘要,在本科毕业论文中


? 听说方面:要求能进行一些简单的专业技术交流。加强专业英语、基础英语和专业


? 例如:Surfactants are usually organic compounds that are amphiphilic,meaning they

contain both hydrophobic groups(their “tails”)and hydrophilic groups(their “heads”). ? 首先应该了解专业知识,表面活性剂是指具有固定的亲水亲油基团,在溶液的表面


? 分析:句中that are amphiphilic为定语从句,修饰compounds,meaning引导同位

语从句,说明that are amphiphilic的含义。

翻译:表面活性剂通常是两性的有机化合物,意思是它们既含有疏水基团,又含有亲水基团。 1.colour

Colourless Red-brown Violet-black Purple-black Pale yellow Dark brown 2.state

solid liquid gas gaseous oily crystalline uncrystalline molten 3.smell

odourless pungent

choking bitterfused sweet

offensive sour 4.solubility soluble insoluble

slightly soluble very soluble 5.observations

brisk effervescence precipitate milky

aqueous solution 6.density

heavy light less dense denser greatly denser slightly denser

about the same dense 7.hardness hard soft ductile malleable 8.toxicity

toxic nontoxic poisonous 9.melting point boiling point high low 10.Conductivity

electronic conductivity thermal conductivity conductor semiconductor insulator Lesson 2

Chemical Equations 1.反应名称:


neutralization; hydrolysis

exothermic reaction endothermic reaction forward reaction reverse reaction

spontaneous reaction

nonspontaneous reaction 2.反应条件:

heat; burn ignite/ignition


under/at ambient/room temperature under standard pressure

with/in the presence of catalyst


Nitrogen reacts with hydrogen to form ammonia at high temperature and pressure with the presence of a catalyst.

1 mol nitrogen reacts with 3 mol hydrogen to form 2 mol ammonia at high temperature and pressure with the presence of a catalyst.

Nitrogen combines with hydrogen to form ammonia at high temperature and pressure with the presence of a catalyst.

Reaction between nitrogen and hydrogen at high temperature and pressure with the presence of a catalyst gives ammonia.

Ammonia decomposes to nitrogen and hydrogen at high temperature and pressure with the presence of a catalyst.

At high temperature and pressure, reaction of nitrogen with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst takes place.


Zinc treated with hydrochloric acid forms hydrogen and zinc chloride

Calcium carbonate when heated produces calcium oxide and carbon dioxide

Calcium carbonate is heated to yield calcium oxide and carbon dioxide.

Calcium carbonate decomposes to calcium oxide and carbon dioxide when it is heated.

Lesson 3

Chemical Calculation


atomic mass/weight; molecular weight amount(of substance); mole

number of moles; molar mass molar volume; concentration molarity; reactant product; yield 2.数学术语

+ - × ÷ 运算名称 addition subtraction multiplication division 动词读法 add substract(ed)·from multiply(ied)·by divide(d)·by 介词读法 plus minus times over 运算结果 sum difference product quotient

? 0.001 zero point zero zero one ? 2/3 two thirds

? = equals/is equal to

? ≈ is approximately equal to

? ? ? ? ? ? ?

< less than > greater than x2 x squared x3 x cubed

x-10 x to the minus tenth power 100oc one hundred degrees centigrade 5% five percent (by mass, volume)

? () round brackets/parentheses ? [ ] square/angular brackets

{} braces



