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21—25DCBDB 26—30 ACCDB 31—35DABAA 阅读七选五: 36—40 GBCFE 完形填空:

41-45 CABBD 46-50 ADCCA 51-55 BDCAD 56-60 BCDBA 语法填空 61 are held 66 raising 短文改错:

62 surprised 63 are 67 an 68 hands

64 on

69 which

65 responsibility 70 officially

书面表达:(One possible version)

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Li Hua, a Senior Three student in our city. Knowing you are looking for host families for the guests to stay in, I sincerely hope that my family can have the honor to be one of them.

Our home is next to the city center, where convenient transportations are available. Meanwhile, we can also meet the requirements in accommodation, which means we have enough rooms in the house and one separate room can be spared for the student, whose privacy will be surely respected. In addition, my proficiency in English enables me to communicate with foreigners fluently, thus making me a qualified host. By the way, time permitting, I’m planning to show him around those worth-visiting places, including Huizhou West Lake and Luofu Moutain, getting them to experience the natural beauty and cultural diversity here.

All in all, I’m eager to provide an impressive trip for the foreign guests. Hope you can take my application into consideration.


Li Hua


参考答案:21-25DCBDB 26-30 ACCDB 31-35DABAA A篇答案解析:DCB

21 D。从第一个公园首句The name \range situated along the North Carolina-Tennessee border可知答案为D。

22 C。从第二个公园第二段末句16 years later, it was signed by President Woodrow Wilson, officially viewing the Grand Canyon a national park.可知答案为1903年加16年。

23 B。从第三个公园... Siteosemite is designated as a World Heritage Site和第四个公园和第四个公园段二首句...Zion National Park is also an important place to study ancient humans 可推理答案为B。

B篇答案:DBAC 解析:

24. D细节题。由第一段“It was me from many years ago”可知:作者遇见了多年前的自己。 25. B细节题。由第二段I wanted to share with him all that I had learned over the long years of my life. 得知作者想与之分享。(“I wanted to spare him the pain I had suffered and the mistakes I had made.”可知:作者打算帮助过去自己避免曾经犯过的错误,不是原谅自己。)

26. 细节题。由第三段“I realized at that moment that even if I told him he wouldn’t believe me.”可知:作者因为自己不可能被信任,所以没有开口。

27. 推断题。由最后两段:He would have to find truth in his own way and in his own time. We all have to walk the road. We all have to travel through sorrow as well as joy. We all have to learn to love. We all have to grow into who we were meant to be. It takes our whole lives. Yet, it is a journey worth making.推出:每个人的人生之路必须自己走。



28.C 由文章第一段“ In the age of social networking, however, first impressions are sometimes made even before we actually meet someone in person---that is, by looking at their profile photo.”可知,在社交媒体时代,第一印象有时甚至只是在看个人头像时就形成了。

29.D 根据第二段对研究的描述“The researchers wanted to find out if there was a connection between personality traits---like openness, extroversion, and neuroticism(神经质)--and a person’s profile picture. ”可知答案。

30.B 根据第三段对不同性格用户使用的社交图片可知,开朗的人更倾向于在头像中摆出别具一格的姿势,并用上眼镜、吉他等物件。与此同时,神经质的人常常掩饰自己的消极情绪。他们试着避免展示自己的面容,而是用宠物、汽车或者建筑物等物的图像来代替。可以排除A, 选择B。由第四段中,外向者被发现头像颜色最为鲜艳,因为他们想要强调自己的个性,并且展示自己, 可排除C。

31.D 纵观全文及第二段的第一句“According to a recent study, these social images say a lot about our personality. ”为全文的主旨句。故答案选D。

D篇答案:ABAA 解析:

32. A.写作手法题。根据全文内容结构及文章第二段开头“Like Janus,….”可知,作者提及Janus是


33.B词汇猜测题。根据第一段“On one side are the positive changes…”和第二段“Look the other way, though, and there are plenty of potential pitfalls.”得知这两个方面是对立的,再根据最后一段的第一句“It is too early to tell whether the positive changes brought by AI will outweigh the risk.”得知答案B正确。

34.A 大意归纳题。根据全文,特别是文章第一段和最后一段可知,最佳答案为A, 即人工智能是把双刃剑。



参考答案:41-45 CABBD 46-50 ADCCA 51-55 BDCAD 56-60 BCDBA 41. 从下文“I’d pick him up outside the shop near his school at 3:30 pm可知是接Sam回家的“安排”plan.

42. 从下文的“warn him to take __43__.”可知是“恶劣的”天气。 43. 天气恶劣,因此要找躲雨的地方。shelter遮蔽处

44. 从下文“unable to communicate that to him”可知电话电池没电了。

45. 下文“As a result, he was left alone”,因为作者迟到了late,Sam才会独自一人等待。 46. nervous与frightened并列,表达了Sam当时因为独自一人而产生的情绪。 47. “He didn’t dare to move even a small step.” 说明Sam在等待。

48. “a beautiful old lady went to check on him and took him inside her shop”是一件幸运的事。 49. 上文提到Sam“…and frightened”,这位lady让他平静下来。 50. 要了电话号码,通知作者,选informed.

51. 上文提到接放学的时间是at 3:30 pm,下午所以每天放学后Sam会到那位lady的店里去和她交流。

52. 从上文的“bread and rolls”可知Sam拿了很多吃的东西回家给家人吃,选feed. 53. Sam将要毕业,作者打算去拜访“drop in on sb”那位女士,并表示感谢。 54. 那位女士帮助了作者rescue sb from a … situation“帮助某人解围”。

55. 上文 “let this wonderful lady know”,所以此处填“convey”表达,传递。 56. 表达感谢,用thank.

57. Sam和作者对于那位lady来说,是“stranger”,陌生人。 58. 帮助了陌生人会被感激“appreciate”. 59. 本文的主题是kindness.

60. 文中的lady帮助了Sam, 让Sam这样一个患自闭症的孩子敢于开始和他人交流。是“make a difference” to Sam.



