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BC Curriculum Analysis

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BC Curriculum Analysis


Big ideas: Personal design choices require the evaluation and refinement of skills. Curricular competencies: Identify and critically assess skills needed for design interests, and develop specific plans to learn or refine them over time. and Content: cultural sensitivity and etiquette, including ethics of cultural appropriation.

Explain words:

Evaluation: the making of a judgment about the amount, number, or value of something; assessment.

Critically: in a critical manner. Specific plans: a specific plan of what you will learn. Refine: improve (something) by making small changes, in particular make (an idea, theory, or method) more subtle and accurate.

Cultural sensitivity: being aware that cultural differences and similarities between people

exist without assigning them a value – positive or negative, better or worse, right or wrong.

Ethics of cultural appropriation: the ethics of cultural appropriation undertakes a comprehensive and systematic investigation of the moral and aesthetic questions that arise from the practice of cultural appropriation. Explores cultural appropriation in a wide variety of contexts, among them the arts and archaeology, museums, and religion.

Item means in general:

For personal design choices require the evaluation and refinement of skills. I

explained that the topic was to choose the course and content for myself and to choose the course I needed to complete the evaluation and supplement in the course. For example, when I choose the course of tourism, I will learn the skills of type, nature, characteristics and so on of tourism. But when I choose hotel management this course, I will choose about hotel marketing, hotel service skills and other skills. But when I study these two classes I need to complete the evaluation and refinement.

For identify and critically assess skills needed for design interests, and develop

specific plans to learn or refine them over time. I will explain this as in the course of our study, we will encounter some courses and skills that are not interested and feel boring. But we have to learn and master these contents, so we need to make specific plans to learn or improve them. For example, when I really don't want to learn the course of mathematics, but many universities need the grades of this course no matter which major, so I need to make a plan for the study of this course, such as completing 30 minutes of practice every day, looking at the questions that have been wrong before once a week, and so on. And regularly evaluate their learning outcomes.

For cultural sensitivity and etiquette, including ethics of cultural appropriation. I will explain that when we are engaged in tourism-related occupations, we may come into contact with people from many different countries, so we have to learn the etiquette of many different countries, understand their culture and so on. This will show the most basic respect for those people. will not make them feel sad or angry. For example, it is impolite that elbows can not be placed on a table in the West. And this is also in the study of tourism-related courses must learn the most basic etiquette.


When we are learning cultural sensitivity and etiquette, including the culture of other countries, we may encounter a lot of culture and etiquette that is contradictory to our own country, and even the country that may need to learn I don't like it, or the country has been in conflict with my own country (China) in history. For example, the United States, Japan and China have had different degrees of war or contradiction, each country has been hurt to varying degrees. Some people may reject the historical

content that needs to be learned, or countries that need to learn. And if we want to get these skills, these etiquette and culture learning is inevitable. So we need to set up specific plans to learn and refine them, such as reading one hour a day about lessons that require learning skills, or traveling once on a holiday to a country we didn't like, to see if people there were really that annoying, and to learn about the culture and etiquette of that country when dealing with people there. Or you can ask a teacher or a good friend to help them change their attitude to learning and let them evaluate their learning results. Finally, on the basis of continuous improvement of the plan, so that the individual design choice needs to be assessed and refinement skills.

BC Curriculum Analysis


