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第一部分 听对话回答问题。

1. W: Tom, would you like to be a policeman when you grow up? M: No, I’d like to be a teacher.

2. M: Mary, it’s you! You are back to Washington so soon. Did you have fun during the holiday? W: Yes, very much. I visited the Sydney Opera House. It’s really wonderful. 3. M: What wild animals do you like best?

W: I like pandas most. They’re quiet and peaceful. 4. W: What are you going to do, John? M: I am going to make paper roses. W: Oh, you have pink paper, glue… M: I also need a pair of scissors.

5. W: Are there any children on the playground?

M: Yes. Three are playing games. Two are running and five are playing soccer. 6. W: Excuse me, which bus should I take if I want to go to the garden? M: You can take the No 6 bus. Oh, it’s coming. 7. W: What time is it now?

M: It’s ten o’clock. The train will leave fifteen minutes later. Let’s hurry. 8. W: How do you go to school every day, Jack?

M: Usually I go to school by bus, but I rode a bike this morning. 9. W: Is your mother watching TV, Bob?

M: No. She is cooking. But Lily is watching TV. 10. M: Will you be free this afternoon? W: Sorry, I’m afraid I won’t. Why? M: I’ve got two film tickets. 第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题 听下面一段对话,回答第11至12题。 W: Alan, what do you plan to do this evening?

M: I’m going to see a film at ABC Cinema. Would you like to go with me?

W: Yes, but it starts at 5:30. We can’t get there in time. How about the one at People’s Cinema?

That starts at 6:30.

M: No, I don’t like that cinema. The seats there are always dirty.

W: I think we’d better stay at home today. And this Saturday evening we can go out early to ABC Cinema to see an American film.

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M: But before Saturday, what else shall we do on these two evenings? W: Let’s go swimming this evening. We can go dancing tomorrow. M: OK, I’ll go with you.

听第一篇短文,回答13-15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。 At present many British people like to live in houses instead of high buildings and most houses have gardens.

In Britain, office workers begin to work at about nine in the morning and finish at about five in the afternoon. They don’t go home for lunch. People in Britain usually eat a big meal in the evening.

British children start school at about five years old, and leave when they are sixteen or eighteen. School begins at about ten in the morning, and finishes at about four in the afternoon. After school, they have different activities.

Shops in Britain open at about nine and close at about six on weekdays. But many supermarkets stay open twenty-four hours. 听第二篇短文,回答第16至20题。

Jim's parents work very hard and his family has become very rich. As the only child in his family, he often gets some pocket money from his parents, but he tries to save money because he thinks it’s not easy for his parents to make money.

Jim likes reading. He often buys some used books on the Internet because they’re cheaper. And when he has free time, he often goes to libraries to do some reading.

Jim usually goes to school by bike. When it rains, he walks. And this also helps to keep him healthy.

Jim always brings a bottle of water to school. When other students drink juice, he enjoys his water. He thinks water is the cheapest but best drink.

Some students think Jim is poor. But I think he is a good boy. What do you think of him?

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