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Unit 1 College Life

Text A Language in Use 4.

1) overlooking 2) overwhelming 3) enroll 4) keen 5) blend

6) inspiration 7) frequented 8) diversity 9) passion10) incredible 5.

1) The Sept. 4 game between the Seahawks and the Packers kicked off this year’s football season. 2) A big part of a woman’s diet should consist of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, high-fiber foods, and oily fish.

3) Eleanor Roosevelt, who was a shy young girl, was terrified at the thought of speaking in public.

4) Senior citizens, military veterans and businessmen make up the group of people requesting for government information in the United States. 5) The schedule will make you aware of how you spend your time. 6.reach a decision (达成决定) shape one’s life (塑造生活) analyze a problem (分析问题) approve a decision (通过决定) improve one’s life (改善生活) solve a problem (解决问题) 1) making 2) reach 3) changed 4) shape 5) enjoy 6) solve 7) analyze 8) encounter 7.

1) dishonest 2) illegal 3) substandard 4) irregular 5) unlock 6) incorrect 7) outnumber 8) supermarket 9) Undergraduate 10) overestimate 8.

1) 学习小组合作学习对应对哈佛繁重的学习任务起着重要的作用。 2) 哈佛及其周边地区值得称道之处是:一切都相当便利。

3) 我决定先实地考察一下这两所学校再做最后选择,没想到的是,我竟然喜欢上了哈佛。

4) 我申请的是医学预科,但一个学期下来,我发现在下一年确定专业之前,我实际上有无数的方向可以选择。

5) 在哈佛的学业压力会很大,但我就是宁愿呆在这里。 9.

1) As is known to all, the year 2003 saw the successful launching of China’s first manned spaceship.

2) Time has witnessed the long history, free academic atmosphere and energetic students’ life of the university. 3) The new century will see a significant and far-reaching change in China. 4) Nanjing, an ancient and beautiful city, has witnessed many great historic events.

5) A visit to the places where he had studied and worked during his youth brought back many fond memories.

Text B Language in Use 2.

1) significantly 2) exhausted 3) relaxing 4) concealed 5) intellectual

6) triggers 7) clarified 8) integrate 9) was established 10) fatigue 3.

1) thinking about 2) focus on 3) carry on

4) contribute to 5) conform to/with 6) copes with 4

1) 按照轻重缓急安排工作会让你觉得一切必做之事都在自己掌控中, 而且感觉一定能做好。

2) 长期的疲劳是诱发抑郁的关键因素。每晚睡七八个小时对(你的)健康很重要。

3) 这些包括:静思,深呼吸,泡热水澡,远足,锻炼——任何你喜欢且可以减轻你的压力和不适感的方法都可以。

4) 关注自己可以让你精力充沛,感到目标明确并觉得自己能掌控自己的生活。 5) 培养能够宽容各种不同类型的人的能力是这项任务的一个重要方面,该任务要求尊重和接受不同背景、信仰、文化、种族、生活方式和外貌的人。

Unit 2 Love and Friendship

Text A

Language in Use 4.

1) pondering 2) tossed 3) slipped 4) stained 5) scrub

6) straightened 7) item 8) residence 9) mysteriously 10) outfits 5.

1) a 2) b 3) c 4) b 5) c 6) a 7) b 8) a 6.

1) at the sight of 2) on the occasion of 3) on rare occasions 4) at the smell of 5) on every occasion 6) on occasion 7) at the thought of 8) at the sound of 7.

1) foresee 2) postwar 3) rebuild 4) transatlantic

5) interact 6) preview; review 7) ex-president 8) subway 8.

Reference translation

1) “哈,连泰莎的东西也忘带走了,”我说道。

2) 似乎每次我们家庭聚会以后,都会留下点什么东西。 3) 我寻思着,有些记忆总是留存在脑海里,美好的记忆对我们来说是多么珍贵。 4) 当然,也有一些记忆是该忘却的。那些曾经的伤害、怨恨、苦痛、愤怒的记忆应该永远忘却。

5) 那是因为,除了留下的记忆以外,还有一样东西保留下来了……那就是爱。 9.

Reference translation

1) Watching exciting soccer games is the best way to take my mind off all the problems in my work.

2) Friends sadly watched him drive off, knowing it would be long before they could meet again.

3) It took the community workers a month to wipe off the graffiti, which used to be a notable sight of the city.

4) In high altitude areas, people use lots of ways to keep off ultraviolet rays.

