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10. In the culture, the interest of the 装 院 系 年 级 专 业 姓 名 学 号 考试课程

2005-2006学年春季学期大学英语跨文化交际课程期末试题(A卷) 订 (院系: 专业: 年individual prevails over the interests of the group. 11. deals with a society’s tolerance for 级: ) uncertainty and ambiguity; it ultimately refers to man’s search for Truth. 线

12. considered ________refers acceptable to manners in social and and behaviors business 卷 随课 评situation. 题 II IIIV 面折堂堂总卷13. three-step Human perception process of is usually thought of as a ________, organization, 号 I 1I V 1分 合测表分 人 14. and interpretation. ______refers to a set of words or terms that 45120170试现are shared by those with a common profession 0分 50分 0% 2115. or experience. refers to the irrational dislike, 分 分 分 0 00suspicion, or hatred of a particular group, race, religion, or sexual orientation. 分 分 16. ________ refers to attaching meaning to sense 得 17. data and is synonymous with decoding. Confucius encouraged a sense of 分 18.The __________and harmony. refer to the ability and adapt the target culture; in another word, it to understand refers to the sensitivity to cultural diversity, i.e. 得分 评卷人 Part I. Fill in the blanks. Choose one the ability to behave in an appropriate way and to adapt to one’s communication and interaction word or expression from those in the box below to fill the gap in each of the sentences. 19. according to the context. people become aware of their environment. is the neurological process by which Write the correct letters in the blanks on your 20. stand for or represent a unit of meaning. are words, actions, or objects that answer sheet. (2×20=40) 得分 评卷人 Part II a. acculturation b. Culture required Case to Analysis state (You cultural are c. Nonverbal communication phenomenon in each case). (5×3=15) 1. During World War II, the Allies had issued the d. Context e. Assimilation f. Enculturation - 2 -


装 Potsdam of the Japanese military to end the war. Prime Ultimatum demanding the surrender Minister 订 not Mokusatsu see much Suzuki value said, in “The government does mean silent contempt.anything it. ” from But the it. “ignoreword All we ” Mokusatsu have to do to “treat with can is 线 offensive meaning. ” The Allies took it as the most 1. . response of refers to that portion of the receiver which source the source attends has and knowledge and to which the assigns 2. meaning. 2. In 1998 the World Cup was held in Japan and fundamental deals with a culture’s most Korea and people argued whether to ban cosmos, beliefs beliefs about about God, and its place beliefs in about the eating dogs in Korea at that time, because 3. the nature of humanity and nature. _________refers to intentional use of western people believe dogs are friends, but not nonspoken 4. message. symbol to communicate a specific food. 5. through to adapt to your society. is the socialization process you go relinquishes is the degree to which an individual And the result is that people lose their previous an original culture for another. 3. In Thailand and Laos, it is rude for a stranger 6. culture. or acquaintance to touch a child on the top of the head because the head is communication _______ is the takes environment place and in regarded as the which which helps the home of the spirit or soul. It is believed that a child7.The define the communication. effectively concept adjusting of \ and touched ’s spirit or soul is not strong enough to be and has tendency to become ill if adapting \to a refers specific to patted. 8. ____ is a learned set of shared interpretations culture or subculture. about beliefs, values, and norms, which affect 9.Hofstede’s the behaviors of a relatively large group. extent to which the less powerful members of Index measures the organizations and institutions (like the family) accept unequally. and expect that power is distributed - 3 - 院 系 年 级 专 业 姓 名 学 号 考试课程 黑龙江大学2005-2006学年春季学期大学英语跨文化交际课程期末试题

得分 评卷人 Part III (5×Answer the following questions. 3=15) 订 1. “How do people from different cultures understand silence”? 线 2. How have been individualism and collectivism associated with direct and indirect styles of 3. How does culture influence our language? communication? 得分 评卷人 Part IV English-Chinese translation: translate the following two paragraphs into Chinese. (10×2=20) 1. A foreignerto pressure. be that ’everyone s first impression of the U.S. is likely is in a rush—often hurrying seeking attention in a store, or elbowing others as to City get where people they always are going, appear restlessly to under be they through daytime meals is part of the pace of life try to complete their shopping. Racing 2.In in this country. gesture Thailand, the wai (双手合十) is a nonverbal farewell, used to communicate greeting, bidding appreciation. deep placed together and held vertically slightly under The and palms sincere of both respect, hands and are the toward chin followed by a slight head bow, chin because the accompanied the finger-tips. head There is no eye contact the by verbal is bowed. communication. The wai Usually is not wai, younger person responds with a wai as well. and the person older or person subordinate or higher-ranking initiates the 得分 评卷人 - 4 -

院 系 年 级 专 业 姓 名 黑龙江大学2005-2006学年春季学期大学英语跨文化交际课程期末试题

装 Part V Composition. You are required to write a composition about 120-150 订 words entitled “How to Become an Effective Intercultural Communicator?” (10×1=10) 线

装 2005-2006学年春季学期大学英语跨文化交际课程期末试题(A卷) 2 (院系: 专业: 年 订 级: ) 线 卷 随课 评 题 II IIIV 面折堂堂总卷 号 I 1I V 1分 合测表分 人 45120170试现 0分 50分 0% 213 分 分 分 0 00分 分 得 分 得分 评卷人 Part I. Fill in blanks. Choose one word or expression from those in the box below to fill the gap in each of the sentences. Write the correct letters in the blanks on your answer sheet. (2×20=40) - 5 -



