水冷式螺杆冷水机组技术参数表 /Chart of technical parameters of water cooling spiral long rod chiller unit 类别/sort 参数/型号/parameters/type Btu/h 额定制冷量 50Hz 单压缩机系列/single compressor series 双压缩机系列double compressor series NWS- 50WSCS 532584 NWS- 60WSCS 655488 165090 192 55 NWS- 70WSCS 778392 196045 228 65 NWS- 120WSCS 1351944 340499 396 113 NWS- 100WSCD 1058340 266552 310 88 NWS- 120WSCD NWS-140WSCD NWS- 240WSCD 1317804 1549956 2700474 331900 386 110 390370 454 129 680138 791 225 Kcal/h 134136 KW USRT 156 44 输入电源/input power supply 输入功率/input power 制冷回路/cooling loop 冷剂流量控制/coolant fow control 冷媒/cooling media 款式pattern 型号/style 压缩机 compressor 数量quantity 起动方式 start method 容量控制 capacity control 款式 style 50Hz KW % 33.9 1 41.75 1 48.2 1 ~380V/3PHASE/50Hz 83.55 1 67.7 2 83.4 2 96.3 2 167 2 热力膨胀阀heat expansion valve 电子膨胀阀(可选)electronic expansion valve (optional) R22 半密封螺杆式semi-sealed spriral long rod style KS10SHA KS10MHA KS10LHA KS13MHA 1 1 1 1 KS10SHA 2 KS10MHA KS10LHA KS13MHA 2 2 2 Y-Δ起动starting 100-75-50-25 日本神户高效能外螺纹铜管壳管式/ high effective inner grooved copper pole shell and tube condenser made in Japan 39 41 43 40 co 41 43 48 冷凝器 condenser 冷却水压力损失 the pressure loss of cooling water 蒸发器 evaporator 款式/pattern 数量/quantity Kpa 日本神户高效能内螺纹铜管壳管式/high effective inner grooved copper pole shell and pole condenser made in Kobe 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 冷冻水压力损失/the pressure loss of freezing water 冷冻水流量/flow of freezing water 溫控器temperature controller Kpa m/h 368 27 65 33 63 39 70 68 59 53 62 66 60 78 78 136 德国西门子热电偶模块/Germany siemens thermocouple module 高/低压力开关,排气过热保护,热熔塞,防冻结温控器,压缩机热保护器,过流继电器,相序/缺相保护器,油压保护。 安全装置safty device High /low voltage switch ,exhhausting overheat protection ,fusible plug anti-freezing temperature controller,compressor heat protect,overcurrent relay,phase sequence protector/lack phase protector,lack pressure protection 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 冷冻水入出 管道連接 pipes connection freezing water flow in /out 冷却水入出 cooling water flow in/out 机器重量machine weight 运行重量running weight Inch Kg Kg 长 机械尺寸/MEASURE 宽 高 3 3 4 5 4 5 5 6 Inch 850 1000 3200 1580 2100 900 1040 3200 1580 2320 1100 S 3850 1580 2320 2150 2380 4860 2300 2650 1700 2000 4460 2300 2500 1785 2080 4860 2300 2650 2100 3210 5832 2300 2650 4200 4700 6200 2300 2850
产品分类: 工业冷水机系列-水冷螺杆冷水机系列