5) This village’s water and power supplies have been cut off because of the snowstorm.

Text B

Language in Use 2.

1) consumption 2) instinct 3) nurture 4) priorities 5) sustain 6) sufficient 7) enhances 8) factor 9) attributes 10) gossip 3.

1) engage in 2) with a view to 3) take the initiative 4) invest in 5) interact with 6) a wide range of 4.

Reference translation

1) 在你的生活中,有没有一些人能在你人生起伏时陪你同欢笑同哭泣呢? 2) 负责此项研究的蒂莫西?史密斯教授指出,人际关系对死亡的影响如同吸烟和酗酒等危险因素一样大,甚至比缺乏运动和肥胖产生的影响更大。

3) 到了小孩上幼儿园或者读书之后,你就有机会和你孩子同学的父母交流了。 4) 也许你会搬到一个新社区、新城市甚至是另一个国家,离婚,或者做一份新工作。

5) 我正在车上,这时我的收件箱里弹出一封邮件,告知我已经被梦寐以求的学校录取了,我顿时喜极而泣。

Unit 3 Power of Music

Section A

Language in Use 4

1) popularity 2) gorgeous 6)

3) distinctive 4) rival

9) icon

7) was resolved 8) genius

5) is/was revealed

10) was adored

professionals 5 1) gives a glimpse of 5) had jotted down 6

e) bring forward 1) bring about

2) learn a trade 6) take refuge 3) deal with

7) came to mind 4) pass as/for 8) fall in love

5) bring out 8) bring forward 7 Tips Ask students to find common suffixes in words in Text A and list more words with the same suffixes.

Give students more explanations about suffixes of verbs, nouns and adjectives. Ask them to practice the skill by adding suffixes to the words in brackets and complete the sentences in Exercise 7 with newly-formed words. 1) hardship 2) popularized 3) Creative 4) consumption 5) significant 6) admirable 7) simplify 8) musical 9) performance 10)


8 Tips

Let students read the first three paragraphs of Text A and find the sentences which use different ways to express superlative meanings. Ask them to translate the sentences into Chinese. Reference translation

1) 描述天才时,爱因斯坦是你能找到的最合适的例子,就连小孩都熟悉他。 2) 在学术界,其他人的知名度连爱因斯坦的一半都不及。

3) 世界上没有哪个天才如同阿尔伯特爱因斯坦一样受到人们如此的尊敬和爱戴。他那留着与众不同的发型的照片甚至成为一种流行文化的标志。

4) 全世界都找不到另一个像他那样的学者,其知名度可以与摇滚巨星媲美。 5) 没有谁比父母更爱你。 9

Reference Translation

1) Country music is one of the most popular forms of music in the United States today.

2) There is no other misfortune that could be compared with the loss of time.

3) There is no friend as loyal as a good book.

f) bring back g) bring up 2) brought 3) bring up back/brings back 6) bring... down 7) bring in

h) bring in

4) bring forth

4) Nowhere else in the world can you find scenery as attractive as in Switzerland.

5) No cassette tapes could rival CDs in terms of sound quality.

Text B

Language in Use 2

1) bet 2) preferences 3) distracting 4) be alleviated 5) implies 6) affecting 7) random 8) spatial 9) subjective 10) variations 3

1) a variety of 2) feel like 3) In general 4) in other words


5) lighten up 6) tune out 4

Reference translation

1) 之前的研究发现,在完成某一任务之前听音乐有许多好处:可以提高注意力、记忆力,甚至心算能力。

2) 然而,更加现实的情况却是,学生边听背景音乐边学习或者做家庭作业。 3) 令人惊讶的是,实验结果竟然显示,无论受试者听喜欢的、不喜欢的音乐或者持续变化的语言,测试成绩并没有明显区别。

4) 研究者们推测,如果他们用阅读理解测试来重复这次试验程序,可能会得到相似的结果。

5) 所以你是不是应该一边学习或做家庭作业一边听音乐呢?

Unit4 Driving Forces of Sports

Text A

Language in Use 4 1) contract. 2) countered. 3) extraordinary. 4) flap. 5) flipped. 6) quit. 7) stems.

8) relived 9) moderate. 10) shivering 5

1) compete in. 2) are competing for. 3) in the zone. 4) in the lead. 5) have gained in

6) gaining on. 7) come up with. 8) catch up with. 9) fall off. 10) fell down 6

break one's heart; break one's promise break the record; break the habit break the law; break the silence break the ice; break new ground



